The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1303 Immortal-level body

Boom boom.

The violent energy exploded on the surface of the Death Glacier, causing countless splashes of water.

There were countless treasure monsters in the river, as if they were endless.

Of course, the level of these treasure monsters was generally not high, most of them were at the level of fifth or sixth-level magic weapons, and there were even first and second-level ones, who rushed out to attack Chen Fan and his men regardless of anything and were smashed to pieces.

There were also many treasure monsters that were still embryos and had not yet been refined into magic weapons. The attack power of these embryos was strong or weak, depending on the materials used to refine these embryos.

Many people followed Chen Fan's example and captured treasure monsters wantonly.

However, some people did not have Chen Fan's powerful body and did not have enough cultivation. As a result, they were besieged by a large group of treasure monsters and were directly beaten into sieves.

Although the level of these treasure monsters was not high, in order to resist the terrifying coldness of the glacier, most of the power of the people present was restrained, and the power that could be exerted was only 30% to 40%.

It's OK to deal with one or two treasure monsters, but if there are more, you don't even consider your own strength and give up your life in vain.

Although Chen Fan is only in the middle stage of the Great Legend, he can be said to be at the bottom of the bottom among the crowd.

But his body is strong, and his true essence cultivation is not restrained, not to mention that his combat power cannot be measured by cultivation.

Therefore, for Chen Fan, there is no great pressure to capture treasure monsters. The attacks of these treasure monsters can't even hurt his golden body.

"Oh my god, no wonder he was able to escape the attack of the Immortal King's Immortal Mind. It's not just that he was willing to self-destruct the middle-grade immortal weapon, his physical body is also abnormally strong."

"Yeah, the attacks of those treasure monsters couldn't hurt him at all, I'm afraid they were just tickling him."

"No comparison! No comparison!"

Everyone saw Chen Fan was relaxed and at ease, not struggling at all, and the attacks of those treasure monsters fell on Chen Fan, but Chen Fan was too lazy to resist, letting these treasure monsters bombard him at will, indifferent, but nothing happened, and they were all shocked.

One treasure monster after another was captured by Chen Fan, and the treasure energy in them was absorbed. His domineering golden body quickly improved and continued to move towards level 45. This is simply getting stronger in battle.

Others were repelling the treasure monsters and moving forward, but Chen Fan went wherever there were more treasure monsters, which was extremely eye-catching.


At this time, the movement in the river suddenly became stronger, making the people who had gradually adapted to the invasion of treasure monsters suddenly nervous.

As there were many treasure monsters in the Death Glacier, but none of them were strong, they were not strenuous to deal with them carefully.

But now there was another violent movement in the Death Glacier, and it seemed that a more powerful treasure monster was about to be born, which made them nervous.


At this time, the cold river surface suddenly broke open.

Then, a huge crocodile treasure monster rushed out, full of treasure aura, and a strong and fierce aura swept out.


As if Pandora's box was opened, with the appearance of this powerful crocodile treasure monster, the surrounding water surface exploded one after another, as if a bomb exploded, and the water splashed hundreds of feet high, and one after another treasure monsters with terrifying auras rushed out.

These treasure monsters have different shapes, including crocodiles, whales, seahorses, walruses, etc., all kinds of treasure monsters, each of which is covered with a thick layer of treasure aura.

"Oh no, could it be that the ancestors of the treasure monsters have been awakened?"

"The aura of these treasure monsters is so strong, they have definitely reached the level of the eighth or ninth level. We are now using most of our strength to resist the chill of the Death Glacier. Facing the attacks of these treasure monsters, we will definitely not be able to stop them."

"Damn it! It must be because of that kid. If he hadn't captured the treasure monsters on a large scale, he would definitely not have summoned these treasure monster ancestors. It's all because of him!"

The faces of the people changed drastically, and some even pointed the finger at Chen Fan directly, thinking that it was Chen Fan's large-scale capture of treasure monsters that led to these powerful treasure monsters.

If they were in other places, with their cultivation, they would not be afraid of these treasure monsters, and they would even take the initiative to rush up to capture these powerful treasure monsters.

But now they are in the Death Glacier, most of their strength is tied up, and they are no match for these powerful treasure monsters.

If they deal with these treasure monsters with all their strength, the terrifying chill of the Death Glacier can freeze them into ice sculptures in an instant.

However, unlike the frightened expressions of others, Chen Fan's face showed joy.

The treasure monsters that were captured before had very little treasure energy on their bodies. He captured hundreds of them, but they were probably not as much as the treasure energy on the crocodile treasure monster in front of him.

Now the appearance of these powerful treasure monsters is just what he wants.

He is not too restrained and can fully exert his strength. By capturing these powerful treasure monsters, he can not only absorb the strong treasure energy in them and quickly improve the strength of the golden body of the hegemon, but also get a powerful magic weapon, killing two birds with one stone.

"Hahaha, good!"

Chen Fan laughed loudly and actually pounced on it directly.

The big hand was like a net, grabbing the crocodile treasure monster directly, and wanted to catch the crocodile treasure monster directly to death on the spot.


The crocodile treasure monster was stunned for a moment, then reacted and was directly enraged.

In its view, the person in front of it should be its food. Now that he met it, he should tremble, just like the other people around him, with a terrified expression on his face. How could he take the initiative to pounce on him.

This was simply provoking it, not taking it seriously.

Immediately, the crocodile treasure monster slapped Chen Fan with its front paws, and turned into several powerful axe blades, trying to split Chen Fan in half on the spot.

However, the axe blades swung by the crocodile treasure monster were directly crushed by Chen Fan, and the sky-lifting hand continued to grab the crocodile treasure monster without any pause.


All of a sudden, Chen Fan's big hand hit the crocodile treasure monster, and the treasure aura on its body was blasted apart, revealing its body, which was an axe, an eighth-level magic weapon.

The soul of this crocodile treasure monster with the peak aura of a great legend was directly shattered, and the powerful treasure aura was instantly absorbed and refined by Chen Fan. All the blood and flesh cells in his body seemed to have encountered delicious food, and they became happy.

Chen Fan was like a ferocious beast. After solving the crocodile treasure monster, he pounced on other powerful treasure monsters.

These treasure monsters looked powerful, but because they didn't know martial arts and could only exert their strength instinctively, their attack power was greatly reduced. Facing Chen Fan, a fierce man, they couldn't stand it at all and were defeated in a few seconds.

Not long after, Chen Fan defeated more than ten powerful treasure monsters, absorbed and refined all the treasure energy of these treasure monsters, and finally reached the critical point of the Tyrant Body Golden Body.

"Come here!"

Chen Fan was in a very happy mood, and finally broke through. He immediately rushed towards a whale treasure monster and fought with it. After hundreds of moves, he finally took down the whale treasure monster, a ninth-level magic hammer.


The majestic treasure energy poured into Chen Fan's body, and finally broke through the last barrier at once. The golden light on Chen Fan's body suddenly surged, and the Tyrant Body Golden Body instantly broke through to level 45.

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