"Are you a dog or a mouse?" Yehaoxuan is a little angry. What does this woman mean? Why does she always look like she refuses people thousands of miles away?

"How can you be a doctor if you don't have the patience?" Tang Bing asked.

"I......" yehaoxuan was speechless. He found that this woman was really difficult to deal with.

"A minute, disappeared before my eyes." Tang Bing dropped a word, and then slammed the door shut.

Yehaoxuan smiled bitterly. He shook his head and followed.

Tang Bing is in the kitchen. She is washing some fruit. Of course, she doesn't give it to yehaoxuan, but let herself eat it.

Yehaoxuan squeezes in from the kitchen window like a ghost. He walks to TangBing.

"If you go on like this, I really call the police." Tang Bing threw the fruit in his hand and let the tap flow into the pool.

"You can't hold too many things in your heart." Yehaoxuan cleaned the apple, then picked up a fruit knife, which quickly flipped between his fingers. A moment later, the apple skin was cut off by his precise knife technique.

Then yehaoxuan put the apples in the palm of his hand. He saw the apples scattered one by one and turned into something like a rose.

This is yehaoxuan's latest method of flirting with younger girls. He feels that it works for any younger sister.

Unfortunately, Tang Bing still looked at him with a cold face. It seemed that she didn't notice the fruit in her hand.

"All right." Yehaoxuan was speechless. She was not interested in this at all. He pointed to the pool and said, "a person's heart has limits on what he can store. If his heart is full of things, it will cause too much load. Just like the pool, when the water is full, it will overflow. If the water overflows, it will wet the kitchen."

"What you have to do now is to close the pool and then drain the water inside." As yehaoxuan said, he turned off the pool and the tap. A full pool of water soon ran away.

"I'm fine. I don't need to care." Tang Bing is a little loose, but this sentence is still squeezed out of her teeth.

"If you do this every day, your spirit will not be able to bear it." Ye haoxuan shook his head and said, "you have insomnia and fear of the world. You don't trust anyone, including your relatives."

"Sooner or later, you will collapse, but there are still many things you miss in this world, your relatives, and the beautiful flowers in your yard." Yehaoxuan said.

Tang Bing finally loosened. She stretched out her hand and asked yehaoxuan to feel her pulse. Yehaoxuan stretched out his hand and put it on her wrist. After a while, she loosened it.

In terms of ordinary pulse conditions, Tang Bing's body is very healthy. There is nothing wrong with her pulse conditions. However, if you look closely, you can see that her pulse conditions are slightly slippery and slightly disordered. This is the phenomenon of five internal organs disorder caused by emotion.

Traditional Chinese medicine stresses that the five internal organs govern the five Chi. Changes in people's mood can affect the five internal organs. However, Tang Bing's emotional depression has led to the imbalance of the five internal organs. At this time, it is on the verge of collapse. If it is not treated in time, I am afraid it will hurt the five internal organs, and then it will be troublesome.

He slowly drew back his hand and said, "because of your emotional reasons, it has led to the disorder of the five internal organs. If it goes on like this, the consequences will be unimaginable. I don't know. Can I treat you for the people you care about in this world?"

"No, I have no feelings for the world." Tang Bing said coldly and turned to leave. She didn't know why. She would be loose today. If she were in peacetime, she wouldn't let any man touch her.

Yehaoxuan was helpless. She was very ill. He didn't know what to do for a while.

It was not until Tang Jin and Tang Yuan came back at night that Tang Bing got up from the ground and went back to his room without saying a word.

"Xiaoye, I don't know how Tang Bing is." When Tang Bing left, Tang Yuancai asked anxiously.

"Emotional depression has led to the disorder of five internal organs due to emotion, and is on the verge of collapse. I'm afraid there will be trouble if it is not treated in time." Yehaoxuan said solemnly.

"I wonder if Xiaoye has any good ideas?" Tang Yuan also studied traditional Chinese medicine. Naturally, he understood the five internal organs disorders. But traditional Chinese medicine was not very good at spiritual aspects, so he had to worry.

"There is a way. The effect will be very good if you use the thirteen needles of the ghost gate." Yehaoxuan said.

"Did you give her an injection?" Tang Yuan asked.

Yehaoxuan shook his head. "Most of this disease is caused by heart knot. If she is not willing, even if she forcibly uses the needle, it will not achieve the effect of treatment."

"What should I do?" Asked Tang yuan.

"Don't worry about it. Don't worry, Mr. Tang. I'll leave it to me. I'll try to impress her, but it may take some time." Yehaoxuan said.

It was getting late, so yehaoxuan stayed at Tang Yuan's house for dinner that day.

After being slapped in the face by yehaoxuan, Tang Jin had already lost his desire to eat. He picked up a few and went back to his room.

Tang Jin has good medical skills, but he is arrogant. He is defeated by a young man of the same age. It is inevitable that he is depressed.

Tang Yuan watched Tang Jin leave depressed and said with a smile, "Tang Jin has a good talent, but he always likes to show off. This time, I'll teach him a lesson so that he can know that there are days outside and people outside."

Then Tang yuan turned his peak and discussed some TCM cases with yehaoxuan.

Yehaoxuan has been inherited by his grandfather. His grandfather's grandfather was a Taoist who traveled all over the world, so he has some opinions on a difficult and miscellaneous disease in medical ethics.

In Tang Yuan's opinion, it was a troublesome case, but yehaoxuan often hit the nail on the head, and his plan was extremely appropriate.

Tang Bing is also a student of traditional Chinese medicine. Although he is cold, he is also interested in traditional Chinese medicine.

Although she didn't say a word one night, she actually listened to their conversation, but she just listened instead of speaking. She agreed with yehaoxuan's medical methods.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

A nanny of the Tang family ran to open the door, but saw a young couple hurried to the door with a child.

It turned out that Tang yuan only saw dozens of patients a day, but some acquaintances came to seek medical treatment. This young couple was a distant relative of Tang's hometown.

The child is about two years old. He is very cute. But I don't know why he has had a high fever every night since the previous night. It doesn't work even if he gets a fever reduction needle. It doesn't work even if he visits many large hospitals.

And he was crying in the arms of adults, and his throat was a little hoarse.

Tang Yuan looked at the child and said with a smile, "it's OK. I'm just scared. I'll give him a few stitches and it'll be all right."

With these words, old Tang took out a rose filiform needle, pricked the joints of the middle fingers of the child's two hands, and then squeezed out a bit of transparent liquid.

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