Lin Chen didn't answer ouyangxiao's words.

But the next moment, ouyangxiao knew what was going on!

A silver light suddenly shot out from Lin Chen's cuff and crossed the blood eating insect!


The blood eater screamed, and his body was divided into two parts. The black blood sprayed out!

"This... How is this possible?"

Ouyang Xiaoru was struck by lightning and looked at the blood eater's body being split in two. His face became crazy and his eyes were puzzled.

At this time, he saw that the silver light was a small knife with a dragon like body.

It was hard for him to understand what was going on in front of him!

With the defense of blood eating insects, even ancient treasures cannot be cut into two parts with one hit.

And this little knife did it!

The only explanation is that this knife is sharper than ancient treasures!

In the distance, Audrey and others who looked this way, as well as the group of ouyangxiao's men, were stunned.

No one expected that things would turn around like this!

The next second, Audrey and others all looked very happy. The blood eater was cut into two sections. Wouldn't that say that Lin Chen won?

Previously, Lin Chen had an advantage when facing Ouyang Xiao alone!

Then they were stunned.

Because they found that the blood eating insect was cut into two parts, and its lower body fell to the ground, while its upper body with wings still flew in mid air.

Although it was screaming and bleeding, it was not dead!


Ouyangxiao suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face became gray, and his eyes darkened.

If the original poison bug is seriously injured, his host will also be seriously injured. If the original poison bug is dead, it will not just be seriously injured!

The blood eater didn't die. Lin Chen wasn't surprised.

Because this is a kind of poisonous insect with strong vitality. If you want to kill it with a knife, unless you cut its brain in half!

Just now, he was going to let the Dragon tooth saber cut into the head of the blood eating insect, but this thing reacted too quickly. In a critical moment, he shifted his body and failed to make Lin Chen achieve his wish.

However, although he was not dead, the blood eater was also greatly weakened and could not siege him with ouyangxiao.

Even in the future, this blood eating insect will never be able to recover its strength, let alone break through!

Lin Chen needs a insect stronger than the golden silkworm to save long Xuelan.

Now the blood eating insect has been abolished.

If he could, Lin Chen didn't want to, but he had to. If he didn't get rid of the blood eating insects, he would die!

"In the final analysis, I am not strong enough. Otherwise, I will slap ouyangxiao to death and take away the blood eating insect." Lin Chen murmured in her heart.

However, Lin Chen doesn't think it's a pity that the blood eating insects are abandoned.

Because he felt that the blood eater was not worthy of long Xuelan.

One of the materials for cultivating blood eaters is living people. Even ouyangxiao still uses living people to feed blood eaters after a period of time.

Lin Chen doesn't want this kind of insect to become the original insect of long Xuelan.

Secondly, the blood eater is ugly and disgusting. He doesn't think he is worthy of his wife!

This shameless person likes long Xuelan, and he has already regarded her as his wife in his heart

Lin Chen decided that he could find a more powerful poison bug than the blood eater!

As far as he knows, the most powerful poison bug in the Yu beast sect is not the original poison bug of ouyangxiao, the leader of the Wu poison hall, but the original poison bug of the sect leader litiangang!

In an instant, under the control of Lin Chen, the Dragon tooth Sabre shot at the blood eating insect again and wanted to kill it completely!

"Come back!" Ouyang Xiao was so scared that he shouted to the blood eater.

This time, the blood eater also took precautions. He dodged the Dragon tooth Sabre and returned to Ouyang Xiao's shoulder.


Lin Chen sees this and rushes towards Ouyang Xiao. The Dragon tooth Sabre also shoots at Ouyang Xiao.

The blood dragon pill he just took is approaching the time. We must make a quick decision!

"Boy! Damn you! I'll cut you to pieces, make you a living dead bug, and make you suffer the pain that life is worse than death and ten thousand insects eat your heart forever!!"

Ouyangxiao looked like a madman and roared, "you pushed me to this point! Damn it! Damn it!"

While he roared, he read a command carefully to the blood eater. Immediately, the blood eater bit Ouyang Xiao on his neck!

"What's the matter? Is the blood eater crazy?"

White night, dark sky, Audrey and others in the distance were puzzled.

The blood eater bit Ouyang Xiao's neck. Did he want to murder his host?

However, ouyangxiao's men, seeing and behind the scenes, all looked at Lin Chen with a pair of dead eyes.

At the next moment, ouyangxiao's whole body was filled with terrifying Qi. His eyes were red with blood, and his skin exuded blood beads. The whole person was like a balloon, expanding like a strong man.

His hair danced without wind, and his facial features became ferocious and twisted, like a crazy beast!

After the blood eating insect bit Ouyang Xiao, his breath became weak again, and he was dispirited and flew back to Ouyang Xiao's mouth.

"Boy, you have ruined my life. I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

Ouyang roared.

"Is this blood demon skill?" Lin Chen's face did not show fear, but it also became a little ugly.

The blood demon skill, inherited by Leng Dongliu, also has knowledge about this skill.

This is a skill that can only be performed by the host of blood eating insects.

The blood eater transfers its own blood gas to the host. The host can soar several times in a short time, but it also has to pay a huge price. That is, the strength of the blood eater will fall to a new level, and there will never be a breakthrough!

Because the blood eating insect was abandoned by Lin Chen, there was no possibility of breakthrough, so ouyangxiao had no scruples when he used the blood demon skill.

At this time, the only thing he wanted to do was kill Lin Chen!

"Since you know the blood demon skill, you should know that you will die now! No, I won't let you die so happily. I will make your life worse than death! Including the people you bring, as well as the day and night, the dark sky and the month of hearing people, you will be worse than death!"

Ouyangxiao's tone was venomous and he rushed towards Lin Chen. His speed was several times faster than before. He hunted in long clothes and his hair danced wildly. In an instant, he came to Lin Chen and punched him in the chest!

Before Lin Chen could react, he was beaten to fly out. He broke more than ten trees in a row, then stopped and vomited blood.

At this time, ouyangxiao's strength has reached the threshold of the extraordinary seven heaven, which is not comparable to Lin Chen!

If he hadn't cultivated the Dragon elephant subduing the devil skill to the fifth level, his physical quality would be abnormal enough, and he would have died under the opponent's fist in his extraordinary four heaven realm!

Ouyangxiao rushes to Lin Chen again. His right hand is like an eagle's claw and snaps at Lin Chen's shoulder!

Qingshuang sword was thrown aside by him. At this time, he did not need weapons. What he wanted was to let Lin Chen die rather than kill him directly!

Lin Chen stabs the bloody broken sword in his hand at the other party's chest, and the Dragon tooth Sabre shoots at the other party's head. However, the next moment, ouyangxiao disappears in front of Lin Chen and appears behind him.

His right leg was like a Wild Whip. He kicked Lin Chen out for more than ten meters and bumped into the mountain wall. With a roar, he stopped.

When the Dragon tooth Sabre fell to the ground.

Lin Chen vomited blood again. His face was bloodless! "Say! Do you want me to tear off your left hand first, or your right hand?" Ouyangxiao smiled grimly at Lin Chen.

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