Zhengkang was furious. He pressed his anger and asked, "Linlin, is what he said true?"

Lanlinlin didn't answer, or didn't listen to Zheng Kang at all. When she heard yehaoxuan say that he was her boyfriend, she was coy.

Zhengkang's eyes almost burst into flames. Although lanlinlin did not speak, it was not difficult to see from her expression that ye haoxuan's words were true.

His face sank immediately. He looked at yehaoxuan coldly and said, "boy, where did you come from? Dare to rob my woman. Are you impatient?"

As soon as his voice fell, the group of young thugs on one side immediately gathered around, surrounded ye haoxuan and LAN Linlin in the middle, and rubbed their hands one by one.

"Zheng Kang, what are you doing? I'll call the police if you mess around." Lanlinlin shouted.

"Linlin, you really make me sad. What can I do better than this little white face? Why don't you like me?" Zhengkang pointed to yehaoxuan and shouted.

"Who I like has nothing to do with you. Would you please stop pestering me?" Lanlinlin said painstakingly.

"No, don't be ignorant. What's the status of this boy? Is he rich? Are you willing to suffer with him? Linlin, it's illusory. I can rely on you. He can't. I'm sincere to you."

Seeing LAN Linlin's upset face, ye haoxuan came forward and said, "Zheng Kang is right. My girlfriend is tired. Please get out of the way. I will take her back to rest."

"Who are you, boy?" Zhengkang asked in a deep voice.

Yehaoxuan said, "medical university students, do you have any questions?"

"Student?" Zhengkang sneered. He took out a cheque and wrote a cheque of 100000. He said, "100000, leave Linlin."

"Zhengkang, stop fooling around. Money is not everything. Save it." Lanlinlin was speechless.

Who is yehaoxuan? He is also a man with a fortune of nearly 100 million. How can he take this money in his eyes.

"Linlin, don't be so stubborn. He is a poor student. Even if he becomes a doctor, he will have no future." Zheng Kang pointed to a BMW and said, "after a hard year, can you buy the wheels of my car?"

He added a zero to the check and said, "a million dollars, get out of here."

Seeing Zheng Kang's arrogance, yehaoxuan's face sank. He said coldly, "there is no shortage of fools in this world."

"Damn it, if you dare to scold Zheng Shao, you will die." A little gangster was so angry that he kicked yehaoxuan.

Yehaoxuan clapped the little gangster's feet, pulled them, and shook them gently. The little gangster screamed, fell seven or eight meters away, and fell to the ground crying.

This skill shocked other young thugs who were eager to try. They quickly backed away, fearing that they would be the next target of yehaoxuan.

Yehaoxuan turned around and drove the Ferrari he had parked in the distance, stopping beside Zheng Kang with a squeak.

He got out of the car and sneered, "a million dollars, can you buy the wheels of my car?"

Zhengkang looked very nervous. Just now he didn't pay attention to yehaoxuan's car. He was also a person who knew the goods. He knew that tens of millions of people couldn't get off the car. It seems that he met an opponent today.

His tone eased immediately: "friend, what's your name?"

Yehaoxuan said coldly, "my name is yehaoxuan. I'm not from Qingyuan."

Zhengkang thought for a while. It seems that there is no yehaoxuan in the Qingyuan yamen circle, but yehaoxuan's identity looks unusual. He'd better be careful.

Although Zhengkang is arrogant and rich, he knows that his family can only be regarded as a third-class family in Qingyuan, so he will be cautious when meeting people with unusual status.

Then he asked, "do you know Lin Jianye?"

Lin Dashao is a group of people with first-class family background in the yamen, so as long as you know Lin Jianye, generally speaking, your status will not be any worse.

"Lin Jianye? Of course I do. He gave this car away." Yehaoxuan said lightly.

Zheng Kang's eyelids jumped and he secretly complained. He felt that he might have kicked the iron plate today.

A little gangster on one side shouted: "Zheng Shao, listen to him. What is Lin Shao's identity? How can he know this boy and give him a car?"

"You shut up." Zheng Kang doesn't just know how to act recklessly like these little thugs.

He then dialed Lin Jianye's phone and immediately asked respectfully, "cousin, are you busy?"

"Nothing. I just want to ask you about someone."

"Who?" Linjianye on the phone said in doubt.

Zheng Kang hesitated and said, "he said his name was yehaoxuan. He had a red Ferrari and said it was from you."

"Yehaoxuan..." Lin Jianye's voice immediately increased eight degrees, and he jumped up from the sofa.

Zhengkang is his distant cousin. He knows the character of the goods. He only gets into trouble with a few money at home all day. He probably got into trouble with ye haoxuan by asking.

"Say, did you offend ye haoxuan?" Lin Jianye's voice changed immediately.

"I... I didn't..." Zheng Kang was startled. He obviously heard that Lin Jianye's voice on the phone was different. He had bad feelings and secretly complained.

"You son of a bitch, I have to be careful to serve you as ye Shao. You can't provoke me. If you want to die, don't take me in." Linjianye was so angry that he cursed him regardless of his distant cousin's identity.

"Cousin, I'm wrong. I can't stand it any more. Please ask Ye Shao for me." Zheng Kang's heart clicked. As soon as his mood fell to the freezing point, if it was average, Lin Jianye would never be so excited.

Like Dongfang Hong, linjianye is the core figure in the government office in Qingyuan circle. He can't even be provoked. Who is Zhengkang?

"Apologize to Ye Shao right away, or I won't forgive you." Linjianye cursed and hung up the phone.

Yehaoxuan's identity is mysterious. He is probably a legendary hermit.

He had been unlucky for half a year. He thought about what yehaoxuan had said before he left. He was thinking about when to ask yehaoxuan for clarification. He didn't expect Zheng Kang to get into such trouble again.

After hanging up, Zheng Kang was completely confused.

Lin Jianye speaks very seriously. It seems that the identity of yehaoxuan in his eyes is really unusual. Is he from the capital?

In his opinion, only the Yamen in the capital can make linjianye so nervous.

"Ye... Ye Shao, yes, I'm sorry." Zheng Kang did not know how to speak. After all, his attitude was too arrogant just now.

Yehaoxuan sneered and said, "I don't deserve it. I'm not a young man. If I'm not familiar with Qingyuan, I have to rely on Zheng Shao to cover it."

"Ye Shao, yes, I'm sorry. I didn't know Taishan. I bumped into you... Please forgive me this time." Zhengkang said with a sad face.

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