Then he gave a punch, which hit the man in dark glasses. With a click, the man in dark glasses screamed, broke his right wrist and lost his fighting power.

"I know you have professional ethics, so you can't answer honestly if you ask." Yehaoxuan said.

"Boy, kill me if you want. If I hum, you raised me." The sunglasses man shouted.

"I have backbone. I won't kill you, but I won't let you go so easily. Go back and tell your head that if you dare to provoke him, that will be the end."

Yehaoxuan's fierce eyes suddenly burst out, fiercely pulled the right hand of the fat man who fainted on the ground, and his right hand was claw like and gently twisted.

The sound of popping peas sounded, and the fat man woke up with a scream, but the pain on his arm made him faint, and then the fat man's right hand was soft on the ground.

Yehaoxuan could not help saying that he pulled the sunglasses man's left hand and twisted it.

The sound like a burst of beans sounded. The sunglasses man was really tough. He was so painful that he sweated all over his head and just kept silent.

After all this, yehaoxuan opened the door, bypassed the beetle, and then roared away.

Jinquan security headquarters, panzhifeng's face is a little gloomy.

Jinquan security guard is the largest security company in Qingyuan City. He can provide security and bodyguard services. There are also some hidden things, such as asking for debts and thugs.

To put it bluntly, this is a semi black and semi white security company. Panzhifeng, a veteran, wandered alone in Qingyuan after changing jobs. At first, he was a gangster, but later he established this security company through relationships. Although he has bleached a lot over the years and has not touched some sensitive things, it will inevitably have some underworld characteristics.

In front of him, the man in dark glasses and the fat man were lying on the stretcher with a yellow look.

"That boy is really as powerful as you say?" Panzhifeng asked sharply.

"Boss... We kicked the iron plate this time, but Dongfang Hong was not kind enough. Why did he say that this boy is just a poor student with no power and no power? Can students have such skills?" Sunglasses man drooped his head and said.

Pan Zhifeng's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. Dongfang Hong would not frame him. They had no hatred. Moreover, this time it was all a relationship.

Maybe there were some things that even Dongfang Hong didn't understand. He waved his hand and said, "don't mention it in advance. You two, go to the hospital first."

"Head, I've seen it. The boy's technique is unusual. Even the best orthopedic doctor in the Chinese medicine hospital shook his head."

"Can't connect?" Panzhifeng was shocked.

"Yes, an old Chinese Orthopaedic doctor saw it and said it was a special trick. We couldn't catch it. We ran to several places and said there was nothing we could do." The fat man moved and felt a heart rending pain in his arm. He cried in pain.

"It's not that he can't connect. Even if he can, I'm afraid he won't dare." Panzhifeng has insight after all, he sighed.

"What do you mean, boss?" The man in dark glasses asked in some doubt.

"Old Chinese doctors have said that this technique is a special one. In general, people who can use this technique are not ordinary people." Panzhifeng said.

"Well... What about that?" Asked the fat man.

"You can bear it for a few days. This time we admit that we have been planted. In a few days, you can go to the capital to see. Maybe the doctors there will have a way." Panzhifeng said.

"Boss, we don't." The man in dark glasses lowered his head and said.

"It's none of your business. We can't afford to offend some people in this world." Pan Zhifeng sighed, and then his face became extremely gloomy. "It's just that I have not suffered such a big loss since my debut. After this, I will make him look good."

Starting at five o'clock the next day, after having breakfast for a while, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't called my mother for a long time, so I dialed the phone at home.


The voice of mother Liuyun came over the phone.

Yehaoxuan was stunned. From his mother's voice, he heard that his mother was short of morale. It seemed that she was suffering from some cold. He said, "Mom, I'm not feeling well?"

"It's OK. I have a little cold. It's hot these days. It's easy to get windy. You should pay attention there."

"Mom, I'm fine. Did you see the doctor?" When yehaoxuan heard his mother's voice, his heart ached.

"What doctor do you see? Don't forget that I am also a doctor. How about practicing there?" Liu Yun asked lovingly.

"Very good... Mom, I took a few days off. I'll go back and see you later." Yehaoxuan suddenly felt homesick.

"What are you looking at? I'm not very good. Practice well."

"I want to eat your meal." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"Well... Come back if you have nothing to do. I'll cook delicious food." Liu Yun said with a smile.

After chatting with his mother for a while, yehaoxuan hung up the phone, thinking that he was such an asshole. He had money and forgot his mother. He immediately sent several text messages to tell several friends that he wanted to go back for a few days.

Moments later, several text messages came back. The first one was lanlinlin's "I'll send you... Wait for me."

Then Lin Jian said, "have a nice trip. Say hello to my aunt for me."

"Hee hee, why don't you take me back to see my mother?" Xiaohaimei made yehaoxuan smile bitterly.

After thinking about it, ye haoxuan returned a message to lanlinlin, and then drove to her school.

The jade ring last night has been processed. Now give it to her.

After lingering with LAN Linlin for a while, yehaoxuan drove around the highway.

Yehaoxuan's hometown is in Yuancheng County, not far from Qingyuan City. It looks like hundreds of kilometers away from here. You can get home in a few hours by turning to the expressway.

Yuancheng County, in a residential building.

Yuancheng county is not very developed, even a little backward. Residential buildings like this are rented out. Outside, there are bare red bricks eroded by rain, and the iron windows above are blackened by rust.

These buildings are usually rented, and ye haoxuan's mother Liu Yun is pulling ye haoxuan up in this simple residential building.

Knowing that her son would be home at noon, Liu Yun specially asked for a day off. Then she went to the vegetable market to pick out some of her son's favorite dishes, and then she went back home to get busy.

Liu Yun is about 40 years old this year. Although she has worked hard for so many years, years have not left a scar on her face. On the contrary, it makes her look younger.

Although her clothes are simple and cheap, she has an extraordinary temperament. Even if she wears coarse linen clothes, she also shows a kind of atmosphere and nobility that others do not have.

People who don't know her really think that she is not a single mother at the bottom of the society, but a lady from a rich family courtyard.

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