The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 30 - 27 Battle Against Kisame (End)

Everyone began having problems breathing while inside the huge ball of water and seeing Kisame turn more into a shark, made them realise that he has the full advantage now.

Darui looks around, trying to see if they can find something that can give them even a slight advantage, but being in a ball of water, drowning, won't give them any, what's worse is that he's jutsus as been negated because if he used it inside, he could shock everyone including himself. Darui realise that they are in complete disadvantage 'That's it, if we survive this, i'm going to train in other affinity jutsu' he thought bitterly 'the only reason i could use my Lightning Style a little earlier is due to the sharks jumping out of the water but now....' he looks at the others and saw them thinking like him.

'Ao is still can fight without any problem, i can see Samui too tired right now, and Kira....' Darui looks at Kira and became wide open when he saw Kira's fatigued face then he remembers 'He's been fighting the real Kisame, just how many times did he get his Chakra absorbed?' he mentally question himself.

Ao knew they were in great danger. He knows how powerful Kisame is, especially with Samehada. Kisame became the first person to completely bond with Samehada without any side effect in existence making him one of the stronges shinobi on Yagura's side, no, he might be the strongest since Samehada can also eat tail beast chakra and inside here with Kisame's transformation, he's got complete control. They need to either escape or find a way to defeat him.

Kira is NOT having a good time, Holding Kisame back until the others can come back to help him took him everything, even if he had his Matured Sharingan Activated, his body don't have enough reflex to evade all of Kisame's attack. I've been blocking most of his attacks with my sword, getting my chakra eaten by Samehada.

What's worse is that his Genjutsu don't even work on Kisame and Kira doesn't even know if Samehada can be put in a Genjutsu. He needs to finish this fast, Fenrir has been giving me her chakra but he's almost empty.

Kira looks at the others then he made ANBU signs, that he learn from Killer Bee and Darui, in secret from Kisame telling them to 'separate and try to reach escape from the water', they all nodded at me, then Kisame talked "Hehehe... now who do i kill first, so many options.... so little time...."

We all narrow our eyes at him, still holding our breath then we began swimming to different directions trying to escape from this ball of water, Kisame saw what we were doing was secretely surprise about that move then he turn serious 'having to catch them all is going to be difficult, even though i'm goading them, i know how much focus it takes just to keep this hunting field in effect, they need to die now' after he thought that, he move at high-speed towards his first prey: Darui.

Darui saw him coming at him yet kept swimming, before Kisame hit him, Darui block his strike with his own sword using Kisame's Momentum to push himself farther and farther away from him, while that was happening, the other three saw how the ball of water move alongside Kisame and immediately found his weakness, though that would mean letting one of them stay while the others escape.

Ao might do it since he doesn't have relation and didn't know Darui but Kira and Samui are different, Darui is Kira's sensei and Samui was train a little by him as well, so both began having a hard time choosing what to do. Kira then decided right then and there and began swimming towards the outside of the ball of water, Samui was in shock seeing her husband abandon Darui then she remembers, her husband isn't the type to abandon his own teammates. Samui then realise right there that her husband must have a plan to save Darui and began to swim outside as well.

Kisame saw on the edge of his sight, how they abandon Darui in order to escape with their life and actually got a little piss about that "hehehe.... well look at them, they abandon you in order to save themselves, 'how great of a team they are' aren't they" Kisame said the last sentence in mock, Darui looks at them leaving but he didn't feel angry at them, he felt relieve that Kira and Samui could survive 'the only regret i have is not teaching Kira my Black Lightning techniques, well, at least they'll survive, it's better for the younger generation to bury their elders' he thought in both regret and relieve that Kira and Samui survive.

*Ting* Darui block another attack from Kisame while some of his chakra got absorb by him and try to held him back even more to let the others escape, he's even thinking about using his Black Lightning in the water to try to at least harm Kisame when the other's escape.

*Ting* he block another of Kisame's attack while Kisame swam around and attack Darui in high-speed *ting* another attack block by Darui's sword, the sword even look like it's breaking due to seeing the cracks on it, both of them were so focus on their fight, they didn't realise that the sky began crackling.

Kisame seeing the cracks of the sword, swam around and attack Darui again with more strength to break the sword, Darui began looking tired and his face even began changing color due to how much time he was holding his breath, Darui knows the next attack with heavily wound him and prepare for it but suddenly, he appear outside of the ball of water and began coughing out water " *Cough* *Cough* *Pant* " after he coughed water he try to find out what happen.

"KIRA!!!!" Darui heard Samui scream in sorrow seing Kira inside the ball of water and Darui's eyes opened wide and knowing what happen and immediately looks at the ball of water, and saw that Kira was inside, blocking Kisame's strike. Darui's eye became wide open and immediately scream "WHAT HAPPEN!?" he began screaming for an answer and Ao came and told him what happen.

- few minutes back -

'Cub, i'm inside you and i know what you're thinking and there's only one thing i have to say: You are the biggest idiot alive right now, i'm surprise how much you want to kill yourself' Fenrir said in shock at what Kira is thinking, 'It's a do or die attack, right? either do it and save Darui-sensei or let him die and you know what i want to do' he said to Fenrir.

Fenrir growl in anger at his host's recklessness and just sigh, giving up changing his mind 'hope you're ready for a lot of incoming pain' Kira chuckle at her words 'i can't die yet, i really want to see how i do fighting Madara Uchiha so i really can't die until that happen and there's also Samui and the others' Kira mentally smiles then he turn serious.

Kira looks at Samui and gave her a small smile, and with that smile she knows that everything will be alright. Kira then began concentrating lightning into his hand and looks at the night sky with black clouds and they began crackling little by little. Kira then gulps a lot of air, prepare his sword then immediately use Substitution on Darui, switching then he blocks Kisame's strike *Ting*.

- Now -

Darui was in shock learning from Ao what Kira did then he looks at the ball of water were Kira is now currently fighting Kisame. Samui was in shock on what Kira did then he began running towards the ball of water to help him but was immediately stopped by Ao "you can't go, otherwise you'll ruin the boy's plan" Samui looks at him, questioning him, Ao sighs and said "his hand crackle before substituting with Darui so he must have a plan for doing that" Samui breath deeply then looks at the ball of water were he is 'don't you dare leave me...'

Kisame was in shock when the Uchiha boy substitued with the other one, and that cost him when he receive a counter-attack but he manage to bȧrėly dodge it by instinct alone yet he receive a small wound on his right cheek, Kisame then gave a grin at him 'to think he would willingly sacrifice himself.... i was wrong, hehehe....' he then continue his attack.

after slashing Kisame's cheek, Kira began immediately making handseals and with a slight anger, mentally thanked Orochimaru, Kisame saw what he was doing and immediately attack, then Kira scream in his mind 'Wind Style: Great Breakthrough', even though he was underwater, Kira use his own chakra and Fenrir's chakra to create wind and blow downward, using the jutsu to shot himself upwards and bȧrėly dodging Kisame's attack.

The sky began crackling even more, the Lightning began taking form of a Dragon head with a collar on chains. Kira's left hand, still flying upwards inside the ball of water, began crackling with lightning, hurting him a little in the process, Kisame then saw the sky with wide open eyes and immediately saw the black hair boy's hand crackle with lightning and shot at him, trying to stop whatever he will do with wild abandon, because of that, he lost focus on the huge ball of water and began falling from the air, but Kisame didn't care, what he care is stopping the boy's action.

Kira saw how the water around him began falling and he smirks at it, 'just a little bit more....' he thought, getting close to the edge of the water, that's falling towards the ground. Kisame was getting close to him but Kira manage to reach outside and inhailing deeply he then scream "KISAME!!!!!" Kisame look at him in shock " VANISH WITH THE ROAR OF THE DRAGON!!!" The sky began roaring in anger, the Dragon's head began trying to escape his captivity and Kira move his left hand downwards 'this is gonna hurt!' then he scream "KIRIIIIN!!!!!!" The chain connected to the Dragon's collar broke and the Dragon's head roar and shot downwards, roaring in anger.

Darui, Samui and Ao are in shock seeing that, suddenly, Darui scream "MOVE!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" he tooks Samui's hand and drags her away from the blast zone with Ao following them "KIRA!!!!" Samui scream while getting drag away "SAMUI! LET'S GO!! NOW!!!" Darui scream at her dragging her away while she scream Kira's name.

Kira saw the Dragon's Head falling and Kisame close to him and in one second, he felt unimaginable pain, bȧrėly hearing Fenrir's scream in worry then the next second, he blacked out.

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