The little fox heard Lin Chen's question and chirped.

"Lin Chen, what is it saying?" Hearing that Ren Yue didn't understand, she could only look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said, "it said it didn't find the exit either, but behind the hall, there was a very beautiful palace!"

"Not a beautiful palace?" A curious look appeared in the eyes of the moon.

The little fox led the way. Lin Chen and Wen Renyue followed him. From time to time, he turned back and chirped.

It was not easy to meet Lin Chen, a human being who could communicate with him. He was very excited. He talked to Lin Chen, and Lin Chen also communicated with him patiently.

Lin Chen asked the little fox what kind of monster it was.

The little fox said he didn't know. Lin Chen wondered, "don't your parents know?"

"JOJO! JOJO!" The little fox's voice was a little sad.

Lin Chen was stunned.

Although Wen Renyue didn't understand what it said, she could also feel its mood was a little low.

"Lin Chen, what did it say?" Wen Renyue wondered.

Lin Chen said, "he said that his parents are not as powerful as him. They are just two ordinary snow foxes. They were killed by a wolf, but he has avenged his parents!"


Hearing the look in the eyes of Ren Yue at the little fox, she felt some sympathy. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened to the little guy who looked lively and lovely.

Then she wondered, "his parents are just ordinary snow foxes, so how can he have two tails and have the strength equivalent to the extraordinary quadruple sky?"

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "there is only one possibility. That is, the ancestor of the little fox is a very powerful monster, and there is a phenomenon of blood returning to his ancestors in him!"

Hearing that Ren Yue nodded and didn't ask any more questions, she looked at the little fox and said softly:

"You always like to chirp, or I'll call you little chirp, OK?"

With that, she looked at Lin Chen and said curiously, "by the way, is it a man or a woman? If it is a man, then the name Xiao Chu is a little inappropriate."

"It's just a little fox. You should say whether it's male or female." Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.


At first, the little fox was very happy when he heard the words of Wen Renyue. He danced and jumped. When he heard Lin Chen's words, he shouted at him with great dissatisfaction.

"Good good! You are a woman!"

Lin Chen said something to the little fox, then looked at Wen Renyue and said with a smile, "she said she was a woman. Thank my daughter-in-law for marrying her such a nice name."

"JOJO! JOJO!" The little fox shouted again and rolled his eyes at Lin Chen.


Wen Renyue couldn't help laughing and gave Lin Chen a white eye, "don't try to deceive me. It never said I was your daughter-in-law."

Speaking of the word "daughter-in-law", she felt a little bitter, because she could not become his daughter-in-law, and he would be disappointed after all.

Two people and a little fox walked through the hall and passed through a corridor. What they saw was a beautiful and dreamy huge ice palace.

From afar, some look like crystal palaces in fairy tales.

When you look closer, you can see some ancient totems on the walls of the palace. They are strange, mysterious and powerful.

Lin Chen and Wen Renyue were more curious, but they were also cautious. They didn't know if there was anyone in the palace.

After entering the palace hall, he saw several corridors in different directions. The little fox chirped and said that he had searched here and had found no exit.

But there is a mural in it. It looks scared and feels very unusual. It asks Lin Chen if he wants to go and have a look.


Lin Chen looks curious. The fox has the strength of the extraordinary quadruple heaven. The mural can make it afraid!

It's definitely not easy!

He turned his head and wanted to talk to Wen Renyue, intending to find out.

However, as soon as he turned to see Wen Renyue's face, he immediately frowned.

Hearing that Renyue's face turned blue and her snow like skin was covered with a thin layer of ice cream, her eyes were a little dull and she was about to faint.

"What's the matter with you?" While Lin Chen asks, he grabs Wen Renyue's wrist and puts his finger on it.

"I... I feel so cold... Dizzy..."

Hearing the faint voice of the moon, her eyelids shrugged and she looked like she was about to faint.

As soon as Lin Chen grasped Wen Renyue's wrist, his face changed, because at this time, the means of Wen Renyue was as cold as ice.

When he put his finger on it, his face looked ugly and said, "how could this happen?"

He found that Wen Renyue's body was like an ice cave, with more than half of its internal organs dead, and the slightest chill overflowed from Wen Renyue's skin.

"I... I don't know..."

Wen Renyue shook her head feebly and fell to the side.

Lin Chen quickly hugged her, but there was no ripple in his heart.

At this time, Wen Renyue felt like a piece of cold ice. Even though Lin Chen's physical quality was terrible, he felt a burst of cold at this time.

The chill is not simple!

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Wen Renyue's neck. There was a small wound, which had been hurt by the concealed weapon ice needle in the corridor.

Wen Renyue noticed Lin Chen's eyes and said weakly:

"Just... Just now, after the ice needle touched the wound, it melted and disappeared. At that time, I felt a cold current drilling into my body, but I didn't care."

At this time, she also realized something was wrong.

"Damn! That ice needle should be poisonous!"

Lin Chen's face was ugly. After putting Wen Renyue on the ground, he took out the silver needle and began acupuncture for her.

After a while, his face became more and more ugly.

He wanted to use the five element Taiyi divine needle to expel the cold in the body of Wen Renyue with his own spiritual power. Then he tried for a long time, but it didn't work.

Hearing the cold in the body of the moon is like gangrene attached to the bone, which cannot be expelled.

He took out a pill that could increase blood gas and expel cold, and asked Wen Renyue to take it. However, Wen Renyue still didn't get any better after taking it.

"Lin Chen, am I going to die?"

Hearing yuerou's voice, she asked. The expression on her face was helpless and lonely, but she didn't panic.

"Don't worry! I'm a miracle doctor. You won't die with me!"

While Lin Chen was talking, he cut his wrist with a bloody sword, and blood gushed out.


Hearing that Wen Renyue was puzzled, Lin Chen had already put his wrist to Wen Renyue's mouth and said in a deep voice:

"My cultivation method is quite special. The blood in my body is just Yang. It should be effective. Drink it quickly!"

After hearing that Ren Yue was stunned for a long time, he took a deep look at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, thank you! Thank you whether you can cure me or not!"

With that, she was a little white but still delicate. Her lips held Lin Chen's bleeding wound and gently sucked it. The blood turned into a warm stream into her body.

Wen Renyue felt more comfortable in her body, and her face was just about to show a smile.

But at the next moment, the cold air in the body rushed up, and the warm current was just like a fire meeting a torrent of ice water, which was directly extinguished. The body is still cold!

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