"The magic heart fruit can only appear in places where there are a large number of strong people above the golden body realm who have died. It is shaped like a human heart and contains terrorist energy. Even for the strong people in the golden body realm, it is extremely precious!"

"The sky fire snake usually exists in the deep heart of the earth. It is a monster in the golden body realm. Its blood is as fresh as the sun. If ordinary people take it, they will burn their intestines through their stomachs, but it just can resist the dark ice cold poison for thousands of years!"

The thousand night empress replied.

"Er... Is that the magic heart fruit you said?"

Lin Chen looked strange. He suddenly took out a heart like blood red fruit from his clothes. It was the one he had found in the place where there were many jade like bones.

After a moment of silence, the thousand night lady's voice of embarrassment and doubt rang out, "you... How could you have magic heart fruit?"

The reason why she was silent just now was that she was confused.

Also, she just said that Lin Chen could not have any of the things she said.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Chen took out the magic heart fruit. If she hadn't lost her body, she would have a hot face at this time!

The high empress was beaten in the face as soon as she uttered her vows

"So, the devil heart fruit you said is really this thing!"

Lin Chen was overjoyed when he heard what the other party said.

At this time, the empress Qianye seemed to understand why and said: "you, the magic heart fruit, were found here in the falling place? It's not surprising that there were many ancient strong people falling here, and there will be magic heart fruit!"

"This is called the land of falling? And what is the monk you just mentioned?" Lin Chen asked.

In fact, Lin Chen has many questions to ask about this thousand night female emperor. For example, since she knows her master, does she know where her master is.

For example, where does she come from, is she from the inner world, and what is the relationship with the little fox?

"A cultivator is to use the spirit of heaven and earth to cultivate his own body and comprehend the Tao of heaven, but to find his own Tao. Some people are evil, some are holy, some are kingly, and some are murderous. They are different."

"At the same time, I understand all kinds of laws. These things are too far away from you. It's no use knowing them now!"

"As for the place of falling, it is this area, where many strong men fell in ancient times." The thousand night empress replied.

Lin Chen was dissatisfied with her vague answer. He thought that the cultivator should be an ancient warrior in his own population.

But the state of the cultivator is much higher than that of the ancient martial artist.

In fact, now that he has stepped into the transcendental realm, he has gone beyond the scope of the ancient warrior!

Lin Chen doesn't ask any more. The most urgent thing is to save Wen Renyue first.

He took the magic heart fruit and wanted to feed Wen Renyue. However, he asked cautiously:

"Can I just give it to her?"

"This thing is a treasure. If you take it yourself, your strength will have a huge leap! Are you willing to give it to this woman? Just a woman. With your strength, will there still be a shortage of women in this world?"

After a moment of silence, the lady emperor said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense! I will. I like it. I'm happy. Can't I? Tell me quickly. Will you feed her directly?"

Lin Chen hurried impatiently. At this time, Wen Renyue's vitality was so weak that he had no time to talk nonsense!

"You... You bastard! How dare you talk to me like that! You told me not to talk nonsense?"

The thousand night empress was stunned and said angrily.

"Well, your majesty, would you please open your golden mouth and explain it to me?"

Lin Chen tilted his lips, and anyone could hear his insincerity.


The thousand night female emperor was angry again, and finally said in a cold voice:

"If you feed her the devil's heart fruit directly, she will really die! Let alone her. Even if you practice the holy devil swallowing heaven, you will immediately explode and die if you eat the devil's heart fruit directly with your extraordinary weak accomplishments!"

"How do you do that?"

Lin Chen was scared. He was afraid. You know, he had considered eating this thing before.

Now it seems that the feeling in my body almost killed me!

That feeling is to drive yourself to eat good things, but I don't care if you will die after eating!

Now it seems that in the Weiss mountains, after taking Cain's blood, he didn't explode and die. His luck is really good!

The energy contained in Cain's blood is just within his tolerance.

"You eat the magic heart fruit, and then feed her your blood!" The lady emperor of the thousand nights had some banter.

"Shit! What do you mean?"

Lin Chen was speechless. The woman just said that she would burst and die if she ate. Now she let herself eat. Is this playing with herself?

Lin Chen's ugly expression made the lady emperor Qianye feel better, which was why:

"Why, do you know that you are afraid? If you eat it directly, you will indeed explode and die. But if I could help you, this would not happen. I can help you digest this magic heart fruit! It can make your strength advance by leaps and bounds!"

Speaking of this, she said, "I can help you, but you must do something for me in the future!"

"What is it?" Lin Chen was overjoyed to hear that the other party could help him, but she asked cautiously.

Qianye lady said, "you promise first!"

"No! You can't say it first. You want me to go to bed with you. Do I have to promise you? No way!"

Since this woman knows her master, she may be hundreds of years old. She is an old woman. Lin Chen is not interested.

Of course, part of what he said was that he felt uncomfortable with the woman's tone of standing high and overlooking all sentient beings.

"What are you talking about? Asshole! You deserve to go to... Bed with me? I, Wu Qianye, is the female emperor of the Shengwu Empire and the recognized first beauty in the Xuanyuan small world! How could I make such an inexplicable request!" Wu Qianye angrily said.

"Ha ha! Some people say they are the first beauty? They have a thick skin!" Lin Chen pie pie mouth, in the mind is thinking, Xuanyuan small world is the inner world?

Also, he knows the woman's full name.

Wu Qianye!

"That's not what I said, but what other people said! Besides, if you talk nonsense again, the woman will die completely! Do you agree or not?"

Wu Qianye's voice was cold. After pausing, he said, "I won't let you do anything harmful!"

"All right! I promise!"

Lin Chen nodded. At this time, he had no other choice to save Wen Renyue.

He asked again, "what am I going to do now? Just eat it?"

Wu Qianye said: "cross your knees and eat the magic heart fruit. I will help you solve the rest!"

Lin Chen sat down as she said and looked at the dirty magic heart fruit in the center of his eyes and hands. Although he felt that it looked like something, he still ate it in a few bites.

Since the woman asked him to do something later, it was impossible to kill him.

The taste of magic heart fruit is not good. It has a strong bloody smell. When you bite it, it seems that it is really a heart.

As soon as he got down his throat, Lin Chen felt that he had swallowed the flame. He had drunk more than 90 degrees of liquor before, but the feeling brought by those spirits was not as good as one ten thousandth of the magic heart fruit!

The next moment, Lin Chen became like a cooked shrimp, and his skin was red.

The magic heart fruit erupted a terrible energy, which was so hot that it almost burst him in an instant!

He hurriedly ran the mind method of "Saint devil's untroubled formula" and absorbed the energy in his body. However, the absorption speed was still not as fast as that generated.

Suddenly, his whole body was covered with blood beads, his skin began to crack, and his body swelled up. If the balloon was about to explode!

"Damn it! This woman doesn't really want to kill me with this? Why don't you do it? If you don't do it again, I will explode!" Lin Chen roared in his heart, but at this time, he was absorbed in the operation of mental skills, endured the terrible pain, and could not be distracted to speak.

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