Episode 142. trap (3)

‘It’s not a bad situation.’

I thought while making eye contact with Balak.

No, actually, it wasn’t bad, it was close to the best.

It wasn’t long before night fell, and Balak and hundreds of Orc warriors entered the castle.

The remaining orcs outside must be busy dealing with the power of the entire front that is pouring in from all sides by now.

Luna and the Dark Elves must have noticed that Sigrun’s troops were wreaking havoc in the enemy camp by now.

In other words, it is an opportunity not to be missed.

‘Of course I made a sacrifice.’

As I said before, it was a necessary death.

I have no regrets about my choice.

When the situation arises, I will make this choice again. again and again

From a national perspective, I faithfully worked for the salvation of the world.

There were some sacrifices, but if Balak could be caught now, it would have prevented great damage that would happen in the near future.

Also, although there are only two corps commanders active right now, soon all corps commanders will begin their activities, so they had to reduce their forces as much as possible until then.

Of course, this was an idea that I could do because I knew roughly what was going to happen in the future.

The knights and Ian initially showed strong resistance to my plan.

There was only one battle that could be called a lost battle, so why don’t we observe the situation a little longer?

I strongly persuaded them.

This is because the situation did not seem to get better as time passed.

It was a difficult persuasion, but Ian and Uriel, who knew that I was an apostle, eventually gave in to the persuasion.

I said to the two people standing next to me.

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“Sorry. Because of the hard work.”


The two approached with swords and spears.

Uriel continued.

“… It must have been harder for the dead soldiers than for us.”

Although they all volunteered for reasons such as a large bounty for their families or honor.

Even considering that, it was true that he did a really difficult and important job.

“So take it. certainly.”


A face that shows resoluteness. Ian didn’t say anything, but Ian’s expression was similar.

Unlike me, they are really knights and have a lot of responsibility.

“… … .”

I could feel the bleak murder of the Orcs from them.

Balak and the orcs behind him also felt it and raised their axes one by one.

That’s how we confronted the orcs at a distance of only ten meters.

“… … .”

A precarious silence flowed in the castle.

It is the exact opposite of the situation outside the castle, where metal sounds and shouts are rampant.

However, the reality was different.

It was only because he was quiet on the outside, but he was busy looking for gaps in his opponent.

This alone made my head warm even though I wasn’t moving.

“… … .”

A confrontation ensues.

It was a good thing for us that time dragged on like this meaninglessly.

It was because there was still time left before I could use my 100% power.

It was a scenario that would not be bad for me to continue fighting like this and hold on until the night with my stamina intact.

So, I stood still without provoking Balak, with only moderate momentum.

“I can’t eat it.”

“… !”

Balak made a sudden move, as if to say that he couldn’t live long.

his upper body shakes


With a roar, he rushed toward us at explosive speed.

‘… come!’

I was preparing for this surprise attack to some extent, so my reaction speed was very fast.


In preparation for a collision, after giving strength to the pivot foot, he swung his sword towards the front.

At this time, the muscles of the whole body pushed and pulled, creating explosive speed.

This was Kayla’s swordsmanship, which she had used in sparring with Duke Hayward in the past.

At that time, my body couldn’t stand the technique, so one sum was the limit, but it was different now that I had completed my remarkable growth.

Because now I can do all my movements this way.


As the sword extended, a deep blue sword covered the blade.

It collided with Balak’s axe.


There was a roar that I couldn’t believe was created by meeting blades.

The ground trembled, and light objects such as pieces of stone and tree branches rose all at once and were pushed back by the wind.

“… big!”

I stayed in my seat, holding back my tears and tightening my stomach.

I spat out a curse inwardly.

‘Oh, crazy.’

Is it really the pinnacle of the Orc race with superior physical abilities?

Despite exerting as much force as I could, I couldn’t stop my knees from bending at the moment of contact.

The first attack from day one was honestly blocked from the front to figure out what level he was.

My mind flashed.

I stopped it because it was me, if the two of us did this later, it would have been the least fracture.

The worst is death.

‘… It’s strong too.’

Indeed, looking at his fighting power, he was really strong, befitting a corps commander competing for the top spot.

But what surprised me even more was Balak himself, who had just launched the attack.

He clasped his hands, then released them, frowned and murmured.

“… You blocked this.”

As if this was an unexpected case, his expression became more serious.

Well, from his point of view, it would be the first time since he became a corps commander that he had been blocked from a frontal attack.

While he stopped, I pushed the ax away with force.

Then, rushing at Balak, he shouted backwards.


“… !”

“I’ll take all of his attacks, so the two of you are only looking for a chance to attack!”

We only exchanged one sum, but that was enough for the estimate.

I was the only one who could hold out against him.

It was clear that Yuriel and Ian would be incapacitated even if the ax blade caught the wrong one.

So, the role of the so-called tanker naturally has to be played by me.

“… … .”

In a brief moment, our eyes met.

Communication was simple.

The two nodded and turned to my side.

Balak’s gaze turned to the two.

But he didn’t seem to be feeling any great danger.

Seeing the Orc warriors in the back standing still while the corps commander was being attacked, they seemed to think that they shouldn’t interfere with the duel, but didn’t think that it was dangerous.


Balak swung his ax again.

An eerie sound of wind cutting.

I opened my eyes wide and defended by draining my strength as much as possible.

It was a heavy attack, so it wasn’t easy to let it go, but I was good at dealing with strong opponents.

I was able to see the trajectory to the end and push the ax blade to spill the attack.


‘… done!’

Actually, the power is so strong that it just doesn’t show well.

Balak’s attack wasn’t technically perfect.

In the first place, if the technical perfection is high in that strength and physique, it is a foul.

If that was the case, everything would have been sorted out on the Balak line, including Arkhan.


I tightened my hand and pushed the ax blade all the way, and Balak was pushed out.

Only the direction of the force was exquisitely refracted and pushed out, so even though there was a considerable difference in force, it was possible to push it.

Then Balak was startled.

“… !?”

His wide-eyed eyes turned to this direction.

One arm was already lifted, and the right side of his upper body was open.

“… !”

The two S-class NPCs did not miss this opportunity and rushed at Balak.

Love Love!!

Swords and spears imbued with deep blue mana flew through the wind.

Balak gritted his teeth.

“Do something stupid… !”

Demonic energy erupted explosively from the center of his angered body.

He swung the ax crosswise.

right after.

A shiver passed through my brain.


In an instant, even though the attack was not aimed at me, my hair stood on end and an alarm bell rang in my head.

because it was too fast

I can’t believe I was able to go faster than before… !?

I knew it was a difficult opponent to begin with, but I only faced it through the monitor, and it was much more tangible when I faced it in person.

‘This is dangerous.’

It was an unstoppable attack.

Fortunately, Ian and Uriel also instinctively recognized this.

The two stopped attacking and took a big step back, getting out of the axe’s path.

Right after that, the ax blade cut the space where the two heads were.


As a result, nothing happened, but Yuriel’s expression stiffened as the wind blew her bangs.

Ian was better than her, but his expression was all the same.

“It was a rather cunning attack, human.”

Balak snarled, showing his bucktooth, and looked around.

“… … !”

The two were surprised by that alone and fixed their weapons.

It was in stark contrast to how Balak had regained his composure at this point.

he said, shaking his head.

“Surprisingly, all three have crossed the line. Is that why? It was a fight.”

“… … .”

Is it because you feel relaxed in your voice?

Even though the three of them were surrounded, it felt rather pressured.

Knock knock. twice briefly.

He responded by hitting the ground with his toe.

“That’s because there are three Masters. You can’t use your power, can you?”

Balak sneered at the casual reply.

“That, too, must be up to the Master. By the looks of it, all three of them look like young chicks who have just passed the stage. How dare you?”

“… … .”

“Among them, it’s amazing that you have that much strength and momentum with a human body, but… .”

Apart from being great, it’s not to the extent that it touches you.

He said so and ended the conversation one-sidedly.

Then, he raised his demonic energy to the fullest and rushed again recklessly.

“You fool, man! If I had waited a few more years, I could have been a worthy opponent of the Legion!”

The guy swung an axe.

It was an attack mixed with a thick murder that hadn’t been there before.

“after… .”

He took a deep breath.

Now you have to focus. I closed my ears and looked at Balak’s huge body.

‘… … .’

Heat rose from his heightened concentration, and his unfocused eyes followed his movements like a magnet.

Due to his innate concentration, I was able to sense the direction of his gaze, the movement of his muscles, and the degree of his breathing.

And by putting all this information together, we were able to predict the trajectory of the axe.


swung the sword


The tip of the sword pushed the center of the ax blade exactly and sparks flew.

“Ha, you are born with one defense. No, is that the only thing you can do?”

Balak didn’t take it seriously and continued to swing his axe.

“I will never be able to stop it!”

Rather, he laughed at me as if he thought I was overdoing it.

However, it didn’t last long.


It’s because I safely let go of all his attacks.

It even became proficient in real time in combat situations.

“What!? how… !”

Balak was speechless, but I was able to infer the words behind him.

How could this be?

No way, he probably wants to ask if he’s growing in the middle of this battle.

But no.

‘No way.’

I was ‘original’.

He was born with the ability to remember what he saw once and the insight to understand principles and patterns once he saw it.

This is the talent that allowed him to steal the swords of Uriel and Dante.

My own talent, not derived from blood, that even my ancestors did not have.

it’s shining now

‘… see!’

It was a very fast attack, but the trajectory was surprisingly clear.

Balak’s attack was powerful, but the technical trick was simple, so it wasn’t difficult to figure out at all.

kaaang… !

With the tip of my sword, I pushed the middle of the ax blade along the swung trajectory.

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And for the first time in today’s battle, I went forward instead of backward.

Took… !

He thrust his shoulders in like that, knocking Balak off balance for a moment.

“… What!?”

Balak in amazement.

At the same time, Uriel and Ian, who were looking for an opportunity to intervene, attacked.

The two did not miss this opportunity.

fit… !!

Dark red blood splattered.

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