The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 44 - 41 Vs Root Nins (1)

"KIRA!!!" Naruto scream, eyes wide open in shock. Mei and Killer Bee were fully surprise. They haven't sense the enemy who impaled Kira.

Then they realize. He waited until this moment. He was here since the very beginning just waiting for the exact moment in which he could attack and he got that moment.

Kira feels the pain from the sword that pierced him. He looks at the sword and gets angry. Kira brings his hands and squeeze the part of the blade and slowly turns his head to looks at the person who stab him.

Kira saw the man but what annoys him most is that he recognizes the mask he is wearing.

'Damn you Danzo! I guess i was pretty stupid to believe you wouldn't do this but i forgot. You are the War-hawk and you'll do anything for power....So i thank you for teaching me something today.' Kira thought in anger but calms himself down.

Kira squeezes the sword and walks backwards with the sword piercing him further, surprising the Root operative and attacks him with the back of his head.

The man stumbles back due to the sudden attack, releasing the sword. Kira clenches his teeth and breaks the sword, taking the pieces off his body. Naruto, Mei and Killer Bee rush to his sides and looks towards the Root nin.

"Kira are you alright?!" Naruto said worried. Kira nodded while panting. He began using a med-jutsu on himself, alleviating the pain he suffer due to the stab.

"Who are you!?" Mei coldly said looking at the Root nin with a serious face and preparing for anything he will do.

'That mask....? Hey Gyuki, didn't big brother say anything about guys wearing this kind of mask?' Killer Bee said looking at the man.

'yep, he said something about this guys belonging to Konoha and to kill them if we find them.' Gyuki said after a thought. Killer Bee nodded and prepare for a fight.

The Root nin raises his head and the left part of his mask broke apart, showing his left eye. Mei, Killer Bee and Naruto were surprise, watching the nin in front of them, they see no emotion at all. Kurama is telling Naruto that he doesn't feel any emotion at all from the Root nin surprising Naruto even more.

"Target to kill located. Mei Terumi, Rebel Leader, Killer Bee, Jinchuriki of the Eight Tails." The Root nin said with no emotion in his voice. Mei and Killer Bee became even more serious about hearing that someone wants to kill them and what's worse is that they almost don't have any chakra left.

"Target to captured. Naruto Uzumaki, The Yang side of the Nine Tails and Kira Kurogane The Yin side of the Nine Tails."

When Kira and Naruto heard about the order to be capture they became more serious. Kira clenches his teeth trying to hold the pain from the surprise attack and healing his body. What's worse is that he can't communicate with Fenrir anymore.

Kira looks towards the broken blade close to him and saw a liquid in it.

'Poison!? But no poison can sever a connection between Jinchuriki and the Tails Beast sealed inside of them... Did Danzo manage to create something like this? If so then this became a difficult fight. Even more so when i lost connection with Fenrir and my chakra is almost empty' Kira is exasperatedly by the knowledge that Danzo has one-upped them.

"...Guys. There's a ....liquid in the blade, sever my connection .... with Fenrir" He said in between pants. When they heard that their eyes widen in pure shock. They immediately put themselves on guard, especially Naruto and Killer Bee. If any of their weapons cut them then they will lose most of their strength.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Kira Kurogane. You are to be brought back alive to be re-educated to serve our master." The Root nin said in an emtionless voice.

"Hope... you can live throught this. You can give... the middle finger to your.... so-called 'Master' from yours truly." Kira jeered the Root nin then pants due to the stab. Right now he's almost finish healing himself. Althought he won't be able to fight with all of his strength at least he can be support.

The Root nin didn't say anything nor didn't care about the insult.

*Woosh* *Woosh*

Multiple shadows appear behind the Root Nin, twenty-one shadows to be exact. All of them wearing Root Masks with two of them wearing Animal Masks.

Kira and the others knew they were in for a fight. They are outnumber by the Root nin and if playing videogames in his past life has taught Kira something is that enemies with different weardrobe and/or bigger tend to be stronger than the others and in front of him, he sees two Root nins with Animal masks.

'Great..... This became even more difficult...' Kira thought bitterly.

The man with the Eagle Mask approach them then stop and looks towards them.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Kira Kurogane. You are to come with us." The man in the Eagle mask said.

"Never!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Then we'll do it by force."

Suddenly the Root nins behind the man attacked them. Everyone prepare themselves but Naruto immediately weaves handsings.

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!" Suddenly from the ground, a vast number of trees began appearing, stopping the Root nins in their tracks. Naruto then brought up his shirt and he touches a certain seal on his left ribs and chakra began fueling him. He recover all of his chakra and prepare to fight.

Kira looks at him in shock. "Why didn't you tell me that you had that seal?" Naruto grin at Kira. "You didn't ask."

Kira facepalmed himself. 'Great. The 'You didn't ask me' crap. I never thought it would happen to me.' He sighs then looks at Naruto and in an annoy voice, he said. "After... this is over... we need... to talk about that seal."

"You mean my 'Chakra Tank' seal?" Naruto asked. Kira raised his eyebrows "You name that seal 'Chakra Tank'?" Naruto smiles and scratch the back of his head "You know i'm not good with naming stuff." Kira sighs "We'll talk about it after this is over."

While Naruto and Kira were talking, Killer Bee and Mei ate a food pills to recover some of their chakra and prepare themselves.


They heard explosion from the other side of the trees.

"Heh, This jutsu is strong. Fire jutsus won't destroy the trees that easily." Naruto grin. A few more explosions are heard but after awhile, it stops.

"Let's take care of them. If you can, separate them." Mei said with the others nodding.

Kira grunts trying to stand but realize that he won't be able to help. The stab left a hole and he's still recuparating. The blood dripping from his wound already stop and the hole has almost close thanks to his med-jutsus. But his body is still in shock so he won't be able to help. He could support if they bring the enemy here.

Naruto stops Kira from moving "Stop. You won't be able to help with that wound. We'll take care of them, don't worry" Naruto grin after saying those words. Kira sighs and nodded at him and decided to wait.

Naruto weave handsigns and a tree sprout behind Kira and it's root engulf him, protecting him from any outside attacks. "Just in case." Naruto said with a smile.

Naruto, Mei and Killer Bee left in different directions to face the Root nins. Kira sits inside the tree Naruto made and sighs. "Dammit, if it wasn't for this wound..." He sighs again and kept healing himself.


They saw how it was impossible to destroy the trees but from they information they got from Hashirama Senju, the trees should absorb little by little their chakra but nothing of that is happening. That leaves them to believe that either Naruto is too tired to fight or he cannot use Wood Style at Hashirama's power. Whatever it is, for them it's good news.

Eagle looks at the others. "Separate ten to the south under Bears command and ten to the North under my Command. Find a way inside, then capture the Yang and Yin Nine Tails Jinchuriki and kill the other two. And remember. Use Danzo-sama's poison so we can neutralize the Tailed Beasts chakra from helping their hosts."

The Root nins nodded and immediately separate and left. Eagle left alongside his group.

'For Danzo-sama!' He thought.

On the way, looking for a way in, they are suddenly attack.

Earth spikes shoot out from the ground. They were prepare from any attack, so they dodge, sadly not all of them responded with speed and two Root were impale from the Earth spikes, killing them.

Naruto fell from one of the trees to the ground. "Hey! You guys looking for me?" He grin after saying that.

Eagle narrow his eyes "Naruto Uzumaki. Give up. We have you outnumbered." Naruto kept his grin and said in a ċȯċky voice "Think again."

Suddenly, a mist rolled by and when it reach the Root nin, they began *sizzling* in pain.

Eagle immediately knew what it meant and weave some handsigns "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" From his mouth and gale of wind exploded, dissipating the boiled mist but when he looks around, he found that three in his team on the ground, with Lava in their body and Naruto wasn't in his spot.

Eagle narrow his eyes even more, he jump to a tree and close his eyes a few seconds later, he opens them again "There you are..." He fell to the ground and looks at his remaining group. "Follow me!" They nodded and left.

They didn't feel a thing if one of their own dies and why should them. They are weapons use by Danzo and his will is theirs.


"Hey Fools! Look up into the sky and see the power of my soul transform into water, Oh Yeah!" After Killer Bee appear in front of them and said that, they saw a shadow in the ground growing bigger and when they look up, they saw a huge water current falling into them. By the time they realize, it was too late and the water fell on top of them.

"Water Style: Waterfall jutsu in the flesh." Killer Bee grins at his work then he began using chakra to light up his hand on electricity. When Bear who finally stand on top of the water saw that he yell an order "Get out of the water!" After he said that, he immediately jump unto a tree to evade Killer Bee's attack.

The Eight Tailed Jinchuriki electrify the water when he shoot lightning from his hand increasing the effectiveness of the attack. By the time the electricity reach the remaining Root nins, only three were left in the water. But the attack was enough to fried their inside, ending their lives.

Bear saw the deaths of some of his team with emotionless eyes. He concentrated on killing Killer Bee, but what he doesn't know is that Killer Bee is sweating.

'Damn, that attack only took down three of them. I actually hoped it would have taken them all down but i guess i was hoping too much.' Killer Bee bitterly thought.

You see, even thought their chakra has been recovered due to the food pill or Naruto's own 'Chakra Tank' seal. Mentally, all of them are tired. They've been fighting nonstop since this morning and haven't had any rest. So even thought their bodies are strong, their minds aren't.

'Bee. You need to finish this fast. I don't know how much you can take before your mind gives up.' Gyuki said in a serious voice.

Killer Bee nodded and re-enter the fray to end the other Root members. But Bear hasn't gone all out yet, same as Eagle. Both of them were chosen for this mission due to their ability to always complete their mission. They have never fail any of the mission their master, Danzo gave them. The war-hawk knew that he needed to weaken Kumo whatever it takes and he sent his best team to complete this mission. So for Danzo. This mission is a success. But the future isn't set. Yet.

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