The Vampire’s Templar

Chapter 112: Lovemaking (18+)


As Camilla sat down, the sudden gentle, breathy voice from beside her made her perk up and freeze. The air flowing in the room was cool on her skin, especially with the summer heat fading as autumn set in.

“Are you embarrassed?”

With surprising gentleness, without a hint of the evilness and lascivious cruelty that Kagriss had previously displayed, Kagriss nuzzled the crook of Camilla’s neck. Camilla’s whole body was especially sensitive both physically and psychologically, so when Kagriss’s nose touched where Camilla’s neck met her shoulder, Camilla couldn’t help but shrink in on herself, letting out a tiny squeak.

Kagriss paused. “Are you embarrassed?”

Camilla blushed. Normally, she would have denied it no matter how unconvincing it was, but this time, the gentleness of Kagriss touched her heart that had been previously on guard against Kagriss’s antics. Unlike before, there was no hint of teasing in Kagriss’s voice, merely concern. Camilla nodded.

For Kagriss, she was as caught off guard by herself as Camilla. When she saw Camilla dressed in that set of lingerie, a peculiar change came over her.

Her desire to take Camilla was as strong as ever—no, even stronger than before—but the nature of it changed. Domination, teasing, playing with Camilla and her pleasure like a cat played with its food before killing it…it was all replaced by a tender, warm feeling. A feeling that made her want to just hold tightly on Camilla.

The desire flared in her chest. It was strange.

As Camilla sat down next to her, sitting far enough up in the bed so that her feet dangled off the edge at an angle, Kagriss couldn’t help but reach out and take hold of Camilla’s entire body.

As she buried her nose in Camilla’s soft, white neck, Kagriss realized that despite being an undead, Camilla actually had a smell unique to her. Before, she had never detected it despite spending so much time together, because the smell was faint and had always been covered up by the smell of the forest.

But with the forest washed away by that bath with plain, hot water, the smell suddenly stood out from the usual scentlessness normally possessed by undead.

It smelled…of the sun. It was less of a smell, but more of a feeling of warmth that came whenever Kagriss breathed in. It was like she was standing in a clearing, enjoying the rays of the morning sun on a clear day.

But beneath that warmth, there was also a faint smell of blood, as well as the windy chill of a cloudy and rainy night. Both were sharp, contrasting with the sun.

Although none of those three smells fit together and the latter two weren’t usually considered pleasant, they were calming to Kagriss all the same.

She couldn’t help but take a few deep breaths, rubbing her nose on Camilla’s neck. “You smell so nice…”

For a moment, Camilla didn’t move. She just sat there as she always did, waiting for Kagriss to do something. Just when Kagriss thought that today would be a night of the usual since she wasn’t in the mood for her usual teasing, Camilla turned her head and leaned down.

Although it was a bit awkward, their faces were now pressed together. Camilla’s cheek was truly soft. It yielded when it touched Kagriss’s face, feather light, as if it might bruise if Kagriss pinched it a little.

But this time, Kagriss had no time to dwell on her usual thoughts. She felt a warming breath on her neck as well. 

Camilla was…actually smelling her as well. 

Her heart pounding in anticipation as Camilla finally did something proactive, Kagriss listened to Camilla’s breathing. With each sound, a stream of warm air hit Kagriss’s exposed neck. 

From her position, it took but a little move of Camilla’s head up to reach Kagriss’s ears.

“…you smell nice too…”

There was a tickling feeling in both of their chests, and while Kagriss remained a bit stunned, Camilla broke out in a breathy, suppressed giggle that she hid behind her hand. 

She was still blushing fiercely, her ear so red as if it might bleed any moment then and there.

By the time Kagriss came back to her senses from the shock of having Camilla do something so un-Camilla-like, Camilla had pulled back, looking down. She sat with her hands clasped neatly on her lap.

So small, so vulnerable. So innocent.

Kagriss swallowed and reached out with her hand. 

Her movement made Camilla look up slightly, her golden eyes peeking shyly from beneath her eyelashes without a hint of her usual daylight splendor before squeezing shut in anticipation for Kagriss’s touch.

Rather than cupping her cheek like Kagriss usually did, Kagriss instead vouched to slide her hand under Camilla’s face. She stroked Camilla’s chin, sending shivers down Camilla’s spine.

Camilla’s eyes remained closed, although her lips pursed ever so slightly with each tremor.

“Does this feel good?”


With a gentle smile on her face that Camilla couldn’t see, Kagriss decided to continue what she was doing. Eventually though, she had to stop. As she slowly pulled away, Camilla tilted forward.

She might have really liked how it felt.

Instead of taking her hand away completely, Kagriss shifted her hand up, her thumb touching Camilla’s soft lips. What was originally pale was now a lively pink, so inviting and delectable. Kagriss didn’t lean forward to kiss her.

Moving her thumb from side to side, she rubbed Camilla’s lips. They were a little slippery, wet from when Camilla licked her lips earlier and had yet to dry. It almost had the texture of silk.

Camilla’s eyes remained closed, but her lips parted slightly, letting her warm breath fall on Kagriss’s hands. It was such a seductive breath and it felt almost like an airborne kiss. At least, that’s what Kagriss thought while she was so absorbed in those soft, moist lips.

Despite all that, with Camilla sitting there shyly with her hands trying to hide her body, something felt lacking. 

Kagriss used her thumb to part Camilla’s lips further until she could see Camilla’s teeth.

Her mouth was slightly open so Kagriss could only see part of her teeth, yet it was enough for her to realize what was wrong.

Running her thumb over Camilla’s little teeth, Kagriss marveled at how flat it was with only slight protrusions where her canines were located. It shouldn’t be like that. Camilla’s mouth shouldn’t be like that.

It wasn’t Camilla.

It was the same for Camilla’s upper teeth. Kagriss quickly found one of Camilla’s canines. Retracting the defenses bestowed upon her as a high undead, Kagriss let her heart beat harder. Abnormally hard—way harder than if she was embarrassed.

Blood coursed through her body.

Without hesitation, Kagriss nicked her thumb against Camilla’s canine tooth that she had been rubbing and stroking, and blood spurted out.

Camilla’s breathing suddenly turned ragged as the smell of blood from her grew stronger, hitting Kagriss’s nose.

Her eyes opened wide in surprise and she drew a dainty tongue over her teeth, licking off the crimson fluid and swallowing before she could stop herself.

The metallic taste of blood filled Camilla’s mouth and nose. Dizzy and weak as she was, she couldn’t control herself as a side of her that she had always suppressed and hid stirred from its slumber at the taste of blood. 

Kagriss’s blood.


After her weak protest, Camilla covered her mouth as her gums began to itch. Never had she expected Kagriss to do something like intentionally awakening her vampire blood and instincts. 

But looking at Kagriss’s slightly blushing face, she couldn’t bring herself to get angry. Although she was a little upset that Kagriss didn’t at least warn her first, she pushed away that little resentment as she began to suppress the side once more.

“…don’t do that again, okay…?”

She half expected Kagriss to agree and half for Kagriss to ignore her, but instead, Kagriss shook her head. 

“I…want to see you as what you really look like.”

“But this is what…” 

Kagriss shook her head. “Please…”

Camilla fell silent, her argument faded in the face of Kagriss’s plea. Truthfully, she didn’t really like how she looked, split in half. Accepted, yes. Like? Not yet. 

That was why she always kept it under an illusion to fool everyone around her as well as herself. But now Kagriss was asking her to tear it all down.

Kagriss wanted to see it. Requested it.

…requested to see a side of her that she was still slightly ashamed of for it represented her failure, as much as her mother praised her for it.

Those thoughts flitted through her mind, but even before Camilla reached the end of them, her mind was made up. The itching in her mouth that she had so painstakingly pushed away came back, more intense than ever before they finally stopped on their own.

At the same time, her wings broke free of their suppressing and illusionary disguise, brushing off the magic like a veil.

Then, before Kagriss’s intense, thirsting gaze, Camilla closed her eyes and wiped at her face with her hands, ripping away the illusion like a mask of cloth.

When she opened her eyes again, they were as red as a moon painted with blood. Half of her hair had become silver, thin lustrous strands falling down in her view.

It had only taken a few seconds to shed her disguise, but that moment might as well have been an eternity to Kagriss. When that eternity ended, Kagriss leaned forward.

Heedless of the threat of Camilla’s sharp fangs, Kagriss used her lips to seal Camilla’s mouth. Camilla's eyes flew open, staying like that for a few moments, but as Kagriss’s tongue crossed that invisible boundary between them, Camilla felt her body soften and melt, her eyes closing as well.

 The warm wet tongue explored every corner of Camilla’s mouth that it could reach, not forgetting to tangle with Camilla’s own tongue. It didn’t hesitate to pierce itself on Camilla’s fangs, filling Camilla’s mouth of blood.

Although Kagriss drew some of that blood away, she didn’t keep any of it as she pushed it back into Camilla’s mouth with her own taste. 

Suffocating, yet refreshing. It was as if they were both rising into the sky, all lightheaded. By the time Kagriss pulled away, they were both gasping for breath. 

“I love you I love you I love you.”

“I love you too!”

“You’re beautiful! No one can match you!”

Camilla’s whole body tingled at Kagriss’s words. It wasn’t the first time that someone had praised her appearance, but a compliment from Kagriss meant more than anything else.

“Y—you too!”

She wished to shout it out for all the world to hear, so everyone will know how much she loved Kagriss, but the kiss left her breathless so all she could manage was a little whisper. 

Kagriss didn’t give Camilla a chance to try again as their lips came together once more. Their tongues, so slippery, wound around each other, trying to taste each other. Whose tongue was whose?

It didn’t really matter as they coiled together.

As they kissed, they came closer and closer to each other until their bodies were pressed together. Kagriss could feel the silk of Camilla’s lingerie. Through the thin fabric, she felt the warmth and softness of Camilla’s skin.

The sudden heat that rose between her legs spurred Kagriss to push forward until she had Camilla pressed against the soft bed. Camilla’s hands and arms sank into the mattress until Kagriss’s weight.

Despite that, Camilla didn’t resist.

Their kiss became deeper, but on the bed now, the kiss lacked the same intensity and urgency as before, becoming calmer and more of a slow dance rather than a frenzy.

So warm.

Finally, they broke apart. From her vantage point on top of Camilla, Kagriss could see everything of Camilla. 

The girl below her was actually sweating. Her hair was disheveled and stuck to her forehead and face, with a few strands finding their way near her mouth. Her red eyes were just a little squinted, as misty as before yet staring up at her completely focused. 

When their bodies pressed together, the lingerie had fallen aside, baring all of Camilla’s belly and the bottom of her chest. The whole thing had shifted just enough for the lace to no longer cover the pink buds on Camilla’s breast and Kagriss found herself drawn to them.

There was a feeling of forbiddance and sin to them, half hidden behind that silk. Looking at how Camilla’s teary eyes begged her to continue, Kagriss didn’t waste a moment as she pulled the…negligee up, revealing everything.

Holding both little mounds in her hands, Kagriss sensed a vague feeling of unfamiliarity despite them being the same breasts that she had played with for the past few days and weeks.

The setting was different, as was what Camilla wore. But as she massaged them more and more, she felt herself growing more comfortable. Camilla’s breasts were soft yet springy, and her skin smooth. No matter how Kagriss pushed and pulled on them, they always bounced back to how they were. 

Little gasp and moans came from above her. Kagriss felt one little hand on the back of her neck. The other was hovered just over Camilla’s mouth. The girl’s eyes were no longer open and filled with expectancy, but were squeezed tightly shut.

Deciding to save the teasing for another time, Kagriss began to directly play with Camilla’s nipples. She brushed at them with her thumb pad and nail, squeezing them between her fingers. 

The gasps grew louder. Not bothering to stop, Kagriss looked up. “How does it feel?”

“—Ahh! Hah! It…feels goo—” The words were cut off when Camilla pressed the back of her hand against her mouth, not completely covering it but it was enough to stop the moans, at least for now.

Kagriss leaned down again. 

A part of her told her to stop focusing so much on Camilla’s breasts while neglecting everything else, so she obeyed her instincts and moved one hand off. Taking its place, was her mouth as she first held them between her lips pulled over her teeth, biting down every so slightly.

Camilla bucked a little. “Hah…ahh…”

Kagriss’s instincts continued to guide her free hand until it was just under Camilla’s body, where it then moved down. Although she was a bit confused about just what she was looking for, Kagriss soon found it. 

There was a warm, slightly leathery thing that writhed at her touch. The strange skin was smooth, thin, and stretchy, sliding easily the muscles and bone underneath.

Taking it between two fingers, Kagriss began to slide the skin up and down the length of the bone at the same time as she opened wide and took all of the nipple that she had been half-biting on in her mouth, areola and all.

Her wet mouth engulfed the little pink bud and she slid her tongue over it roughly while sucking ever so slightly. Her other hand didn’t fall idle. 

“Nnnn…gahh! Ahhh!” Under the assault of these intense pleasures, Camilla’s whole body went taut. Her chest and belly rose, trying to push Kagriss off.

Camilla could hardly breathe. Although the feeling from her breasts felt good, the sensations from her wing were completely different. The way that Kagriss caressed and rubbed it her wing produced a sensation not like when she had her previous body, but much more immediately intense.

It even came from the back of her waist where she wasn’t accustomed to feeling much of anything at all. It was so sudden, that she couldn’t hold back her voice at all at first. “Haa—ahhh! Ngh!” 

Only when Camilla once again pressed her hand against her mouth and gritted her teeth did the louder gasps subside, though they still pushed to come out and be heard.

The pleasure was so close to her lower body that the familiar feeling that she had only experienced three times before came again—once in the forest and twice in the bath. Camilla bucked again, this time her lower body. Her toes scrunched up, but she could do little else as she was trapped under Kagriss’s body.

The pressure built up between her legs and broke through the little resistance she had left. The dark stain on her black lingerie underwear grew larger.

The waves of pleasure came again and again, making her writhe each time until it finally subsided, leaving her dizzy.

But it wasn’t the end. A heavy weight pressed down on her again while something tugged at Camilla’s underwear, peeling off the black piece of silk.

She felt a fierce desire for release through her bond with Kagriss. Up until now, Kagriss had never achieved the same kind of release that Camilla did, and Kagriss seemed determined to change that now.

Camilla felt her legs being pulled apart and pushed upwards until she was completely exposed below. The posture felt so lewd that she couldn’t help but blush harder despite already having done some of the lewdest things she thought possible.

Camilla stared with wide eyes. She wasn’t completely clueless about sex. It was only when it came to the specifics of sex as a girl that she became lost. She knew well what this position meant and for a moment she felt fear.

“W—what are you doing?”

“I want to feel good too!” Kagriss slowly crawled up before she sat down on her knees with her legs spread. The fear subsided when Camilla looked again and made sure that there wasn’t anything between Kagriss’s legs, but it didn’t take long before it turned into confusion about what Kagriss was trying to do.

Her question was quickly answered when Kagriss inched forward a bit more. They pressed together and Camilla felt something small and hard pressed against her pussy. At the same time, her own clit was pressed against Kagriss as well.

As realization shot through her, Kagriss began to move up and down, making them grind against each other. Pleasure from below mixed with the shame of having her legs spread so forcefully, but she couldn’t forget Kagriss’s words.

All this time, Camilla had been the only one to feel good.

It was Kagriss’s turn. She could clearly feel the pleasure originating from her clit, spreading out through her whole body from head to toe. It was like a feeling of warmth that grew until it became burning hot, and at the same time like little jolts of lightning that made her shiver.

Their quiet, muffled moans filled the room, their sweet voices mixing. They both became louder and louder as the climax approached. 

But Kagriss knew that Camilla was much closer than she was since Camilla had already come once before. Biting her lips, Kagriss reached from behind, about to pleasure herself more before she paused and pulled away. She wanted Camilla to be the one to do it for her first time since waking up in this body.

Instead, Kagriss grabbed her own breast roughly with one hand, none of the gentleness she had used with Camilla in sight. Her breasts were big enough that she could just barely reach her own nipples with her mouth and she took full advantage of it as she sped up.

It seemed to be too stimulating for Camilla. “…ah! Kagriss… I think I’m going to…hyaaa! Nggh—ah!”

Slowly, Kagriss felt herself coming close, yet at the brink it was as if she could go no further. It must be the same for Camilla, who was currently biting on the index knuckle of one hand to silence herself while playing with her own breast with the other.

With no other option left, Kagriss summoned a tiny sphere of mana, icy cold, at her fingertips. Squeezing her eyes shut, she reached down. Waiting for the moment her and Camilla’s clits brushed against each other, Kagriss tapped the ball of mana, sending a shock of cold through both of their bodies.

As they both climaxed, cumming with a little push over the edge with that burst of mana, Kagriss leaned forward and covered Camilla’s mouth with her own so neither of them could cry out. 

They moaned into each other, hugging each other tightly. Their bodies pressed close together, treasuring the moment as the each felt the tremors running through the other. 

When the last of the little spasms faded into nothingness, leaving them both mentally drained, Kagriss climbed off of Camilla, or at least she tried to. Camilla didn’t let go, even though her eyes were closed.

“Let’s…just keep like this for a little while longer.”

Kagriss felt even her own eyelids drooping. She could smell Camilla’s hair, hear Camilla’s voice. She settled back down and hugged Camilla tighter.

“Of course.”

With a bit of her magic, Kagriss pulled out the blanket from beneath them and then spread it over them, covering them both. After a moment, instead of Kagriss on top of Camilla, they were now side by side and facing each other.

Pulling Camilla closer to her and nuzzling the top of Camilla’s head and her silky mix of silver and gold with her cheek, Kagriss closed her eyes. At the same time, she reached up with her knees and began to rub and massage Camilla’s thighs and around her lower belly. “Does it feel better now?”

Camilla nodded closed her eyes as well, and they both fell asleep, exhausted and secure in their room and in each other’s embrace.

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