Episode 129. Fly like a butterfly (3)

We went back the distance we had gone before and rejoined the main force.

I went to Uriel and asked.

“I got the back. How are you?”

“No big deal.”

He repeated shooting an arrow and opening it again when he thought the distance had shortened.

In the process, the orcs accumulated quite a bit of damage, but rather, they said that they came alive and pursued them.

‘It looks like he was trying to catch up with me.’

That’s why even though he was being unilaterally suffered, his spirit was alive and he chased after him.

However, the cause of that confidence had just turned into a corpse.

Uriel said with a bright expression.

“Then it seems we won easily.”

He said that he was in high spirits now, but sooner or later he would know that the plan had failed and run away.



But I had no intention of letting it retreat so easily and so smoothly.

No, you can be a little more daring that Balak isn’t around anyway.

“Let’s catch them all.”

“… !”

At the words to catch all of them, Yuriel’s eyes widened.

“Is there a way?”

“We can catch up too.”

“There are too many opponents.”

“are you okay. If you keep shooting, you will catch them all someday.”

“That means… .”

Whether the sun rises or not, you just have to keep chasing it and attack it relentlessly.

If you dragged on a battle that started with a surprise attack for too long, it could be dangerous to get hit by enemy reinforcements, but it would be okay in the current situation.

‘There were no other troops around anyway.’

Even if some break away and ask for help from other units, it will take at least half a day to get here.

If it took half a day or so for support to arrive, they would have already suffered near-destruction damage.

If, in the unlikely event that a problem arises, then all you have to do is scatter and run away.

‘Because everyone is fast.’

If they were scattered like this, they would not be able to pursue everyone with the speed of an orc.

So even if some die, most will be able to survive safely.

In other words, there was much more to be gained than the risk to be shouldered.

“Let’s try.”

Uriel did not think long.

“All right.”

“good. then… .”

A quick decision was made, and we immediately organized a detached unit.

A detached team made up of about 30 people who are fast on their feet and can kill signs.

“I’ll keep your eyes on you, so you just have to go back and wait.”

“All right.”

They quietly left the main unit and moved to the place where the enemy would retreat along the route they had found in advance.

* * *

The reaction of the orcs, who realized that there was a setback in their plan, was as expected.

The spiritedness of a while ago disappeared in an instant, and he began to run away tired of self-control.

“I’m going after you slowly.”

If driven too hard, they could scatter in all directions, so they drove them like they were hunting.

When you reach the place where your allies are hiding like that.

Peeing… !

Using the arrows I shot high into the sky as a signal, they fired arrows all at once.


“There is an enemy behind you!”

I could see the orcs panicking at the arrows flying from the front and sides.

It had already been more than five hours since the initial night raid, so his concentration was depleted.

“… run away!”

In the end, the guys’ choice was to escape.

Against hundreds, thousands of troops scatter and begin to flee.

Giving up was quicker than I thought.


If I had pushed harder, I would have captured most of that force.

Swallowing a bit of regret, I chased the guys who ran away as much as I could.

“Follow me!”

Soon, the hills and wide plains were stained with the blood of the orcs.

* * *

From noble mtl dot com

“… what?”

The commander frowned and asked with an expression that he heard something unbelievable.

Of course, asking again doesn’t change the answer.

I returned the same answer as before with a calm expression.

“The fortress will be safe for the time being.”

It’s because I annihilated them yesterday.

“Not until annihilation. Still, I’ve reduced it to about half, so an invasion with that number would be impossible.”

“… half?”

“yes. On the other hand, our team has some wounded.”

Since it was a one-sided attack from beginning to end, there were no casualties.

However, in the course of the chase, some elves who were too excited were injured by the desperate orcs.

It wasn’t much damage.

“I wonder if the resurrected Orcs will join other units and aim for other fortresses.”

Burning with vengeance, he could even aim for the fortress here, but he thought that the possibility was slim.

Even so, the guys were beaten too one-sidedly.

If you do this, you will feel the feelings of the former rather than the former.

“Of course that is my guess.”

It’s a guess, but I finished the report with a tone that was quite certain.

“… … .”

The commander did not answer for a long time with an unknown expression on his face.

He pounded on the table, as if he couldn’t quite understand what I was saying, and repeatedly closed and opened his eyes.

how long has it been like that

“… hot.”

Suddenly he let out a laugh.

Then he looked at me and muttered.

“… Indeed, it feels like a general.”


“No. In the first place, most of the positions of commander-in-chief of the border were held by Karziel.”

He laughed and said that with a proud expression, but I was really not interested in the commander’s position.

‘Is there anything big about it?’

If you become a border commander, of course you can’t empty the kingdom, so you shouldn’t be tied to the kingdom.

“There will be better greetings.”


When I answered with a straight face, the commander chuckled and laughed, perhaps taking it as an expression of humility.

He smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes as he spoke.

“It was hard. If it were you, you might be able to receive the award after the war is over.”

They destroyed siege weapons, annihilated 5,000 troops who knocked on the gates, and it is only natural that they have meritorious deeds today.

It would be better to think about what you will receive rather than whether or not you will receive an award.

“It’s not like this, I’ll have to send a messenger to the capital right away. When the news arrives, His Majesty will be relieved as well.”

Saying so, the commander was about to write a letter right away.

But it was still too early to tell the news.

If it’s good news, wouldn’t it be better to send it all at once?


“Something. Even if I’m going to tell you separately… .”

“Please postpone the messenger until later.”

It’s not bad news, he said he would deliver the news of victory, but he asked me to postpone it until later.

“what? Why?”

At such an incomprehensible request, the commander became puzzled.

I looked at him and said in a confident voice.

“Now we are starting.”

“… !!”

Today’s victory news is not the end.

Rather, it has just begun.

This was no lie.

A while ago, I heard from my subordinates that Balak showed up at the Balkan Fortress today as well.

‘There’s still plenty of time.’

Without Balak and the Dark Elves, I was ready to try the tactic I had last night again and again.

No, now that the fort is safe, I was thinking of going even more aggressive.


“… So, as soon as the members rest, I plan to go out again in the afternoon.”

I told the commander, who had a dumbfounded expression, like this.

“Huh… ?”

“I will come with a message of victory.”

Then, he laughed nonchalantly and replied as if he was dumbfounded beyond admiration.

“Do as the captain wishes.”

do it my way

* * *

[How is the situation?]

[There were heavy casualties on both sides. However, the reinforcements arrived on time and the Mercury was successful.]

[Balak. Is it worth stopping?]

[he is… . Ah yes. It’s impossible alone, but he says it’s okay because he intensively checks it with other knights.]

What are you talking about?

[Is your older brother by your side?]


Anyway, Ian didn’t know that I was acting like a follower, and he seemed to be following me around to spread the news quickly.

Anyway, since you’re right next to me, I added a few words of advice.

[No matter what. Don’t ever think about fighting Balak. Tell him.]

[He asks why.]


It’s that simple.

Because you can never win.

I know Ian has reached the level of Master, but the answer is still the same.

[Never win. You can die immediately after fighting.]

[…] … .]

This was neither an exaggeration nor a joke.

Even Ymir, who was said to be the weakest of the corps commanders, was barely captured by the three of them.

At that time, I caught him while he was unable to use his powers because of me, so I didn’t know if the expression ‘barely’ would be insufficient.

Even the weakest corps commander would do that.

Among the corps commanders, there was no way that Balak, who boasted outstanding military strength, would have a chance against him.

‘In the first place, the commander of the corps can’t be captured alone.’

I wonder if the word ‘reid’ came into being for nothing?

Ymir, as well as Balak and Arkhan, who gave me my hundredth failure.

All of them were strong players in an era when it was difficult to guarantee victory even if they challenged after completing all preparations.

[A chance to deal with will definitely come. So until then, just tell them to endure even if it’s frustrating.]

[All right.]

Perhaps recalling the memory of dealing with Ymir in the Empire the other day, Ian agreed without saying anything.


It was fortunate that he did not have an ego.

‘then… ,’

Right now I’m doing the dirty work over there.

On the other side, you should definitely deliver results.

I went to see Iris.

She was resting in the barracks with the remaining knights of her family.

Upon entering the barracks, she finds this way and looks up.

“ah. Roan.”

After he said it, he added to his surroundings.

First of all, it’s because I’m a leader and a member.

“… kyung. What is it?”

I gave notice and bit the members around me and said.

“What is it? Something important?”

“How’s your condition?”

“Not bad. I haven’t done anything in particular these days.”

As she said, Iris looked fine, although her face was slightly swollen, probably because her sleeping pattern had changed.

Since the physical condition would be relaxed, it seemed possible to go out immediately.

“Prepare to depart. I will go out in the afternoon.”

“yes? me too?”


Iris opened her eyes wide in surprise at my words.

she asked.

“… Can I? Whenever I store it tightly for fear of dying.”

“I’m fine now.”

“… ?”

There are many escorts around, and both the Dark Elves and Balak are far away.

On top of that, there was no need to keep her in the castle because she had let go of worries about Suseong by destroying the opposing forces that were waiting to attack the fortress yesterday.

“all right.”

Was it frustrating to be alone in the castle, or was there a desire to do something?

Iris replied with an eager expression.

So, that afternoon.

when the sun goes down.

“Let’s go.”


The same troops as yesterday, plus one wizard, left the castle.

The surprise attack on the first day was good, but the firepower was insufficient, and even after attacking for almost half a day, they could not be annihilated.

However, the firepower that was disappointing was now filled enough.

‘It will be different now.’

From now on, enemies will see the miracle of a unit disappearing after each night.

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