"Haoxuan, if you have something to do tonight, I won't disturb you two. We'll have dinner together some other day." Zhou Ming smiled lewdly and then left.

"Get out of here." Yehaoxuan laughed and scolded.

LAN Linlin on the other side blushed at Zhou Ming's words about the couple.

At a 30% discount, ye haoxuan owned the jade ring of more than 2 million yuan. He put it away. Ye haoxuan smiled and said, "there is still a little unfinished work. I'll give it to you tomorrow."

I took lanlinlin to have a late night snack, and then drove her back to the dormitory. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Just back at my apartment, the phone rang. I felt out my mobile phone and saw that it was a call from Fengzhiyuan.

Fengzhiyuan's son should be almost well now. After thinking about it, yehaoxuan immediately connected the phone.

"Mr. Feng, what can I do for you?"

"Well, Dr. ye, my son is almost healed. He has been discharged from the hospital today. I specially called to thank you." Fengzhiyuan's voice came out of the phone.

"That's good. Your childe has a lot of losses. You should take good care of yourself at home. I've written a prescription and eat it on time. There shouldn't be any big problem." Yehaoxuan said.

"Dr. ye, you saved the dog's life. I really don't know how to thank you. Well, I'll give you a feast this evening. I don't know if you have time. In addition, a friend of mine has encountered some difficulties and wants you to have a look."

Fengzhiyuan specially bites the words "difficult and miscellaneous diseases" very accurately. Yehaoxuan is a doctor, and his medical skills are superb. Some minor pain and illness have been difficult for him. He should be interested in those difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

"Oh, well, I'll be there later."

Indeed, as soon as he heard the words "difficult and miscellaneous diseases", yehaoxuan immediately became interested and agreed without thinking.

"Well, let me thank Dr. ye for my friend."

After hanging up the phone, yehaoxuan drove to the first-class place in the world.

It was still Pang Lian who met him. When Pang Lian learned that their boss was going to invite yehaoxuan tonight, he had already waited in front of the door.

When he got into the VIP box, Fengzhiyuan was already waiting there.

He warmly asked yehaoxuan to sit down. Fengzhiyuan said, "serve the food first. Mr. Xu should be here soon."

Even the fat man smiled.

"Mr. Feng, what is the matter with your friend?" Yehaoxuan had already had dinner, so he asked curiously.

"Well, you may have heard of my friend, xuguowei, the boss of Changji Pharmaceutical..." Fengzhiyuan said.

At the mention of Changji pharmaceutical, yehaoxuan was immediately impressed. It was a large pharmaceutical company, well-known in the country. Its president was xuguowei, and it was also a boss with a fortune of no less than 10 billion.

As soon as the door opened, a man in his forties came in. He smiled and said, "Mr. Feng, I've kept you waiting."

It was xuguowei who came. Yehaoxuan and Fengzhiyuan stood up together. Fengzhiyuan said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, let me introduce you. This is Dr. ye, my son's lifesaver. To make a long story short, let Dr. ye have a look at your situation..."

"Dr. ye?" Xuguowei was stunned. Then he looked at yehaoxuan. He saw that yehaoxuan was dressed casually, and he was young and indecent. How could his image have anything to do with doctors.

However, out of politeness and being recommended by Fengzhiyuan, xuguowei politely extended his hand and said, "Hello, doctor Ye."

Yehaoxuan shook hands with him. As he looked at himself, he also looked at xuguowei. At this point, he was shocked.

Xuguowei's seal hall was blackened, and the fire in the back of his head could be extinguished at any time. This is a sign of evil things.

The so-called "three prosperous fires" means that there are three fires on the body, which are on the top of the head and shoulders respectively. If the three fires do not burn well, or there is a sign of extinction, most of the people have encountered evil spirits and other things.

Xuguowei's symptoms are just like this, so he looks extremely thin and weak. He seems to fall down at any time when he walks. This is because he is entangled by evil things, which leads to the invasion of evil spirits.

Seeing that yehaoxuan's look was wrong, xuguowei and Fengzhiyuan were stunned, thinking that doctor ye could see something? Is it true that there is such a miracle doctor in the world who doesn't even use his pulse number to see the patient's symptoms.

"Doctor ye, is there anything wrong?" Xuguowei said in some doubt.

Ye haoxuan shook his head and said, "Mr. Xu, let me talk about your symptoms first."

Xuguowei nodded, surprised. He thought that if he didn't even get his pulse, you would know my symptoms. But if what the young man said is true, it means that the young man really has two brushes.

"President Xu has been unable to sleep at night recently. Even if he is asleep, he is still half asleep. Sometimes when he is sleeping, he feels a heavy weight pressing on his body, and his body is constantly sinking. During the day, his energy is poor and he doesn't think about food and tea. Am I right?"

"Yes, that's right, doctor ye... No, doctor ye, do you know the reason for my illness?" Xuguowei listened to yehaoxuan say that his symptoms were exactly the same as his recent situation. He could not help but have confidence in yehaoxuan.

His illness has been pestering him for some time, and he can't find any reason when he goes to the hospital. His body is getting thinner and weaker day by day, and he is feeling dizzy every day. There are a lot of things to deal with in the enterprise, which makes him miserable.

"Mr. Xu's illness can not be said to be caused by illness, but by his evil spirit." Said Ye Hao.

"The evil spirit is entwined..." xuguowei's face turned white in an instant. He trembled and said, "doctor Ye means... What unclean things have I met?"

Yehaoxuan waved his hand and said, "what I mean by evil spirit is not something unclean, but the atmosphere of the land and the environment in which President Xu lives. It is natural for people to eat cereals and get sick. Sometimes their bodies are also affected by the surrounding environment. Evil spirit is not a superstition."

In fact, xuguowei's illness is serious. It's just that there are rules in the metaphysical world. Some things cannot be known by ordinary people, so yehaoxuan always makes up some far fetched reasons every time he encounters this situation.

"So... Does Dr. ye have a cure?" Xuguowei said doubtfully.

"Mr. Xu is now living in the suburbs," yehaoxuan said in a faint voice

"Yes, a manor villa at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain was sold a few days ago. The price was cheap, so I moved there. Dr. ye said, I really remember. I have this problem since I moved into the villa."

Yehaoxuan nodded. His thoughts were already in his mind. He said, "maybe president Xu's body is not suitable for the environment there."

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