Not only the sturdy man, but others also stepped forward and began to communicate with the Nine Immortal Bell, hoping to get the recognition of the immortal soul and thus obtain this great weapon.

Now that we know that it is impossible to take the Nine Immortal Bell by force, we can only communicate with the immortal bell and get the recognition of the immortal soul. This depends on our luck.

Therefore, a bloody battle was avoided.

Chen Fan looked at the Nine Immortal Bell, which was densely covered with runes, shining in the sky and illuminating the entire world.

On the vast land, many runes were reflected down, and thousands of runes fell on the ground, mysterious and unfathomable.

"This ancient bell is amazing. If you want to communicate with the ancient bell, I'm afraid you need to connect these runes together to cause the ancient bell to vibrate." Chen Fan said in his heart.

Then, he took a step forward, and after a moment he stood under the ancient bell, looking up at the huge ancient bell in the void, feeling extremely magical.

"Each rune has its own unique rules. These interwoven runes can form a wonderful rune array together, thus triggering the resonance of heaven and earth and mobilizing the laws of heaven and earth."

Chen Fan had read thousands of books in the Spring and Autumn Sect and the Zhenwu Academy. He can be said to be well-read and has a wide range of knowledge. He also has some understanding of these runes.

At this time, the young man in gorgeous clothes came over, turned his head and looked at him, with a flash of contempt in his eyes, and said: "Do you know runes?"

Chen Fan looked at the other party and saw that the young man had an extraordinary temperament, a full forehead, long hair draped over his shoulders, and his eyes had a golden luster, revealing a sharp aura. His pupils seemed to have a strong penetrating power. When he looked at Chen Fan, his eyes actually conveyed a faint pressure.

"I know a little bit." Chen Fan responded.

However, a faint ironic smile flashed across the corner of the young man's mouth, as if he was mocking Chen Fan's shamelessness.

Chen Fan ignored the other party's disdain. He stood under the ancient bell, bathed in thousands of rune lights, and quietly comprehended.

For him, each rune was not difficult to understand. The difficult part was how to communicate with the Nine Immortal Bell through these runes.

"Runes are the root of the power of the Nine Immortal Bell, which triggers the power of the laws between heaven and earth. As long as I find the rules of these runes, I can communicate with the Nine Immortal Bell."

Chen Fan said in his heart. He actually walked to the side of the Nine Immortal Bell and sat down directly, closed his eyes, and quietly comprehended.

Around, endless rune lights shone, as vast as the sea, unfathomable, and it seemed impossible to start.

This sitting lasted for several days.

In the past few days, hundreds of strong men gathered around have tried to communicate with the Nine Immortal Bell in various ways, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

Obviously, it is not an easy thing to communicate with the Nine Immortal Bell and get the recognition of the immortal soul.

At this moment, the endless runes in front of them seemed to converge into a river of rune light, hitting the huge Nine Immortal Bell. Suddenly, the Nine Immortal Bell hummed softly, but the reaction was not big.

"My God, he actually rang the Nine Immortal Bell, it's incredible!"

Although the Nine Immortal Bell did not react much, it was enough to shock everyone's heart.

"It's him, the guy who said that the ancient bell had spirits a few days ago. At that time, he didn't even take the virtual immortal masters seriously. Looking at his dress and temperament, he is very extraordinary. Could he be the prodigy cultivated by the Immortal Gate Holy Land?"

Everyone was shocked to see that someone actually rang the Nine Immortal Bell. They started to discuss, pointing at the young man in gorgeous clothes, guessing the identity of this person.

"Direct attack?"

Chen Fan murmured.

His mind moved slightly, and many rune lights shone suddenly, but it seemed to be hidden in the endless rune light without taking shape, but it kept wriggling, containing a strong power.

But this force stopped when it descended in front of the Nine Immortal Bell. Chen Fan's mind moved, and all the fluctuations disappeared in an instant.

"If it was just an attack, I could easily mobilize multiple forces to attack the Nine Immortal Bell, but it was impossible to shake the Nine Immortal Bell with a simple attack. Could it be that I just played the Nine Immortal Bell to find a slight fit?"

Chen Fan thought secretly in his heart.

He still closed his eyes, and thousands of rune lights fell down and spread around his body. These rune lights seemed to be part of the Nine Immortal Bell.

"There should be a kind of power that can activate the law, which can resonate between people and instruments."

Chen Fan said in his heart.

Runes can activate the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

What he needs to do is to find this power.

However, this seems difficult.

In the next few days, strong men made the Nine Immortal Bell play one after another, but they could still only feel a little bit of the existence of the Nine Immortal Bell's immortal soul, which was looming and extremely vague.

"In the past few days, people have activated the runes and rung the Nine Immortal Bell, but no one has been able to communicate with the immortal spirit of the Nine Immortal Bell."

"I have given up. It seems that I am destined to have no chance with the Nine Immortal Bell."

"I don't know who will be the lucky person in the end, who can communicate with the Nine Immortal Bell, get the recognition of the immortal spirit, and ascend to heaven in one step."

At this moment, more than half of the people around have given up communicating with the Nine Immortal Bell.

Let alone communicating with the Nine Immortal Bell, they can't even activate the runes on the immortal bell.

Many people who gave up left here directly and went to other places in the treasure house to collect treasures.

Since the Nine Immortal Bell is out of reach, other treasures must not be let go.

Although the most precious treasure in the treasury is the Nine Immortal Bell, there are many immortal artifacts in the treasury. If you can get them, it will be worth the trip.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who did not leave, watching every move here.

Chen Fan still sat cross-legged there. At this moment, he was already at a critical moment.

He faintly found the invisible rule power, and thousands of invisible rune lights seemed to be flowing. If there were super strong people, they would be able to find that at this moment, the rune lights of this world seemed to be flowing in a wonderful rhythm, hovering on the Nine Immortal Bell.

Chen Fan was focused.

In his consciousness, the endless rune lights seemed to converge into a whole, flowing on the Nine Immortal Bell.

A terrifying bell sounded, causing his body to tremble suddenly. His consciousness seemed to enter the Nine Immortal Bell and saw a vague space with a pair of eyes faintly, as if looking at him.

At the same time, Chen Fan also felt a wonderful power, as if at this moment, he could easily ring the Nine Immortal Bell with just a thought.

"Dong, Dong..."

The terrifying bell sounded, like the sound of heaven.

It was the purest bell sound, ringing continuously, as if the Nine Immortal Bell had truly awakened, making a sound that truly belonged to it.

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