Somewhere in the Himalayas, covered with snow, there is a more ancient palace, which is as magnificent as the imperial palace.

At the moment, at the gate of the palace, there was a man standing at the gate, his eyes cocky, and he had the momentum that one man was in charge of the pass and ten thousand men could not open it.

He looks like a man in his forties and fifties, wearing an island Samurai uniform, holding a samurai sword in his right hand, wearing a pigtail on his head and clogs on his feet. Obviously, he is an island man.

On the wall beside him was carved a line of words: "no one except members of the 'Tiandao Group' is allowed to enter! Chinese people and dogs are not allowed to talk to me, otherwise, there will be no amnesty for killing!"

In front of him, many people were dissatisfied, but they did not dare to say anything more.

"Fark! Who is this man? Why should he block the gate from letting others in? I've abolished him!"

A strong man with a height of two meters, blond hair and bulging muscles looked at the island warrior blocking the gate of the palace, swearing and swearing, and was about to walk over.

He is the behind the scenes controller of an underground super organization in Europe. He is known as a crazy God and a second-class God!

As a god level strong man, he is like an emperor in the secular world. Even the heads of state of some small countries should respect him when they see him.

After hearing about the situation here, he and his friends came to find out, but someone blocked the door. Naturally, he was unhappy!

The people beside him turned pale when they heard what he said. They quickly grabbed him and whispered:

"Leonard, do you want to fight him? You think your life is too long?"

"Lance, what do you mean, you think I can't beat him?"

Leonard stopped, his tone was a little uncomfortable. When he saw Lance's panic, he also felt something wrong, and said suspiciously:

"Do you know this Islander?"

Lance nodded, swallowed his saliva, and said, "he is Miyamoto Kawa, one of the three leaders of Asia 'Tiandao alliance'

Leonard's face suddenly changed: "is he Miyamoto?"

On today's earth, there are no more than 300 supernatural powers in the East and divine powers in the West.

The strong at this level either hide behind the scenes and control everything, some even control some small countries, or they are obsessed with cultivation and look forward to breaking through the realm of transcendence and God one day!

They will not appear in front of the world. In their eyes, the so-called strong in the secular world, even the so-called list of gods and special institutions of various countries, is equivalent to a joke.

They looked at mortals with a kind of divine eyes, overlooking the mole ants in the secular world.

These transcendental and divine powers constitute the highest circle on the earth, which is above all rules.

In their eyes, other countries are nothing except the current great powers with nuclear weapons.

There are few people in this circle, and they basically know the powerful forces and characters in the circle!

For example, the holy land of Kunlun in China, the dark Vatican in Europe, the saints' Alliance in the United States, the roversky family in E, the heavenly alliance in Asia, and so on.

As an Asian underground super organization, Tiandao alliance has a history of hundreds of years, including many strong players from various Asian countries, such as island countries, Myanmar, Thailand, h, India and so on!

It is recognized as the second most extraordinary force outside the holy land of Kunlun in China!

The three leaders of Tiandao alliance are all the existence of the extraordinary six fold heaven. Miyamoto Kawa is one of them. He has been famous for hundreds of years!

He is famous for killing people when his words don't agree. He is also a devil in the circle of super strong and divine strong.

Leonard felt cold and scared. He just felt that he had made a turn in front of the gate of death, looked at lance and thanked him:

"Lance, it's good to have you remind me! Otherwise, if I rush up to be arrogant in front of him, today next year will be my death day!"

Lance sighed and said helplessly, "with him in the way, it seems that we have come here for nothing."

"Lance! Leonard! Are you two here?"

At this time, an old man in his sixties and seventies, who was still vigorous and had sharp eyes, came over. He also looked helpless.

Leonard looked at the man and hurriedly said, "old John, you are here too! What's the matter? How did Miyamoto Chuan block the door?"

Old John said angrily, "they are really overbearing. When their people came here in the morning, they left Miyamoto Kawa to guard the gate and forbid others to enter!"

"They are overbearing, but they do have that strength." Lance smiled bitterly.

Leonard said, "what about the super forces in the west? The alliance of saints and the dark Vatican don't have conflicts with them?" Old John said: "the people of the saint alliance entered the palace yesterday, but now they are inside, and they have never collided with the people of the heavenly alliance. It is said that in the dark Vatican, the strongest cardinal Arman brought people here three days ago, but there is no news these two days. It is likely that

Already in the palace! "

Leonard looked unhappy, but he also knew that he had come in vain. After looking at the words engraved beside Miyamoto Kawa, he said something strange:

"Why did Miyamoto Chuan deliberately emphasize that Chinese people and dogs are not allowed to talk to him? Does he have a grudge against Chinese people?"

Old John nodded and said, "some time ago, the island God in the secular world was killed by the Chinese dragon tooth. Although it was said that it was just two children in the secular world, the martial arts and Taoism world in the island country was too embarrassed."

"Although Miyamoto Chuan became famous in his youth, he set foot on the road of martial arts, traveled around the world, and never returned to the island country again. However, when the martial arts circle of the island country was beaten, he was unhappy with the Chinese people."

"Although it's not enough to make trouble in China, it's not surprising to point at the Chinese people. You know, he is a murderous Lord. Even if he has nothing to do, he has to find trouble, and now he has a reason!"

Leonard nodded. Just then, he saw a middle-aged man with Asian faces walking towards Miyamoto Kawa. He could not help saying:

"It seems that there are still people who don't know what to do."

Many other people at the gate of the palace also noticed this scene and looked at the middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man went to Miyamoto Chuan, frowned and said, "friends, everyone comes here to look for treasure. You block the gate. Isn't that good?"

"What kind of thing are you? I need you to ask me about my work?" Miyamoto Chuan raised his eyelids and looked at the middle-aged man in a cold tone.

The middle-aged man frowned, but still said, "I am Changshan, the sacrifice of Hongmen. My friend, you are too overbearing!"

After that, he pointed to the words engraved on one side and said, "it's too much for you to insult us by juxtaposing us Chinese people with dogs!"

"Are you Chinese?" Miyamoto Chuan squinted slightly and asked.

Changshan said without hesitation, "although I am a Chinese American, of course I am also a Chinese. There is no doubt that my blood is hot and yellow!"

"Chinese? Is there any difference between Chinese and dogs?"

Miyamoto Chuan grinned, and when Changshan's face showed anger, a cold light flashed, and Miyamoto Chuan's samurai sword was out of its sheath.

A plop.

The samurai sword passed through Changshan's chest, stabbed through Changshan's body, and spattered blood!

"Huaxia pig, I clearly wrote not to talk to me. Why are you so ignorant?" Miyamoto Chuan was joking and casual, as if he was not killing people, but just saying hello to them.

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