The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1420 Ancient Emperor's Tomb

Chen Fan sat on the top of the mountain, feeling the cold wind blowing, his eyes twinkling.

His situation has become very difficult now, even more difficult than when he first entered the Ancient Immortal Realm. Although he faces fewer enemies, the quality of the enemies has become higher.

"Hey, it would be great if I could break through to the peak of the Void Immortal. At that time, even if I face the eighth or ninth-level half-immortal, I won't be afraid at all!"

Chen Fan clenched his fist.

Although his cultivation level has been improving, the speed of improvement cannot keep up with the speed at which the enemies he faces become stronger.

It's just that his current cultivation level has once again reached a bottleneck period. It is simply impossible to break through to the peak of Xuxian in a short time.

It can be said that he went from the early stage of Xuxian to the peak of the late stage of Xuxian in just one year. It was too short and the improvement was too fast. Even though he was promoted in such a difficult environment, the hidden dangers would be eliminated. It has been reduced to a minimum, but there are still hidden dangers.

If he forcefully breaks through again, then this hidden danger will probably be magnified immediately.

His current hidden danger cannot be solved by refining the whole body's true energy in the oven of heaven and earth, but that his cultivation level has improved too quickly, and he needs to spend time to accumulate his own cultivation level.

But the current situation seems to not give him time to settle at all.

At this moment, he came to a fork in the road, whether to forcefully pass the pass and increase the hidden dangers, or not to pass the pass and accumulate strength, but face the danger of life and death.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed crazily, and a battle between heaven and man was going on in his mind.

After a moment, his gaze became firm.

"The tall buildings are rising from the ground. It's better not to rush through the barrier. Even if there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire next, I will try my best. I still don't believe that those eighth- and ninth-level half-immortals can kill me!"

Chen Fansi thought about it and decided not to force the pass.

Although he is no match for the eighth- and ninth-level half-immortals now, it is impossible for the other party to kill him unless they unite multiple people to encircle and suppress him, but this is unlikely.

In this case, his life is still guaranteed, and he does not have to rush to break through the barrier and destroy the Great Wall.

The worst case scenario is that he will just spend a period of time being hunted and hiding. After his cultivation has settled down and his cultivation has broken through, it won't be too late to come back for revenge.

"That's it!"

Chen Fan finally made his decision.

After deciding not to force the pass, Chen Fan became more and more cautious when walking in the ancient realm.

But it's a pity that his current reputation in the Ancient Immortal Realm is no weaker than those of the top experts in the eighth and ninth-level semi-immortal realms.

Therefore, no matter how careful he is, he will still be discovered.

So for the next six months, Chen Fan could be said to have lived a life worse than death.

Sure enough, after he killed a few masters of the seventh-level semi-immortal realm and shocked everyone, and after a period of calm, the storm finally broke out with incomparable ferocity.

Half a year.

For half a year, what he faced was no longer the pursuit and interception of a small group of people in the Fengxian Ancient Realm, but the pursuit and interception of the entire Fengxian Ancient Realm.

Of course, those guys with weak cultivation levels did not participate in the ambush and assassination of him. They only acted as minions of the top forces and top figures, looking for his traces and passing on his news.

Therefore, under such circumstances, no matter how careful Chen Fan is, he will still be discovered, which will attract the interception and killing of many powerful people.

For half a year, he was either on the way to escape or preparing to escape.

Because these guys who attacked him were all above the seventh-stage semi-immortal realm.

Even knowing that Chen Fan had the strength to kill a seventh-level half-immortal, many masters of the seventh-level half-immortal realm united to surround and kill him, using the human sea tactic.

Chen Fan can deal with two or three masters of the seventh-stage semi-immortal realm, but what about five, six, seven or eight?

Therefore, in half a year, Chen Fan was in a state of ecstasy and escaped death dozens of times.

It can be said that every time he escaped death, it was the result of severe injuries. If it were not for his strong physique and abnormal recovery power, anyone else would have died long ago.

That is to say, he disappeared for a period of time and then reappeared, alive and kicking again.

Of course, under such circumstances, Chen Fan really felt that the hidden dangers in his body were eliminated, and the bottleneck at the peak of Xuxian became slightly looser.

This kind of looseness is normal loosening and is not caused by forced clearance.

In this way, Chen Fan felt relieved. At least the heavy injuries he had suffered in the past six months were not in vain, and it was still effective.

"Very good!"

In a hidden cave, Chen Fan opened his eyes, and a light flashed.

This time, he spent ten days in seclusion to heal his wounds and consumed a lot of healing elixirs. The amount of healing elixirs in his storage ring was almost exhausted.

There was no other way. He had been seriously injured too many times in the past six months, and each time he was left with almost half a life.

If it weren't for the fact that he had killed some seventh-level half-immortals in the past six months and obtained their wealth, otherwise, the miraculous medicine in his body would have been clean and slippery long ago.

"In a month or two, we should be able to start making breakthroughs. At that time, it will be time for me to fight back. Hmm, just wait for me. You will cry sometimes!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed with cold light.

At this moment, outside the cave, a group of figures came quickly.

"Are you sure? Is it really the Tomb of the Ancient Emperor?"

"It's true. The news has spread to most of the ancient realm of Fengxian. Many top forces and top figures are heading to Mingshan."

"It's a pity that we are too weak. We finally found an ancient emperor's ruins in the ancient realm, but we can only follow those top forces and figures and drink some soup."

"Don't complain. There is nothing we can do about it."

"That's right, speed up and rush over."

A group of ten people, all in the semi-immortal realm, but the strongest person is only the fifth semi-immortal, which is not as good as the medium-sized forces such as Huameng or Taixuanmeng.

In the cave.

"Ancient Emperor's Tomb?"

Chen Fan's eyes lit up when he heard the conversation between these people.

The so-called ancient emperor is the immortal emperor figure in ancient or prehistoric times, also known as the emperor.

A tomb of an immortal emperor, not to mention the many treasures in it, the inheritance of the immortal emperor alone is enough to attract everyone.

Now it is said that he has obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, but he has not. Now, the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor has actually appeared in the world.

"Damn it, now I have become the target of public criticism. There must be a lot of powerful people gathered in the Dark Mountain. If I go there, I will be attacked by these people immediately..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered rapidly.

The appearance of the ancient emperor's tomb is good news and bad news for him.

The good news is that now that the tomb has appeared, those who are staring at him will definitely shift their attention to the tomb temporarily.

The bad news is that if he doesn't go, then the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor has nothing to do with him.

But if he goes, those guys are afraid that they will take action against him, which is equivalent to walking into a trap.

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