The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1361 A Gathering of Storms

"You are right. Although Chen Fan has been a member for less than five years, it must be said that he is indeed a genius. The invincible legend can actually kill a master at the level of virtual immortal. Now that a year and a half has passed, his strength must be even stronger."

"But it's a pity. I heard that he offended the Huameng. He will never have a good life in the future."

"Oh? What's going on? How could he offend the Huameng?"

"I heard that Shen Jianqiu and Chen Wang took the initiative to invite Chen Fan to join the Huameng, but Chen Fan refused. This is the first time in history. When has the Huameng been so embarrassed? With the domineering style of the Huameng, it will never let it go."

"Then it's a pity that Chen Fan is still here. He actually offended Huameng. But to be honest, he really doesn't know what's good for him. Huameng took the initiative to invite him to join, but he actually refused. He is really arrogant. "

"That's right. We have no way to join Huameng, but he refused directly. He is really arrogant."

"Hehe, there are also many people from Huameng among the lower-level disciples. People like Ye Kuang and Xing Qian are all at the peak of virtual immortals, and ordinary virtual immortals are not their opponents at all. Although Chen Fan is a genius and has made great progress in strength, I think he is still far behind Ye Kuang and Xing Qian. If he meets these two people, he will probably not have a good ending."

Many people were talking about the top three people they were optimistic about.

At this time, the sound of a huge bell rang in the sky and spread to all directions.

All the lower-level disciples knew that the fight was about to begin.

For a holy place like Yuhuamen, such a large-scale competition cannot be held one by one on the stage. With hundreds of thousands of disciples, how many stages would be needed?

Therefore, a powerful person directly opened up a small plane in the void.

Being able to open up such a small plane as a place for competition also shows how deep the foundation of Yuhuamen is.

However, this is also considering the huge destructive power that the competition may produce.

You know, although they are all lower-level disciples, they are all legendary masters who have comprehended the laws after all. Such destructive power is still very terrifying.

If the competition is not held in a small plane, if it really starts, many peaks of Yuhuamen can be destroyed in minutes.


Chen Fan, Huang Wuji and others followed the flow of people to the place of the competition. Such a grand occasion is also the only one they have ever seen in their lives.

In Tianwu Continent, masters of the legendary realm are at the peak level. If they reach the level of virtual immortals, they are like giants and no one can defeat them.

In the entire Zhenwu Academy, there are only two masters at the level of virtual immortals, and there are only dozens of masters at the legendary level. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of legends today, they are just a drop in the bucket and are not worth looking at at all.

Such a large army, if organized, can definitely sweep across the lower world and be unstoppable.

After Chen Fan and his team signed up, they directly entered the small plane and found that countless masters had gathered in the entire plane space.

Countless young masters gathered in this world, and their auras confronted each other, sweeping and rushing straight into the world. From a distance, just watching was already very amazing.


A huge breath swept down in an instant.

Countless vitality began to be condensed into specific images by a mysterious force, which turned out to be a magic sword, and everyone was fascinated by it.

These images of vitality are the embodiment of the laws they have comprehended.

Generally speaking, people like them only comprehend the laws and initially mobilize the power of the laws to enhance the power of the attack.

When they reach the fairyland, they take the law into their bodies. When they reach the fairy king realm, the blood and flesh cells of their bodies contain the law. Every move they make seems to carry a divine power. Although they can manipulate the law to form various shapes at will, they can never materialize the law as easily as this.

Only when they reach the fairy emperor realm, shining with the sun and the moon, can they materialize the shape they want in their hands. It may be a tripod, some are knives, or even the world, etc., all kinds of different.

Therefore, from the moment these magic swords appeared, everyone knew that this was a giant figure in the fairy emperor realm. Only giants in the fairy emperor realm could create such a scene.

That majestic figure was very vague in the eyes of everyone. They couldn't look directly at his face at all, because they only saw a mass of nothingness, and they couldn't see it at all, unless he was willing, or reached a similar level of skill.

However, no matter which giant figure of Yuhuamen, it is obvious that they can't guess now, and they must maintain due awe, which is respect for the strong.

"I never thought that this competition would be hosted by a giant figure at the Immortal Emperor level. This shows how much importance the sect attaches to this competition."

"Yes, such competitions have been held in the past, but they were hosted by figures at the Immortal King level, and even a few times were hosted by elders at the Immortal Platform level. This is completely different from the present."

"If we perform well, and if we are noticed by the giant figures, won't we rise to the top in one step?"

"Rising to success? Don't think about it. How is it possible? No matter how good your performance is, can you still break into the top ten, not the top three? When people want to recruit disciples, they also recruit talented people like Sikong and Ye Kuang."

"I will definitely be able to reach such a state in the future!"

"Man, this is how it should be!"

Some people were extremely shocked, but there were also some people who were ambitious and had the idea of ​​replacing them in the future.

Of course, these people are the best among the lower disciples, geniuses with the qualifications of Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors. They are broad-minded and ambitious. Who doesn't want to reach the top?

Chen Fan's eyes were also fixed on the blurry figure in the sky, and his heart was shocked.

Such a person, even if placed in the entire heaven, is the most top existence, a person who would make the whole world tremble when he stomps his feet.

The powerful fluctuations on his body frightened Chen Fan. This fluctuation gave him a feeling of terror from within.

If this person was his enemy, he could be killed thousands of times with just one thought.

Although he had seen the Blood Emperor, who was also a giant of the Immortal Emperor, the Blood Emperor was cut into pieces and suppressed by the Cathay Divine Iron Seal. His aura was far less than one ten thousandth of that of this vague figure.

"Is this the giant Immortal Emperor? It's really scary. Just taking a look at it makes me feel like I want to kneel down and worship!"

Chen Fan thought secretly in his heart.

There is even some joy in my heart.

I was so ignorant back then that I broke into the blood emperor's sealed place. If the blood emperor hadn't been sealed, he might not have been able to die even if he had ten lives.

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