Qingyuan first people's hospital.

At 8 o'clock, the inpatient department of the hospital is busy. At this time, doctors often make rounds to ask about the patient's condition yesterday and put it on record.

It is summer now, and it is often this time that the number of interns is the most, and this year is no exception.

Yehaoxuan is also one of the interns. Qingyuan first people's hospital is the best hospital in Qingyuan. Even the internship can only be obtained by relationship. If he did not have excellent academic achievements in the school, he would not be among the limited number of places.

It is because of this hard won learning opportunity that ye haoxuan is more serious than anyone. He follows behind doctor Xu, holding a medical record book and recording it carefully.

At this time, the head nurse hurriedly broke into the ward and shouted, "Dr. Xu, it's bad. The patient in room 18 is sick again. Now he has passed out in a coma."

Dr. Xu, who is over the middle age, frowned. He did not care about the patient he was asking. He immediately ran out, and ye haoxuan and several interns from the same school hurriedly followed him.

The patient in room 18 had a serious renal cyst. He was hospitalized for observation the day before yesterday, which had caused urinary tract obstruction and had to be operated on. However, there are too many people who have been operated on, and the chief surgeon can't arrange it at all.

When the crowd arrived, the patient in room 18 had already fainted. Dr. Xu quickly turned over his pupils, checked them a little, and hurriedly shouted to yehaoxuan, "go and ask director Liu to come right away."

Yehaoxuan nodded, hurriedly handed over the medical record to an intern, and rushed to the office as quickly as possible.

When he arrived at the office, he was surprised to find that the door of the office was closed.

It's time to go to work now. The door of the office is mostly open. He pushed it gently, but he didn't push it. It's obviously locked inside.

Although I feel strange, now life is at stake, and there is no room for any delay. Director Liu is the authority of the nephrology department. The patient in ward 18 is in critical condition. Only director Liu can make a decision about this disease, and yehaoxuan raises his hand to knock on the door.

At this time, through the lace glass on the door, yehaoxuan was stunned.

There was a paper bag on the desk. It was bulging. According to the shape and size, it was not difficult to see that it was grandpa Mao. I'm afraid there was no less than 10000 yuan in such a thick stack.

Opposite director Liu, a young woman was pleading.

"Director Liu, I beg you. You know my husband's condition. You really can't put it off. Can you just help him with the operation in advance?"

Yehaoxuan looks tight. The hospital forbids accepting red envelopes from patients. Doesn't director Liu know?

On the other side of the desk, director Liu glanced at the thick red envelope on the desk and said nothing, but he stood up with a smile and said: "it's not that I don't help, but I can't arrange for the operation recently. You'd better take back the money."

The implication is that the young woman's red envelope is less.

The young woman is the wife of the patient in ward 18. Her husband is sick all the year round and provides for several students. The family is not well-off. Grandpa 10000 Mao doesn't know how to get it together. But master Liu looks kind-hearted, but he didn't expect to be such a black hearted doctor.

The young woman sobbed and said, "director Liu, I really can't take it out. My husband has spent all his savings to see a doctor. Just be kind..."

Director Liu stood up slowly and said with a smile: "don't worry. There will always be a solution. I also know your family situation. The hospital has indeed had relevant regulations. For poor families, some preferential treatment can be given, but the quota is limited, so it is difficult to apply."

Director Liu said, pushing back the envelope on the table intentionally or unintentionally. The meaning was very clear, that is, the young woman gave less money.

Yehaoxuan can't bear it. He knows that the young woman's spending so much money is the limit. Even after the patient's operation, the cost of nutrition and physical therapy is astronomical. Does director Liu really care?

Yehaoxuan coughed softly. He knocked on the door and said, "director Liu, do you have time now?"

"Who, who is outside the door?"

Director Liu was shocked. He took the money on the table back into the drawer and pretended to be sitting in a serious position.

"It's director Liu." Yehaoxuan opened the door and went in. Director Liu's face showed a look of panic.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have to do rounds?" Director Liu said sullenly, because he was not sure whether yehaoxuan had seen what had just happened.

"Well, director Liu, the patient in ward 18 is seriously ill and needs immediate surgery." Yehaoxuan said.

"I see. You go first. Now I'll talk to the patient about the situation." Director Liu waved impatiently.

"Director Liu, the patient's condition is very serious. You'd better go there now. You must operate immediately." Yehaoxuan glanced at director Liu, saying that I had seen all the things just now. If you don't treat the patient, you will look good.

Director Liu's face became completely gloomy. He understood yehaoxuan's meaning. Yehaoxuan simply said that since he had received other people's money, he would now help others to have the operation, otherwise he would not be able to finish eating.

In the morning of that day, director Liu hastened to perform an operation, performed the patient's operation, and applied for medical subsidies for the patient, reducing all expenses. However, yehaoxuan knew that he had completely offended director Liu this time.

At work in the afternoon, an intern said to yehaoxuan, "yehaoxuan, director Liu is looking for you."

Yehaoxuan's heart moved and he knew that director Liu was going to trouble him, so he answered and walked to the office.

"Xiaoye, your performance is good and your academic performance is good. There is really nothing to teach you here. Go to other wards to help you for a few days."

Yehaoxuan nodded and said, "OK, I'll listen to Director Liu's arrangement."

"You can go to the outpatient infusion hall for a few days."

"Infusion hall?" Although yehaoxuan was ready, he was surprised. He said, "what can I do for you in the infusion hall?"

"Well, there are so many outpatients these days that the nurses in the infusion hall are too busy. Go help for a few days and come back soon. Your performance is good. I will make a good record on your file." Director Liu said calmly. Although his words were polite, his expression was a sneer.

Yehaoxuan clenched his fist. Director Liu wanted to kill him, but now he can't refute it. Once he refuted, director Liu said that he contradicted the leadership. When the internship period ends, there will be such a bad record in the internship file. It will be difficult to find a job after graduation.

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