"Well, Xiao Ye's medical skills have really reached an unprecedented level. What do you think I'm here to see today?" Although yehaoxuan was recommended by Mr. Lin, Mao Chengwen's tone was still somewhat unhappy.

"Uncle Mao has been away for this problem for many years. If he guessed right, uncle Mao wanted to 'ask for a son,'" yehaoxuan laughed.

Mao Chengwen was surprised when he said this. Did Lin Jianye reveal anything to him before? He turned his eyes to linjianye.

Linjianye shook his head and said, "I didn't say anything. Haoxuan has just arrived."

Maochengwen was even more surprised. Did yehaoxuan really not need to feel his pulse and see his own problems in this way? If it is true, he is really a miracle doctor.

You should know that you have been running around a lot over the years. You even asked the imperial doctor in the capital to see you. There was nothing you could do. The examination showed that he was in good health.

However, his wife and his wife have no children. The problem is that since they are both healthy, why can't they have their own children?

"Xiaoye," Mao Chengwen's breathing became a little short. He said in a hurry, "do you think I can still cure this problem?"

"Of course there are doctors." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"Well... Please help me with it." Mao Chengwen was overjoyed.

"In fact, there is no need to cure this disease." Yehaoxuan said.

"No medical treatment..." Mao Chengwen and Lin Jianye looked stunned.

Linjianye said with a smile: "haoxuan, don't be a rat. You see what Mao Shuji is doing. Tell me about it."

Yehaoxuan said with a smile: "if I didn't expect it wrong, uncle Mao and aunt have been running around all these years, and the inspection results show that uncle Mao and aunt Mao have normal fertility."

"That's right. We went to the capital to look for authoritative experts across the country. We didn't find any problems. Later, we suspected that it was Feng Shui. We looked for Feng Shui and changed the house, but it was still useless." Maochengwen nodded.

"Come on, tell me to have a good look." Yehaoxuan reaches out his hand.

Maochengwen quickly stretched out his wrist and asked yehaoxuan to feel his pulse.

After a match, ye haoxuan knew something in his heart. He smiled and said, "Uncle Mao's disease is not a disease, but the reason for his living habits?"

"Living habits? My living habits are very regular." Maochengwen said doubtfully.

Ye haoxuan waved his hand and said, "Uncle Mao is a man in the officialdom. Sometimes he drinks for entertainment."

Maochengwen nodded and said, "that's a good thing. Is that the reason? Then I'll stop drinking."

"This is not the only reason." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"So... What else?"

"If my guess is right, uncle Mao likes to take a bath with cold water after drinking, and you never use hot water in winter or summer." Yehaoxuan said.

Maochengwen patted his thigh and said, "Xiaoye, you're right. I have this habit. After drinking, I always feel hot and dry. I don't need cold water to soak. I feel a fire flowing in my body. So every time I get drunk and go home, I soak in the bath."

"Here is the cause of your illness." Yehaoxuan said: "Uncle Mao's physical examination should be that all indicators of his body meet the standard, which is more normal than normal people."

"Yes, the doctors said I was healthy." Maochengwen nodded and said.

"So uncle Mao will feel hot and dry after drinking, and alcohol will damage the kidney qi. After drinking, uncle Mao takes a bath with cold water, which stimulates the kidney qi. The kidney qi dissipates, leading to infertility. In addition, uncle Mao has many social activities, and the kidney qi can not gather in time, which has led to no children in recent years." Yehaoxuan said.

"So it is... Then I will change this problem and stop drinking wine. Is that ok?" Asked maochengwen.

"Yes, you don't need to take medicine. Just change this problem. Within six months, I promise you can be a father." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"Xiaoye, what you said is true?" Mao Chengwen was overjoyed.

Yehaoxuan nodded. He pondered a little, then asked for paper and pen, brushed and wrote a prescription to maochengwen and said, "this prescription is for my aunt. If I see it right, my aunt's constitution is cold and afraid of cold, which is bad for pregnant children. This prescription can adjust my aunt's constitution."

"Well, thank you, Xiao Ye." Maochengwen then took over the prescription, followed it, and asked with some doubts: "Xiaoye, your aunt is not here. How do you know that she is cold?"

Yehaoxuan said with a smile, "it's from Uncle Mao's pulse. Uncle Mao is the closest person to my aunt. He is more or less stained with the 'Qi' of my aunt. I judge from these Qi that my aunt's constitution is cold."

"God, Xiaoye, you are really God." Maochengwen was full of praise. Yehaoxuan was right. His wife is cold and afraid of the cold. Even in summer, she can't blow the air conditioner. Otherwise, she must see a doctor.

Yehaoxuan inferred his wife's physique from his pulse. I'm afraid no other person in the world can achieve this skill. Yehaoxuan deserves to be called a miracle doctor.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room. Maochengwen said, "please come in."

As soon as the door opened, there stood a humble man of about thirty. He smiled and said, "Director Mao, is it convenient to go in?"

"Come in" Mao Chengwen was in a happy mood and waved.

When the man came in, he poured a glass of wine and said, "Director Mao, let me introduce myself. I'm qinmingyu from Yuancheng county. I'll give you a toast first. I'll do it. Feel free." Then he looked up and dried up the wine in the cup.

Maochengwen nodded, took a cup and sipped a note: "Xiao Qin, I have read your information. The Bureau will make a good investigation."

The man said with great joy, "thank you, Mr. Mao. I'll leave if I have nothing to do."

Maochengwen nodded, then ignored him, poured a full glass of wine to yehaoxuan, and said, "Xiaoye, thank you for today's business. I'll give you a toast." Then he picked up the glass in front of him and drank it.

Mao Chengwen gave yehaoxuan such a face. How dare ye haoxuan trust him? He also took the wine and drank it at once.

Qin Mingyu saw all this and was surprised. What is the origin of this young man? Even the top leader of the municipal bureau gave such a face.

Just seeing that Director Mao had private affairs, he could not stay here, or he would have to go up to make a toast. He thought about quitting.

"Uncle Mao, is it about running again?" Linjianye glanced out and asked.

"Well, there's a seat available in the branch office. These people can't sit still for a long time. It's annoying." Maochengwen said somewhat depressed.

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