"Yes, yes! Is it a boy or a girl that I am pregnant with?"

Hearing Su Xiran's words, chenlanzhi immediately asked.

Linmingyuan and other women also look at Lin Chen. They believe that with Lin Chen's ability, they can see it.

Lin Chen said, "if I feel my pulse, I can find it out. There are many other methods, but it's not necessary."

He looked at Su Xi and said with a smile, "I like both boys and girls. The man is as handsome as me and the woman is as beautiful as her mother."

Linmingyuan nodded and said, "yes! Boys and girls are good, health is good!"

Chenlanzhi didn't ask any more. In her opinion, her son has found so many beautiful daughters in law that she doesn't have to consider whether the first child is a boy or a girl.

It is estimated that in another two years, a group of grandchildren will call her grandma. Thinking of this, chenlanzhi can't help but boast about her son's ability.

"Well, I like both boys and girls." Su Xi ran smiled.

"Hee hee! Little brother, you have a thick skin. Are you handsome?" Su man winked at Lin Chen with a smile.

"I don't think he's handsome! He's a bad guy. He specializes in harming women!" Anxieyao said.

"No! I think my dear is the most handsome man in the world!"

Irina said a word, looked at Lin Chen and said, "honey, people also want babies."


All the girls spoke one after another. Yingyingyanyan and Linchen were at peace. They felt at home.

At this time, he also understood what jiangmengshu said he had given Su Xiran.


Can children also be sent

Lin Chen had a conversation with the ladies in the living room, about what happened in the Himalayas this time.

Hearing Lin Chen's several times of distress, all the women were terrified. After Lin Chen tactfully said about him and Wen Renyue.

All women are speechless. Well, if this guy goes out, it seems that there will be more people in the villa.

The girls didn't say anything, but Chen Lanzhi began to teach Lin Chen a lesson. Of course, she didn't know whether she was as angry as she seemed.

"I can't help it. If I don't promise, yue'er will really commit suicide! She lives in the holy land of Kunlun since she was a child. She's so stubborn that I can't just wait for her death."

Linchen looks very aggrieved. He is a good seller even if he gets a low price.

"OK, OK, OK! People will die without you. You are the most attractive. OK?" Chenlanzhi has no good airway.

"Hey! I'm very attractive. I was born of you, mom. In the final analysis, it's still because of your charm!" As soon as Lin Chen flatters him, he immediately pats him.

"Smelly boy! When did your mouth become so sweet? You have such a thick skin. No wonder girls are cheated home by you!"

Chenlanzhi laughed and scolded.

The women on the other side agreed with her and said that your son might come to this world to harm women.

When the fight was over, Lin Chen told the girls that he had found the insect that could save the dragon and snow.

All the women looked happy when they heard the speech. You know, the reason why long Xuelan became a vegetable is also related to them.

"Xiaochen, is this what you call a Gu insect?"

Yeyiren looked at the colorful glass python with Lin Chen's palm shrunk into a ball and said curiously.

"Yes! That's it!" Lin Chen nodded, "don't look at it so small. If I were bitten by it, I would be finished. Moreover, it can absorb the surrounding aura and make my body huge!"

After killing Li Tiangang, Lin Chen controlled the colorful glass Python by controlling the beast.

Of course, it needs the cooperation of colorful glass python, and it can only cooperate, otherwise Lin Chen will never be soft hearted.

At the beginning, although Lin Chen controlled it, the colorful glass Python was still somewhat rebellious. Reminded by Wu Qianye, Lin Chen threw it a fertility pill, and it became much more clever.

At this point, the insects, or monsters, who want to become stronger, also need to cultivate like humans. However, except for some monsters of the sky level, other monsters basically don't know how to cultivate.

If they want to become stronger, they need all kinds of natural materials, local treasures and opportunities.

The pill that Lin Chen can give him is just like the existence of natural materials and earth treasures.

Soon, everyone arrived at the room where long Xuelan was.

Long Xuelan is lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Her face is still beautiful. It makes people feel somewhat dusty and indifferent.

"Lin Chen, here is the box."

Su man takes a jade box. Lin Chen takes it and opens it. It contains the body of the golden silkworm Gu.

"Swallow it and you will replace it!"

Lin Chen pointed to the corpse of the golden silkworm and Gu and said to the colorful glass Python in his hand.


The colorful glass Python nodded humanized and swallowed the golden silkworm. The poison on the golden silkworm had no effect on it.

At the same time, it has a wonderful connection with long Xuelan.


It ran to long Xuelan's side and licked her hand with a snake letter.

Long Xuelan's long and thick eyelashes shook a few times and slowly opened his eyes.

"Xuelan! You finally wake up!"

"Sister Xuelan!"


The faces of all the girls were beaming.

Long Xuelan glanced at the colorful glass Python at her hand, and glanced at the faces of the girls and Lin Chen's parents, and finally fell on Lin Chen's face.

She looked a little complicated and said, "thank you."

There are many magical places in the ten thousand Gu demon classic. The most important thing is that the life Gu can become powerful by swallowing.

Another point is that all the experiences of this life Gu will be passed to the host's mind.

Therefore, long Xuelan knew the horror of the colorful glass Python and that Lin Chen almost died when he fought with Li Tiangang.

She guessed that Lin Chen got into trouble with the beast sect. There was definitely a reason of her own.

Yeyiren gave the girls a wink, and then with the girls and Lin Chen's parents, they all left the room, and the door was closed.

The girls have already told Lin Chen's parents about long Xuelan.

And all the girls have long regarded long Xuelan as their sisters.

Lin Chen also knew the characteristics of the book of ten thousand Gu demons. At this time, he smiled and said, "do we still need to say thank you?"

Long Xuelan smiled faintly and said, "can you tell me what happened during my sleep?"

She only knew Lin Chen's fight with Li Tiangang in the Himalayas, but she didn't know anything else.

At the same time, he was amazed that Lin Chen's strength had reached the point where he could not match it!

Lin Chen nods and tells long Xuelan what happened during this period without any reservation.

Long Xuelan heard that Lin Chen had destroyed the xuexiao sect, killed the God of the island country, and killed Prince Dracula until the birth of the Kunlun holy land. Lin Chen killed the disciples, elders, and hall owners of the Tianluo hall, the Fenglei sect, and the animal sect and its owners

Rao Shilong Xuelan himself has experienced many things, and he is also a little stunned at this time.

She sighed in her heart that Lin Chen's experience was simply a legend.

This guy is a murderous God! Lin Chen finished saying, looking at long Xuelan, suddenly said with a bad smile: "by the way, you just said thank you to me. How are you going to thank me?"

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