Chapter 10:Part 10 - Fitting Appointment

Mahesa had just finished signing her work file, soon her cellphone rang and on the cellphone screen was her mother's name. Quickly he immediately answered the phone call.

"Yes ma, what's wrong?".

"In 5 minutes it's 3 o'clock. You must immediately pick up Emma from her place of work".

"Yes ma, I remember really".

"Yes, then, let Mom know when you arrive at Ema's workplace".

Mahesa did not answer, he immediately just turned off the phone.

"Gosh, it really wasn't a dream this time. I have to marry a woman I never loved" Mahesa grumbled.

He immediately rushed to tidy up his desk, then left the office to pick up Emma. 1 hour later Mahesa arrived at the flower shop where Emma worked, she looked around the flower shop area while wondering how Shaka had an accident in front of the flower shop that is now in front of him.

Suddenly his reverie broke when his cellphone rang again, Mahesa sighed when she saw that the name on the cellphone screen was the mother.

"Yes ma, why?".

"Have you arrived at Emma's place yet? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just arrived ma'am".

"Yes, please send me the photo if you have arrived at the flower shop".

Mahesa gave a small snort, this time feeling like a mama's doll. He tried to sigh first before getting out of the car, after that he got down and started walking towards the flower shop.

He opened the knob of the shop door, and the sound of the bell above the door sounded, it indicated a guest had come.

Mahesa immediately found Emma in a knee-length dark blue dress busy arranging some flowers, then Emma decided to stop for a moment and hurried over to Mahesa.

"Emm .. Hi, can I help you?". Emma asked, trembling a little.

Mahesa sighed. "Leave your job now, because we already have a fitting appointment".

Shortly afterward, Aunty Anna, who heard Mahesa's words, immediately approached the two of them.

"Go Emma, let aunty continue it".

Mahesa immediately came out of the shop after hearing Aunty Anna's words.

"Gosh, it's rude to Mahesa's attitude towards Aunt Anna" Emma's grumble.

"Thank you Aunty, forgive Mahesa's attitude".

Aunty Anna smiled. "It's okay, I hope the fitting goes smoothly. Choose a dress that you like".

"Yes, then I'll go first".

The aunt just nodded her head, while Emma immediately rushed over to Mahesa and got into the car.

"Sorry for waiting". Said Emma.

But Mahesa did not answer and immediately drove his car, along the way, silence enveloped the two of them. Meanwhile Emma didn't dare to open her voice for the first time.

Soon the silence between them broke when Mahesa's cellphone rang again. Again the mother called, Mahesa immediately answered the mother's phone.

"Yes ma, what's wrong? Already, I'm already with the person. I don't really believe it, mom".

Mahesa immediately handed her cellphone to Emma.

"Mama wants to talk to you".

Emma immediately grabbed Mahesa's cellphone.

"Hello ma".

"Emna, are you okay?".

"Yes ma, I'm fine. I and Mahesa are going to the boutique. Earlier before mama called us we were talking about the dress we want to wear".

"Oh really?"

"Yes ma, you don't need to worry. It turns out that you really say that Mahesa is a good person".

"Thank God, then, yes you both have fun. Choose the most beautiful dress, Emma".

"Yes ma, sure".

The telephone line was lost, Emma immediately gave her cellphone to Mahesa. Mahesa was a little confused when she heard that Emma had to lie to her mother.

"Why did you say that to mama?". Asked Mahesa.


"The one earlier on the phone, said that we were chatting and said that I was fine".

Emma sighed. "What should I say? I have to tell Mom that you were rude when you entered the shop and asked me to just leave the shop, and tell Mom about your disrespect towards Aunt Anna? Sorry Mahesa, I had to do that. all because I don't want your mama disappointed" Emma get angry.

Meanwhile Mahesa was silent and did not answer a word. 30 minutes later, they both arrived at the boutique. Mahesa immediately rushed out of the car without waiting for Ema at all.

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