The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 28 - 25 Battle Against Kisame (2)

Kisame Looks around looking for a target but before he could pick a target someone chose for him. He felt something shooting behind him, he spins weaves a handseal almost an instant and a Waterwall Jutsu spread in front of him *BOOM* an explosion is heard on the other side of the wall with mist coming out.

'That was a Fireball Jutsu, heh~ guess someone chose by himself' He thought with a grin on his face and disable the wall then he saw who did it "boy, guess you will be my first victim today" he said looking at the black hair boy looking at him with narrow eyes but before he could act, the boy's eyes changed. That surprise him and he began laughing "Hahaha!! guess today an Uchiha will die!" but then the boy scoffed and said "An Uchiha? no... I'm a Kurogane!" he said before weaving a few handseals in almost an instant "Fire Style: Dragon Breath Jutsu!" he scream before releasing a flamethrower-like flames from his mount, Kisam grinned at him and jump but before he could do anything the dark-skinned, white hair man appear and slice him in two from his waist.

He turn into water in the sky before appearing behind the Kurogane boy and swing Samehada at him *Ting!* two swords clash before the boy jump back "Hahaha good! then let's see if you're strong Kurogane!, Water Style: Water Shark Bomb" Shark-like Water construct shot out from under his feet towards not only the Kurogane boy but the other three.

They ended up dodging the attack but once they step back into the waters, suddenly all of them got attack at the same time with Kisame's Water Clones.

*Ting* Samui blocked C-Kisame's Attack with her sword but what's strange is that she didn't lose Chakra 'does it only work with the real one?' finishing her thoughts, Samui parried his sword to her left and spin for a roundhouse kick, an attack he dodge by ducking. He then ram her with his shoulder "Guh!" and sender her back.

Samui rapidly stabilized before dodging to the left C-Kisame's attack then Samui did another spin and this time, attack with her sword to his waist *Ting!* her sword strike was blocked but Samui did something that surprise C-Kisame. Samui left her sword drop before slightly jumping and giving him a dropkick to his ċhėst sending him back then draws another sword from her seal in the back of her hand "Guess i have to thank my husband for getting me another sword" Samui thought.

C-Kisame look at her with his Shark-like grin "Well, guess this might not be boring after all, i though you would have easily fall but i'm glad that i'm wrong, but now it's time to up this battle up a notch" then he weaves some handseals and said "Water Style: Water Shark Bullet!" a water in the form of a shark was spit out of his mouth before falling towards the water and began swimming at high speed towards Samui.

Samui immediately dodge to the left but the Shark Bullet spin around and began following her, surprising her then she began to run 'i can't used any lightning jutsus nor techniques because it will affect my husband and the others.... the only option i have is to use one of my husband's jutsu' Samui thought while running, then she jumps spins upside down and made handseals in the air "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and from her mouth a big Fireball was shot towards the Water Shark, effectively destroying it after using more than normal Chakra.

Gasping a little while standing on water, Samui look at were C-Kisame is and was surprised not to see him there, then suddenly the wind shifted, she immediately move her sword to her right *Ting!* "Gah!" she blocked the attack but it was stronger than she thought and was send flying. Stabilizing in the air and falling on top of the water, Samui looks at C-Kisame with C-Samehada in his shoulder "Girl, let's finish this since it has already become dull" her eyes twitched at what he said and felt anger being looked down but she immediately calm down.

C-Kisame finished some handseal and said "Water Style: Water Shark Barrage" Ten Water Shark shot out from under his feet towards her, Samui became surprise and immediately said "no choice, Shadow Clone Jutsu" four clones appear and left in different directions with two Sharks following them leaving the last two towards the real one.

Samui waited for the first Shark to get close to her and once it did, she began running towards it. The shark jump and open it's mouth to bite her but she slided below it then immediately stop and jump the second one, in the middle of the jump, she strike at the shark with her sword destroying it from the air before falling on top the water. Samui immediately looks at C-Kisame rushing at her then once he got close he strike downward with C-Samehada but she blocks it, gritting her teeth then pull his sword to her left, letting it fall towards the water before copying C-Kisame's move and ram him.

Samui body may look like she hasn't train and looks more like a supermodel but for any veteran Shinobi, they can feel her body packs a punch and packs at punch it did. C-Kisame was surprise his move was use on him and the clone felt is ċhėst constrict by the attack "Ggh!" after pushing him back, she looks behind her and see the Shark jump and about to take a bite out of her but she saw, the water shark became slow in her eyes but didn't give a notice, then she slice it in two *Boom* some water fell into her body, showing more of her voluptuous figure then she immediately look at C-Kisame with narrow eyes not knowing her eyes change forms.

C-Kisame cover his ċhėst in anger then he looks around and saw her clones destroy all of his Water sharks before dissipating themselves. C-Kisame anger disappears and gave a crazy grin then looks at the real Samui but he was shocked when he saw her eyes "another Uchiha?" he said with surprise in his voice. Samui still looking at him with no emotions but registered what he said 'Uchiha?' while her face kept facing C-Kisame, She look at the water she's standing on and saw her reflection and her eyes. Her red eyes with a one Tomoe, after seeing her eyes she kept looking at C-Kisame and thought 'I guess my husband will always keep protecting me with his eyes' thinking about that Samui show a small gentle smile before rapidly returning to her cold face.

Samui prepare to attack C-Kisame and rush at him. C-Kisame looks at her still in surprise but snap out of thoughts and prepare to intercept her attack *Ting!* both swords clash, Samui looks at C-Kisame with her cold Sharingan eyes and C-Kisame with the widest grin he had ever shown today.

Both jump back and C-Kisame weaves handseals "Water Style: Exploding Wave" then a wave of water form behind him and rushed towards Samui, she immediately rush at him and using chakra on her feets jumped over the wave and from the air strike him with her sword *Ting!* he blocked her sword strike but his eyes widen when she turns into smokes and air shifted from behind him, then he made a mistake in hastily attacking her.

Samui saw the hasted strike and she show a cold smiled, she duck under C-Samehada and stab towards his heart "Damn-" he said before turning into water, finally defeated. Samui began gasping, seeing that she isn'the only one that defeated a C-Kisame, Ao and Darui did too and both of them rush to help Kira with the real Kisame while she gathers her breath and thought 'there was no way that a clone should be that strong unless....Samehada! Kisame must have use some of Samehada's Chakra to make them, no wonder they were that strong but at least i gain something on that battle. The Sharingan and a need to learn other Jutsu from another affinity' After gathering her breath, Samui then then deactivated her Sharingan since it's using too much chakra for unlocking it today for the first time and rush to help her Husband.

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