The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1243 Revenge 1

Three more days passed.

The realm of Zhu Yue and the other two was also stabilized during these three days.

"Brothers and sisters, everything is ready now. It's time for our revenge!"

In Huang Wuji's eyes, a cold light burst out, almost freezing the space in front.

They had already planned that when Zhu Yue and the other two's cultivation broke through to the Little Legend, they could start revenge against Zi Dongyang and others.


"I can't wait!"

Chen Fan, Yan Weiyi and others were all filled with strong murderous intent.

Their injuries had already recovered completely. It can be said that the eight of them are now at their peak strength. Even Chen Fan's cultivation has improved further during this period, reaching the middle stage of the Little Legend.

"Okay, let's act!"

Huang Wuji waved his hand, and the eight people rushed out directly and began the revenge action.


The fourth level of the assessment site was turbulent.

As people from Ziyang Continent and Tianxuan Continent, who had grudges against Tianwu Continent, gathered together and began to sweep the people from Tianwu Continent, many people suffered.

Originally, in addition to Chen Fan and eight others, there were two more people from Zhenwu Academy who entered the fourth level of assessment.

But unfortunately, these two people were found during the sweep and were directly slaughtered.

Not only the people from Zhenwu Academy, but also other people from Tianwu Continent were found and killed.

Among these people, there were many small legendary strongmen, but two fists could not beat four hands, and they had no ability to resist at all.

After the news spread, those people from Tianwu Continent who had not been found were angry and afraid after getting the news, so they began to secretly look for people from Tianwu Continent.

After all, it would be safer for several people to gather together than for one person.

Of course, in this way, the target would be larger and easier to be found by people like Zi Dongyang and Luo Hao.

For such things, people from other continents did not intervene.

In fact, many people took the initiative to pass on some information.

Their intention was to let the people of Tianwu Continent fight with Zi Dongyang and others and consume each other.

This would be beneficial to them. By consuming the strength of both sides, they would benefit in the end.

Many people were even looking for Chen Fan and others.

After all, the power of Wudi Peak was much stronger than that of others in Tianwu Continent, and they were more capable of fighting to the death with Luo Hao and others.

There were several figures at the edge of a shallow beach.

These people were from Tianwu Continent, and among them was someone Chen Fan knew, Ji's Tianjiao, Ji Kong.

Ji Kong has now broken through to the level of Little Legend, and his strength is not weak.

There were five people in the group. In addition to Ji Kong, the other four were also Little Legends. The strongest one reached the late Little Legend. His name was Lu Xiu, and he was a casual cultivator.

One was in the late Little Legend, one was in the middle Little Legend, and three were in the early Little Legend.

Such a force could be established even in Tianwu Continent.

But at this moment, the five people's expressions were extremely vigilant.

Now this test site is full of dangers.

Facing the sweep by Luo Hao, Ji Feixue and others, the survivors of Tianwu Continent are hiding everywhere, and they are no exception.

Just three days ago, they passed by a sweep team led by Ye Yuanming and were almost discovered. If they hadn't run fast, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out.

"Damn it!"

Several people couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Now they dare not go out, let alone look for opportunities and compete for immortal fate.

Although this test site is very large, it is not easy for Ye Yuanming and others to find them, but now people from other continents will not attack them, but if they meet them, they will pass their news to Ye Yuanming and others.

"Ji Kong, our only way now is to find Chen Fan, Huang Wuji and others. Only by joining forces with them can we have the strength to compete with Ye Yuanming and others."

The strongest Lu Xiu spoke.

Ye Yuanming and his group are people from several continents who have united together. They are numerous and powerful, while the number of people from Tianwu Continent who have entered the fourth level of assessment is not large, only about 20 to 30 people in total.

Excluding some people killed by Ye Yuanming and his group, there are still 20 people, which is considered a lot.

"Yes, Huang Wuji is a powerful great legend, and he has a fairy weapon in his hand. Even if there are three great legends on the side of the Cleanup Alliance, Huang Wuji should be able to compete. In addition to Di Chen, Chen Fan and others, we find them and act with them."

The man in the middle stage of the little legend spoke in agreement. This man is called Baili Xi, and he is a genius of Jianshen Villa.

Ji Kong said helplessly: "Of course I know that if we act with them, our safety will be greatly improved, but the key is where can we find them? Now Ye Yuanming, Ji Feixue, Luo Hao and others are leading people to search for us everywhere. If they find us, we will be completely finished."

"Don't you have any way to contact them? If I remember correctly, Chen Fan is really the son-in-law of your Ji family." Lu Xiu frowned.

Ji Kong shook his head and said, "Really? If there were, I would have taken you to find them a long time ago. Why would you hide here and be frightened?"

"Oh... No!"

At this moment, the expressions of Lu Xiu, Ji Kong and others changed drastically, because their immortal fate had changed. At the same time, a strong breath also surrounded them.

"Go, they found us!"

The expressions of Ji Kong and the other five changed drastically. Without saying a word, they immediately soared into the sky.

"Hahahaha, where do you want to go?"

However, just as their figures rushed into the sky, a loud laugh exploded.

At the same time, a terrifying hand that covered the sky fell from the sky and slapped the five of them down fiercely.



Ji Kong and the other five were like meteorites falling to the ground. The whole ground was shaking. They quickly stood up, their breath was disordered, they vomited blood, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

I saw that around them, led by Ye Yuanming, fifteen or sixteen people surrounded them and surrounded them in this shallow beach, like a copper wall and iron wall, indestructible.

These people all had ferocious sneers on their faces, looking at them as if they were prey.

"It's over!"

Ji Kong, Lu Xiu and the other five were all in despair.

Not to mention the others, Ye Yuanming alone was not someone they could contend with.

The palm that knocked them down just now was enough to explain the problem.

Even if the five of them joined forces, they were no match for the legendary Ye Yuanming. The gap was too big, not to mention that among the fifteen or sixteen people, eight or nine were minor legends.

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