Looking along his eyes, yehaoxuan was with a girl with extraordinary temperament. Although she didn't have any precious jewelry, she didn't know how much her outstanding temperament was higher than her.

Fuyunyun's face sank immediately. She had already paid for her unusual appearance. Who knows, it was only a few days since she broke up. Yehaoxuan found another one more outstanding than her, which made her feel jealous from the bottom of her heart.

She said with a disdainful look: "yehaoxuan, you don't see what occasion this is. You are a powerless boy who also wants to learn gambling from others. Are you crazy about making money and trying your luck here?"

Yehaoxuan frowned. All the people present today are people with status, but you fuyunyun are nothing. Where and when it's your turn to dictate.

The people sitting here are all magnanimous people. Where is Fu yunyun so mean?

I frowned a few times. After all, I endured it. After all, this is Lin Jianye's venue. It's hard to say where Lin Jianye is in the market.

Seeing that yehaoxuan was silent, fuyunyun stepped up his efforts and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and I cheated a girlfriend?" She said at the top of her voice, "Miss, this guy is a poor man. He always makes a lot of money in some big games. Don't be cheated by him?"

They still haven't had a long memory of the last world first-class thing. They always think that the origin of yehaoxuan's supreme card is unknown and must have been cheated.

Lanlinlin changed, looking at ye haoxuan with inquiring eyes. It seems that she doesn't understand why the girl dressed in pearly jewels seems to be quite angry with ye haoxuan.

With a wry smile, yehaoxuan whispered, "my ex girlfriend thinks I'm poor. She cheated on me a few days ago."

Lanlinlin suddenly realized that she was a money worshipper, but it seemed that she didn't know that yehaoxuan's identity was different from before.

She took yehaoxuan's hand and said, "I don't care if I'm poor or not. What I believe is his people. They want happiness, not money. It's better than finding a rich flower."

"Who do you think is the most beautiful?" SunLi's face is so gloomy that he almost drops into the water. In fact, he knows his own problem. Just now, he has been looking at yehaoxuan with hatred, ignoring lanlinlin's existence.

Now when I saw LAN Linlin, I was immediately shocked by her beautiful and outstanding temperament. "Shit, all the good cabbages have been eaten by pigs."

But he didn't think clearly who was the pig.

Seeing lanlinlin holding ye haoxuan's hand, he couldn't help getting angry. What's the charm of the poor boy? Why are the girls around him more beautiful? Fuyunyun, who used to look outstanding, can hardly compare with lanlinlin now.

He smiled and took out a business card and said, "Hello, miss. My name is SunLi. Let's meet each other."

The business card is made of pure gold. In order to pretend to force Sun Li to go out to have a girl, he will bring a few cards with him every time. Almost nothing goes wrong.

Seeing Sun Li's appearance, fuyunyun could not help but feel annoyed, but she could do nothing about it. She didn't know what virtue Sun Li had. How could she be a slave when everyone was rich or young?

In the past, when she was with yehaoxuan, yehaoxuan was obedient to her. Now she dare not answer Sun Li's harsh words.

She looked at lanlinlin with jealousy, and wished to shave her delicate face.

Yesterday, Linlin ignored Sun Li's glittering business card. She just took yehaoxuan's hand and said, "go over there and have a look."

Yehaoxuan answered and left with lanlinlin.

Sun Li's expression froze, and his business card froze in the air.

In fact, most of the people present were rich, but no one would use pure gold to make business cards, which is the practice of nouveau riche.

Obviously, sun felt the mocking eyes around him. Sun Li felt his face burning. He quickly put away his business card.

On the side of large and small stones, a huge stone was full of people. Some jewelers and gamblers stood in front of the stone and pointed at it.

The original stone looks very good. The stone clothes are green and the patterns are clear. Looking at the light, it feels crystal clear.

Generally speaking, there is a great possibility of green in this kind of stone, and the quality will not be too low. Therefore, the price of this original stone is also very expensive, which costs 8.88 million yuan.

The people present commented on the stone and talked about it one after another.

"It seems that there is a great possibility that this stone will turn green."

"Not bad, and the quality is not low."

"Of course, it's said that this is the final product of the original stone trade fair. Even the price is 8.88 million."

At this time, the waiter standing in front of the boulder said, "this stone can be auctioned, and the price can be obtained."

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd immediately surged up, "I'll pay nine million."

"9.9 million, 10 million..."

The price of this stone is soaring, and Zhou Ming is also mixed in the crowd, looking excited to bid with the crowd.

Yehaoxuan carefully looked at the original stone, which is called the final axis. He saw that its skin lines were clear and its appearance was really good. But it was a pity that there was too little aura on it. Even if there was one, it was definitely not worth $8million.

"Yehaoxuan, there must be jade in this stone." Lanlinlin asked.

Yehaoxuan shook his head and said with a smile, "that's not certain."

When the raw stone soared to 30million yuan, the number of semi bidders had gradually decreased. Only Zhouming and Dongfang Hong were still bidding.

Zhou Ming's family is engaged in jewelry business. If the price of this excellent original stone really rises, the carved jewelry can sell at a sky high price. Therefore, this original stone is bound to be acquired.

Dongfang Hong on the other side seems to be against Zhou Ming. Every time Zhou Ming cries out a price, he immediately raises the price.

In this way, the original stone soared to 50 million yuan in the cries of the two people. When Zhou Ming called his father for instructions, he continued to bid with red eyes.

And yehaoxuan walked to Zhou Ming's side, gently pulled it, and then shook his head slightly.

Zhou Ming was stunned. Yehaoxuan meant not to let him compete for the original stone. Did he see anything?

Remembering the blue and white porcelain before, the two internationally famous treasure connoisseurs failed to see it. As a result, yehaoxuan picked up a big leak. Is it true that this original stone is not worth the price?

Out of his trust in yehaoxuan, Zhou Ming kept silent, and the buyer of the original stone was Fang Hong.

Glancing at Zhou Ming with a sneer, Dongfang Hong said triumphantly, "Zhou Ming, why can't you afford it without arguing?"

Zhou Ming looked cold and said with a sneer, "I can't afford it. I hope you can bet up."

"Ha ha, since this stone is the original stone of the final axis, it can certainly rise. Zhou Dashao, wait. Maybe he will send you some leftover materials later to let you go back to work. After a long trip, you can't go home empty handed."

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