The savage's body was pierced by the Dragon tooth sabre, but he was still carried away by the power of Ouyang Xiao's fist and screamed in the air.

The other savages were all stunned by this scene and looked at Lin Chen with hatred, but they still chose to continue to rush at Ouyang Xiao!

Ouyang Xiao's arm was broken and his strength was greatly damaged. He cried out in pain. How could he stop these crazy savages!


A savage grabbed his other arm directly and tore it. His left hand was also torn off!


Ouyang Xiao screamed miserably. In the blink of an eye, he was torn to pieces by these savages, and blood rained all over the sky!


At the moment when the Dragon tooth sword flew back, without any hesitation, Lin Chen picked up the moon and ran towards the front.

Baiye, Heitian, Audrey and others immediately fled after reacting.

No doubt, after ouyangxiao was killed, the next target of those savages was Lin Chen and them!

Lin Chen doesn't regret his behavior at all.

Although he might be doomed if it weren't for these savages, these savages didn't come to save him.

After they kill ouyangxiao, they will also kill themselves and others!

These savages are more like monsters than human beings. As long as they are not their own kind, they will kill them all!

The helicopters sent by the state to investigate here were destroyed by them, and all the helicopter pilots died directly!

The three martial uncles of Wen Renyue also died in their hands!

Lin Chen has never heard of wild people in this world. He has some doubts that these wild people have become so powerful because they ate some treasure?

However, these are just guesses. What he has to do now is to run away!


The scream of blood eating insects came from the rear.

Lin Chen doesn't have to think about it all. Ouyangxiao is dead. The blood eater flies out of the body and is killed.

He turned his head and looked.

Zhang Yi and others, who were paralyzed by the spider web of the peach blossom face spider, were trampled one by one by those savages, and their brains burst and the ground was covered with blood!

And they couldn't speak at all, so they were directly trampled!

These savages are so ferocious!

However, in addition to those savages who shot at Zhang Yi and others, there are already six savages rushing towards Lin Chen and others!

"Roar -!"

"Roar -!"


As they chased, they roared, and the noise brought a gust of wind. The momentum was terrible.

"Run faster! Faster!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen and others had already run hundreds of meters.

However, those savages are approaching at a fast speed, and the distance between them is getting shorter and shorter!

Lin Chen urges others to shoot faster. However, he runs the slowest at this time!

At this moment, the efficacy of blood dragon pill has passed, the side effects are coming, and Lin Chen has suffered some injuries. He feels light headed, dizzy, and his eyelids are too heavy.

He was staggering, as if he would fall down at any time!

"Boss!" "Are you all right?" she said anxiously as she ran back in the daytime

"Boss, you..."

Before Heitian finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Chen:

"Don't talk so much nonsense. Hurry up! I'm fine! We must not die here! I'll take you back to your master when I bring you here!"

The white night and the dark day had astringent eyes, and a warm current surged in their hearts. They said in unison: "boss, even if we die here, we don't blame you! This is our own choice!"

"Shit! Damn it! Hurry up!"

Lin Chen couldn't help being rude.

Only he himself knows that his current state is extremely poor. If he hadn't been supporting himself with willpower, he would have fainted!

"Lin Chen, put me down and leave me alone!"

Hearing Ren Yue speak, she struggles behind Lin Chen and wants to get down from behind Lin Chen. She doesn't want to drag Lin Chen down.

"Shut up! You can't run at all because of your current physical condition!"

Lin Chen shouted as he ran wildly: "don't play polite with me! If you continue to struggle, I will fall down. I will smash your ass before being torn apart by some savages behind me. Do you know? Women will be obedient to me! I have no strength to continue talking!"

Hearing that Ren Yue's body was stunned, he stopped struggling. His eyes were slightly red. He lay down behind Lin Chen and said in a low voice: "Oh."

She looked at several savages who were getting closer and closer behind her. In this case, the corners of her mouth were hooked up, and there was a smile on her face.

The strange feeling in her heart made Wen Renyue feel that even if she died at the moment, she would not regret it.


The little fox also ran wildly with Lin Chen and others, and occasionally turned around and chirped to the savages behind him, making a look that he thought he was evil but actually stupid.

Audrey, Nick, Jon and others have become animals, but their faces are still desperate. The savages behind them are too fast. If this goes on, it is estimated that everyone will be finished!

Next moment!


Suddenly, the snow fell at the feet of all the people. Suddenly, they were all falling towards the bottom.

This is a deep pit with a diameter of 34 meters and an invisible bottom. There is darkness below. Lin Chen and others disappeared in the darkness in the blink of an eye.

The savages ran to the side of the pit, looked at the darkness below, hesitated and did not jump down.

He roared into the pit, and there was not even an echo in it.

At the next moment, they brought many stones of different sizes and smashed them down. A shower of stones fell like meteorites!

A few bangs came from below, as if the stone had hit someone!


Kunlun holy land.

Animal control sect, in the main hall.

On the main seat of the hall, there was a skinny middle-aged man with long and narrow eyes, which made people feel like a vicious and cunning snake.

Beside him sat an old man with a national face. He was in his fifties and sixties. His silver inch hair was like a steel needle. His face was dignified.

What are they talking about.

Behind them stood a few people respectfully. Their breath was powerful and terrifying. They were all transcendental beings, but they were not even qualified to sit down!

"Lord! Lord! It's bad!"

A man ran in with a look of horror, as if the sky had fallen.

"Fluffy! What happened?"

The thin - faced middle-aged man turned to look at the old man and shouted.

"Something happened! Something happened to Lord Ouyang hall!" The visitor's face was still frightened and his tone was hurried. He ran to the middle-aged man.

Li Tiangang's eyelids jumped: "let's be clear. What's wrong with him? He went to the Himalayas to check the situation this time. He brought a lot of people. Besides, with his strength and blood eating insects, what can happen?"

"Lord, you... Look!"

The visitor took out a small stone box and opened it. There were some green branches and leaves in it. On the branches and leaves lay a snow-white insect with some hypertrophy.

The speaker trembled and said, "dead, mother Gu is dead!"


The armrest of the hardwood chair was directly crushed by Li Tiangang. He stood up with a roar, his face was blue, and the air in the hall became heavy. The cold made people feel unable to breathe and could not help shivering. "Dead! The mother Gu is dead, that is to say, Ouyang Xiao is dead?" Li Tiangang's eyes were full of murderous spirit. "Who is it? Who dares to kill the leader of the Wu Gu Hall of Yu beast sect!"

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