The Unspoken Words of Love

23 Confronted by a Cypus

You know the Kingdom of Seraphim is protected by a dense forest in which dangers lurk in every corner.When I say danger,you might be thinking of mighty lions and leopard like creatures.Well these are mere harmless animals in comparison with what I'm actually talking about.

To enter the city of Seraphim, first, I've to cover the deep forest and then break the defence of a highly guarded military area where I've to find help because nobody else from another kingdom has ever dared to visit Seraphim. That's it! The rest of my fate depends on that somebody who actually knows the way! Now please don't take me as an idiot Queen who goes around without knowing the place.It's just that I simply didn't have any choice!


Once I entered the forest,It was very dark. I carefully took my flashlight and moved ahead deep into the forest. After a quick fifteen minutes walk I came across a river.The water seemed clear so I took a minute to refill my bottle and then move ahead.Little did I know that I would see the 'so-called' danger infront of me when I turned around.It was there... as huge as a dinosaur...A serpentile creature (Dragon like) named Cypus. With wings that fought many wars until wars were stopped with policies.I remember once I had a Cypus and it was named after Electra, The Cypus Goddess).We used to win Cypus Championships and she was my partner in crime.We....we both were like soul partners who didn't need words to understand each other.Every day I used to sneak out of the palace just to spend a little more time with her.Our bond was stronger than you can ever imagine.But ....But one day she suddenly became very aggressive and was even ready to attack me when I went closer to comfort her.I could see a conflict in her eyes ... She didn't want to harm me and it felt like she was under a spell or so.That day my father banned me from going to the shelter.

Then soon all the cypus that existed began to be aggressive and attacking innocent civilians and the Great Council managed to find out that they were all behaving like this due to their leader Horizor whose child was murdered by the greed of somebody in order to posses cypus horns.Horizor blew a command to break free from the humans and return to the forests of origin in anger. That's when the Great Council took the decision suddenly that the Cypuses were to be banished into this deep forest called the forest of Origins, Astaroth's father also requested it to make his kingdom safe from intrusion.And I had to free my Electra from all our bonds and memories that we made together that day.It was heartbreaking when she was taken away from me by the shelter carer and I only got an update that she was released in somewhere in this part of the forest.Well that's all in the past now we do have a situation to handle.....

The Cypus had a really sensitive hearing. And I was sure that if I be careful enough I would be able to escape this trouble . But when I happened to move my feet I heard a twig snap...And I knew that was the end of my story.....

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