Episode 144. trap (5)

“I killed him.”

“… … .”

Luna blinked for a moment.

The expression of not accepting the situation.

But that was also fleeting.

In the first place, I was thinking that there was something strange about the previous incident.

In the meantime, the mixed blood he discovered and the words that came out of his mouth were the decisive blow.

She grasped the situation at once.

They killed the orcs and deliberately covered the demonic energy to create a division between the two legions.

Because of that, he was humiliated by Balak and even made an oath to the Orcs.

In an instant, bubbling inside.

“You mongrel b*tch, how dare you!!”

Luna was furious and snared.

Although he hadn’t received the strengthening drink yet, the corps commander was a corps commander.

The demonic energy that erupted from her body encroached on all sides and spread out, corroding leaves and the like.


“A monster, a monster… .”

At the sight of Luna’s thick demonic energy rising like a haze from all directions, the members were shaken and hesitated.

It was an instinctive feeling.

The opponent in front of me is different from the Dark Elves I’ve dealt with so far.

“… What do we do?”

“… … .”

At Dante’s question, who came to the side, Noah pondered for a moment.

The trouble was short-lived.

It was because there weren’t a few options to choose from in the first place.

Noah glared at Luna and said.


Luna will be dealing with herself, so you take the rest of the people and run away to the kingdom’s army.

It’s been a while since a messenger was sent with a request for reinforcements, so if you go out a little, you should be able to meet reinforcements waiting outside in the woods.

Dante frowned.

“what? Then you… .”

“are you okay.”

Dante’s words were blocked by the firm answer.

Noah spoke again.

“I’m okay.”

Dante licked his lips.

There were many things he wanted to say, but time was running out as he could feel the presence of the Dark Elves coming from all directions.

“Then be careful.”

“… … .”

Dante spoke so briefly and took the other members and left.

“Follow me.”

Seeing that, Luna ordered the members to chase the fleeing enemies.

And the moment you want to move.


Luna laughed at the sight of Noah standing alone in front of him.

“What is this about?”

“… … .”

she asked dumbfounded.

“Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? for them?”

I couldn’t tell what the expressionless face was thinking, but the atmosphere I felt implicitly was exactly that.

So Luna couldn’t understand Noah’s actions even more.


Even if you sacrifice yourself, nothing will come back to the mongrel.

It was an obvious thing not to look at.

Even those pure-blooded elves went missing after being afflicted with slave hunting, but what about mixed-bloods who can’t be protected?

‘furthermore… .’

Moreover, although the horse was of mixed race, it was actually a Dark Elf for Luna to feel.

It’s ridiculous to call her a half-blood based only on her appearance when her demonic energy is that thick.

“It is not where you are. You are being taken advantage of.”

Luna said in a soft voice.

I lost my temper for a moment and was angry, but thinking about it, this was an opportunity.

Mixed races want a place to rely on.

I thought that if I coaxed him well, I could get a strong member in reverse.

In the first place, wouldn’t you want your opponent to join the Legion even late rather than being consumed as a war slave?

“Come to us. I will give you the position of vice-captain.”

So I asked. but.


The other person’s answer was a resolute refusal that would not go through a single needle.

Rejection without even considering the offer.

Looking at that figure, I wondered how much he had been brainwashed as a slave.

“I am not a war slave.”

Then, shaking her head, she said quietly.

But, no?

“Then what are you?”


“… ??”

Luna doubted her ears for a moment. Is there someone who uses a mixed-race as a lady-in-waiting?

No, in the first place, if she was really a lady-in-waiting, why would she cross swords with the enemy corps commander on such a bloody battlefield?

I thought you were joking.

However, the other person was smiling faintly beyond being perfectly calm.

From that appearance, Luna realized.

“… Ha, I see.”

No matter how much you convince them, they will never change their minds.

And that one of the two powers would not work from the start.

There was no room to squeeze in at all, but there was no way the fascination would work.


Luna clenched her tongue and grabbed the dagger.

I spent time thinking if I could appease her, but it was a waste of time.

Also, it is fundamentally impossible for her to be mixed with demons from birth, so she has no choice but to kill her.


Luna swarms the devil inside her body and kicks off a branch.

Their movements were stealthy, so there was almost no sound when they moved, but on the contrary, the distance was rapidly approaching.

Luna swung her dagger.

“… … .”

In the slow time due to concentration.

Noah looked at it from the spot and remembered Roan’s words a few days ago.

‘The corps commander is Luna.’

He told me a few things as if he had predicted the current situation.

‘This guy’s powers are charm and poison.’

‘… fascination?’

‘Enchantment probably won’t work if you keep your mind on it.’

He said that as his level increased, he would have become immune to such grabs.

To be honest, I didn’t think I would be enchanted even if it wasn’t for that reason, but I nodded my head for now.

Roan continued.

‘… … huh.’

‘The problem is poison.’

Even if he couldn’t create a poison fog thick enough to cover the battlefield because he hadn’t received the magic of reinforcement, it would be enough to use in one-on-one combat.

‘Maybe it’s a way to wrap it around a dagger. be careful. You can’t even brush it.’

‘… … .’

He told me that it would be fatal because even just brushing it would cause paralysis.

Just as she said, deadly black poison was dripping from the tip of Luna’s dagger that was quietly rushing in now.

It wouldn’t be a lie to say that just looking at it gives off an ominous energy, and even just brushing against it is dangerous.

However, it was strange.

“… … ?”


After seeing the dagger’s trajectory to the end, Noah only slightly bent his head to avoid it.

Then, an attack through the air.


Luna frowned for a moment and then attacked faster than before.

I couldn’t avoid it this time.


Dagger and dagger met.

A few drops of the venom spurted out and felt hot, but contact with the skin was not fatal.


Noah’s eyebrows narrowed as he felt something strange through his expressionless expression.

At this time, the strange feeling did not mean the bad side.

It was just different from what he expected.

“… … .”


what did you think

Noah spewed demonic energy and rushed at Luna.

From noble mtl dot com

Luna was shocked.

“What Magi… !?”

A level of demonic energy that overwhelms the advanced members.

Even though she vaguely knew that her constitution was a peculiar mixed race leaning towards ‘E’, this was surprising.

If only the skin was covered, wouldn’t it be a level to believe even if it was a high-ranking position in the corps?


The clash of swords made the first sound in a silent battle.

At this time, it was Noah who was pushed from power.

However, the emotion that came to Noah’s face was not a sense of crisis or trouble.

Noah tilted his head in pure doubt and murmured quietly.

‘… Are you weak?’

Luna was weaker than expected.

Of course, he must be stronger than he is now, but there was not as much difference as he thought.

I was pushed out of power now, but that’s all.

It wasn’t to the point of being overwhelmed.

‘Is it a trick?’

There was no aura of overwhelming power that I thought so for a moment.

She didn’t feel the kind of intimidation she had experienced when facing Ymir earlier.

Luna’s sword was heavy, but it wasn’t at the level of cutting down the opponent. It was fast, but not to the point of being unresponsive.

So, a tough opponent.

It was nothing more, nothing less.

As the battle continued, this idea became more and more firm, and I soon realized it.

It’s not that the opponent is weak.

‘I’ve become stronger.’

Haven’t received the esoteric yet.

It was enough to block a half corps commander.

Is that why?

A faint smile spread across her lips even while receiving Luna’s attack.

Seeing that, Luna asked.

“You are quite… . Why are you laughing?”

The reason was simple.

Two years ago.

An oath unilaterally declared to be your sharpest sword.

I think I can keep it now.

“… … .”

Instead of answering, he lowered his restraint.

A posture that shows the intention to hold on to the opponent somehow.


Luna, who laughed as if she was dumbfounded by that appearance, rushed at it.

“Anyway… !”

Even so, the result doesn’t change, saying that it’s not long now.

That was right.

‘It’s not long.’

Of course, the direction of thinking was different from each other.

* * *

I knew it would be difficult to deal with.

Still, it was beyond imagination.

“Where did the momentum of the first time go? human.”

“… … .”

Despite the sarcastic remarks, I couldn’t even afford to return a word.

If you miss the attack because of that wind, it’s because of the vampire’s resilience and what, you lose your life in one shot.

“Whoa, whoops!”


Instinctively, I lowered my head at the blurry reflected light that flashed in front of my eyes.

At the same time, the wind blew in front of my eyes.


A few strands of her hair fluttered and flew through the air.

Chills ran down my spine.

If it was just a few millimeters deeper, the skull could have split.


I took a deep step back and caught my breath.

In a brief moment, I grasped the situation.

“… … .”

Ballack was really strong.

I always dealt only with magicians, but when I was in a hand-to-hand combat, I felt that way.

‘It’s dangerous.’

The moment Balak used his powers to explosively increase his physical abilities.

My original plan of parrying his attack and seizing the opportunity to attack Ian and Yuriel went awry.

It’s because the first step, the part where I block his attack, is blocked.


He launched a powerful attack as if to block it.

The trajectory of the ax didn’t change much, but it was impossible to touch it at all when the gap between each other’s speed and power exceeded the critical point.

Thanks to that, instead of controlling Balak so that he couldn’t run amok, I was only swayed by the offensive power that transcended common sense.

The wind pressure from the ax was enough to push the body away, so there was no other way.


Still dodging the mighty axe, he exhaled and thought.

‘It’s not long.’

You just have to endure a little longer.

But I don’t know how to endure that little time.

My eyes are already shaking dangerously, and my stamina is crawling on the floor.

‘how should… .’

The thought was forcibly cut off in the middle.

That too, in the worst possible way.

“Hey, Roan-!”

Uriel’s urgent cry, filled with breathing, pierced his ears.


I suddenly came to my senses.

hold on to the spirit Reflexively, I pulled the sword closer to my body.

Since the response was a step late, this was the best response possible.


‘I blocked it!’

Fortunately, the ax was blocked by the sword.


… … .

… … .


My eyes flashed, and within a few seconds the memory disappeared.

When I woke up again, the world was turning upside down again and again.

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