The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 777 The Buddha's Ten Thousand Hearts 1/4

"Admit defeat? It's too late!"

Chen Fan uttered a word and just looked at Zhao Wuji without making a move.

And everyone outside looked at Zhao Wuji with pity.

Give up?

As Chen Fan said, it's too late.


Zhao Wuji heard Chen Fan's words, but Chen Fan did not continue to take action. He was confused, what did this mean?

But soon, he understood.

Because for a moment, his consciousness fell into darkness.

There was a bloody hole between his eyebrows.

It turned out that before Zhao Wuji shouted the words "I surrender", Chen Fan's sword had already pierced the center of his eyebrows and killed his soul.

And he didn't know it yet.

"turn out to be......"

In Zhao Wuji's eyes, the light was instantly extinguished, and his whole body fell powerlessly from the sky.

Perhaps he never thought that this battle would be his last battle in this life.

He may have never thought that he would become the first Tiangang Perfection strongman to die in this Zhenwu Conference, but he would still be the top Tiangang Perfection strongman.


"Like a dream? What happened just now? When did Chen Fan thrust out this killing sword?"

"I don't know, I didn't see how he took action."

"Zhao Wuji, the first Tiangang Perfection expert to die in this Zhenwu Conference."

"It seems that there is no doubt that the champion of the Tiangang Realm Group of this True Martial Arts Tournament will be competed between Chen Fan and Jian Qi."


When everyone saw Zhao Wuji's death, they were shocked and filled with emotions.

I thought that in this battle, Zhao Wuji, as the top Tiangang Perfection expert, should be able to win, or lose to Chen Fan and not die.

But the result ended with Zhao Wuji's death.

Zhao Wuji didn't even know that he was dead, and even shouted the words "I surrender".

It's late.

It's too late!

There is no point in crying out after death to admit defeat.

However, more people were shocked.

Shocked by Chen Fan's method of killing Zhao Wuji.

Many people did not see when this decisive sword was struck.

"That sword was so fast, like a ray of light, faster than light. It deceived Zhao Wuji and made him think that he was still alive. In fact, he was already dead."

Of course, there are also people who can see this sword clearly, such as Jian Qi, Wan Xin, Xia Qingyuan and other top Tiangang Perfection powerhouses.

They clearly saw Chen Fan's sword that killed Zhao Wuji.

It was like a ray of light, between the lightning and flint, directly piercing the center of Zhao Wuji's eyebrows, making him not even have the slightest feeling, thinking that he was still alive, but in fact, his divine baby had been broken.

This sword is not the Qinglian sword energy, but the sword of Kasyapa.

Click, click, click!

In the area where the Law Enforcement Hall is located, the armrests of the thrones were crushed to pieces by the people from the Law Enforcement Hall.

They watched Zhao Wuji fall, and they didn't even realize that they had died. What a slap in the face.

They looked at Chen Fan angrily, wishing they could rush in and kill Chen Fan. However, they felt powerless. Without the strong men in the Vientiane Realm, who in the Law Enforcement Hall could do anything to defeat Chen Fan?

Didn’t you see that even Zhao Wuji, the number one person in the Tiangang Realm, was killed!

"As expected, everyone from Invincible Peak cannot be underestimated. This Chen Fan is also a formidable enemy!"

Li Hanxing from the Xuanwang Palace looked at Chen Fan's figure, his eyes flashing with luster.

In this battle, Chen Fan used Zhao Wuji's life to declare his terrifying strength to everyone.

Even the top Tiangang Perfection masters would perish when faced with Chen Fan.

Many top Tiangang Perfection experts are extremely shocked in their hearts.

Chen Fan is too strong.

If they faced Zhao Wuji, even if they were confident that they could defeat Zhao Wuji, it would be impossible to kill him.

However, Chen Fan did it.

Not only did he do it, but Zhao Wuji himself didn't even notice that he was actually dead.

This is even more frightening.

However, they all saw Chen Fan's method of killing Zhao Wuji, and they thought in their hearts that if they faced Chen Fan, this would never be the result.

Because they already understood Chen Fan's methods and were prepared to take precautions.

Zhao Wuji's death caused a storm in the conference.

After all, Zhao Wuji's identity was extraordinary, Tiangang's perfect cultivation, and extremely talented. He had great hope of reaching the legendary realm in the future, but now, he died in front of everyone.

This is a huge blow to the Law Enforcement Hall.

Since Chen Fan entered the Zhenwu Academy, many people from the Law Enforcement Hall have died tragically at the hands of people from the Invincible Peak.

This made everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall wonder, is Invincible Peak specifically here to defeat them?

More than fifty years ago, Huang Wuji killed Elder Mingde, who was in the Little Legend realm.

Now, Chen Fan directly killed the seeds of the legendary realm that had not yet grown up in the Law Enforcement Hall.

After all these calculations, the Law Enforcement Hall has lost two or three peak Legend Realm experts in the hands of Invincible Peak.

In the small world, when Zhao Wuji died, the master of law enforcement, Tian Xing, let out a breath, but he immediately restrained it. Everyone could clearly see the anger in his eyes.

However, what can be said?

When Zhao Wuji shouted "I surrender", Chen Fan did not fight again, but at that time, Zhao Wuji was already dead, so Chen Fan did not break the rules of the conference.

Therefore, even if Tian Xing was angry, he had to swallow this bitter fruit.

The conference continued.

One by one, the ninth-level Tiangang Realm masters were eliminated, and the remaining ones were basically the peak of the ninth-level Tiangang Realm and the masters of the perfect Tiangang Realm.

At this time, only Chen Fan and Jian Qi had not reached this level.

But no one dared to underestimate them, because one of them defeated Qin Cang, who was perfect Tiangang, and the other killed Zhao Wuji, who was perfect Tiangang.

If someone treated the two as the sixth or seventh level of Tiangang, he would be a big fool.

The battle continued, and it became more and more intense.

At this time, the gap between everyone was negligible, and the competition was about their own foundation.

"Look, it's another battle between the top Tiangang Perfect masters!"

At this time, the crowd was in an uproar.

Two figures stood in a space arena, Wan Xin of Qianqiu Temple and Xiao Yi of Qingtian Peak of Zhenwu Academy.

Both of them were top-level Tianjiao who had defeated ordinary Tiangang Perfection Realm and were seeded players for the championship. Now they met each other, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

But this was just what everyone liked.

Chen Fan also looked over, but he only looked at Wan Xin.

Qianqiu Temple, the holy land of Dongzhou Buddhism, all the people in it are Buddhist practitioners.

There are very few disciples in Qianqiu Temple, because Qianqiu Temple accepts disciples based on a Buddhist affinity. Without a Buddhist affinity, no matter how talented you are, you cannot enter the threshold of Qianqiu Temple.

If you have a great Buddhist affinity with Qianqiu Temple, then even if you have no talent, you can enter Qianqiu Temple to practice.

Wan Xin, the most outstanding Buddhist of the younger generation of Qianqiu Temple.

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