The Vampire's Bride

Chapter 34 - Last Surviving Witness

Tuesday afternoon...

Leo stood at the door, watching the girl who was silently kneeling besides the bed. She was waiting for the man who have been sleeping for a day or two to open his eyes. "Mallory. Have some snacks. You only ate little earlier lunch."

"Master Orpheus!" Mallory looked behind her and saw Leo bringing in a tray. "Thank you very much."

Leo glanced at the girl's puffy eyes. It was obvious that she just cried. Her eye bags were obvious now unlike the last time he saw her. Was she that insecure?

"Are you scared?" Leo asked.

Mallory who tried maintaining a smile, was stunned before nodding. Leo patter her head and asked once more, "Scared that he will die?"

Mallory bit her lower lip. Facing down, she explained, "Master Orpheus..."

Her face darkened as she glanced at Aldo. "To tell the truth, it's as if it happened yesterday... The memories are fresh in my mind..."


"...Memories of watching him die."

Watching him die...

The words resonated in Leo's head. He was rendered speechless. She... watched him die?

"Master Orpheus, I am the last surviving witness of the case. Another vampire, probably the special forces that you have mentioned, have probably made it looked like my memories were altered."

Last surviving witness...

Another vampire...

Memories were altered...

"W-Wait, wait, wait!" Leo took a deep breath as he continued, "So you're telling me that you saw his death and when the police came, they tried to change your memories? How about Zorek? What happened to him?"

Biting her lip, her face turned grim, "...Nothing. Nothing happened to him. But just like he said, his whole army of zombie vampires died."

"Who killed them?"

Mallory did not reply. Who killed them? Indeed, no matter how hard she tried to remember, whoever killed those disgusting, monstrous vampires was unknown to her.

Shaking her head, she said, "I cannot remember who. I've tried to remember but..."

"I see," Leo tried to think about it. If it was the vampire that helped alter the memories of the witnesses, then it makes sense. But something tells Leo that it's not as simple as that...

Leo couldn't shake the doubts away and tried to ask her but then they heard a small grunt. His eyes widened and quickly looked at the still man lying on the bed.

From a face void of emotions, a small pained expression was seen. His lips twitched, his eyebrows furrowed, gritting his teeth... watching him, it was not an illusion. He was alive...

Aldo was still alive!

"Hey, calm down!" Leo tried calming the surprised yet scared Mallory besides her. After stopping her from shaking him too much, he said, "Let's wait for him to wake up. Waking him up by force may lead to a few problems."

Mallory looked at Leo filled with happiness, "Master Orpheus..."


"He's alive..."


"He's really alive..."

Chuckling, Leo patted her and replied, "Yeah. He's alive."

Feeling the warmth of his hand, Mallory was stunned. She was suddenly brought to a realization. She was too focused that she have been forgetting that she owed Leo. Smiling, she told Leo, "Master Orpheus, thank you for taking care of me again this time. I'll surely repay you."

Leo was surprised for a moment, not expecting that before putting out a playful smirk, "Well, you could join the Night Class, darling."

I will probably join... and probably not...

When Leo interpreted the sentence, that's how he understood it. Smiling, he nodded his head.


Mallory looked at the person who called. Seeing him looking at her, her eyes were filled with tears, "Aldo... you're awake now..."

Aldo tried to sit down as he grunted. Leo quickly helped him, "Careful, Bro!"

Looking at Leo, Aldo was silent for a while. "Leo?"

Smiling, Leo nodded, "Yeah. Nice to see you again."

Looking around, Aldo asked, "Where am I?"

"My house. Do you remember anything that happened?"

"F*ck! That Zorek!" Aldo cursed as his countenance darkened. Suddenly remembering something, he looked at Mallory, "Mallory, you were fine after finding me, right?! He didn't hurt you, right?!"

It took her a moment before she realized what he meant. Mallory shook her head. "No. The police came and someone altered the memories and killed his zombie army. Zorek disappeared as it was happening."

Feeling a bit happy, Mallory stood up, "I'll ask Butler Brian to call Master Jillion now that Aldo's awake!"

The two boys watched Mallory leave before Leo opened his mouth, "So... You've got your memories back now?"

"Yeah. Although I am not sure if his control is gone," Aldo replied. He checked his wounds as the silence rose.

Looking at Leo, he asked, "Not gonna ask anything?"

Leo looked at him before shaking his head, "Nope. You've got your yellow eyes back. That's all I wanted to confirm. Jill's still mad about the whole 'accident' thing."

"Oh, that? He's still whimpering about that?" Aldo started laughing as he remembered. "It's been like... I don't know... a decade?"

"More than a decade. You've changed a lot," Leo said.

"Tuesday." Leo replied. He was about to ask another question when Mallory entered the room, "Master Orpheus, Master Jillion hang up before I could tell him Aldo's awake..."

"Ah, that's fine. If it's about Aldo, he'll come in a few minutes. Sit here." Mallory followed Leo's order and sat down. Leo said, "Now, count 5 minutes and he'll arrive."

5 minutes? Isn't that too fast? He cannot teleport... right?

Mallory confusedly counted 5 minutes, watching the door for any signs. When time was almost up, she could hear heavy footsteps nearing the room.

Aldo laid back at the bed. Watching him, Mallory was confused, "Aldo?"

With a smile, he said, "Not awake."

Huh? Mallory tilted her head. Leo just chuckled and whispered, "Go with the flow."


"Hey, Leo!" Jillion entered the room as the door flew open. He stomped his way towards the bed.

Mallory silently peeked st Leo still confused. What are they trying to do?

"Hey, Aldo!" Jillion grabbed the collar of Aldo's shirt, "You'd better wake up, you jerk!"

Mallory opened her mouth to speak but Leo signaled her to stay quiet. She nodded and watched what was happening.

"Aldo!" Jillion shook Aldo, slightly lifting him off the bed. Leo calmly said, "Jill... it's no use."

"Shut up! I still haven't return a debt he gave me! He'd better not forget about it!" Jillion was on the edge... he had the impression that Aldo had died!

Mallory felt Leo slightly trembling. Holding back a smile, Leo said, "Jill... just calm down."

"No way! Aldo! Aldo! Aldo— mmph?!"

Just as Jillion was about to cry of losing a friend, the man suddenly pulled Jillion closer. Covering his mouth with a thumb, he pretended to kiss Jillion.


Mallory was shocked by the scene. What... just happened...?

Aldo opened his eyes slowly as he let Jillion go. "Yes, honey? You called?"

Jillion heard his voice and saw him staring straight at him as if he could b.a.r.e his whole self to him. Seeing his handsome yet mischievous smirk, Jillion took a moment before reacting.

"Y-You! You! You!" Jillion's face was as bright as a tomato.

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