A few days later.

Wolf castle.

Lin Chen's achievements in the Himalayas have also spread to wolf castle, so that Adolf, the Lord of wolf castle, once again has a new understanding of his Huaxia people!

Originally, for Lin Chen, he thought that there might be an organization behind Lin Chen that he could not provoke.

Now, there is no need to worry about the power behind Lin Chen. Lin Chen alone can destroy hundreds of people in the wolf castle!

Even if he was the leader of the wolf castle, he was only a god level six, and he could not stop a move in front of Lin Chen.

When Audrey comes back and confirms that the news is completely true, Adolf immediately asks Audrey to call Lin Chen, thanks Lin Chen for taking care of Audrey all the way, and wants to invite Lin Chen to wolf castle to entertain him.

In fact, he wanted to get in touch with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen declined, saying that she and Audrey were friends. There was no need to be so polite.

"Wolf castle will always be Mr. Lin's most loyal friend. If Mr. Lin needs any help from us, please keep us informed."

Adolf did not bother, but said solemnly.

Lin Chen said good, and soon the phone was hung up.

Although Lin Chen did not come to the wolf castle, Adolf was still smiling. Anyway, he had something to do with the super strong man.

This is a super strong man who even the dark Holy See and the saint alliance show their kindness at the same time. It is enough to be the patron of wolf castle!

On this day, after taking all the "cold dew chalcedony spirit liquid" given by Lin Chen, Audrey also broke through to the level of God from the later stage of Saint level.

This made Adolf so happy again that she specially asked Audrey to call to thank Lin Chen.

Audrey was also very happy. She dialed Lin Chen's number and wanted to share this matter with him. As a result, no one answered her mobile phone.

In the wolf Castle hall.

Audrey looked at Adolf and said, "he didn't answer the phone. He may be doing something or practicing!"

"In that case, don't disturb Mr. Lin!" Adolf hurried.


Bang! Bang! Bang

Several figures suddenly flew in from the outside and fell on the ground. They were covered with blood and looked very miserable.

When Adolf and Audrey saw the people lying on the ground, their faces changed because they were all from wolf castle, including Nick who had gone to the Himalayas with Audrey!

"Damn it, who dares to attack the people in wolf castle?"

Adolf looked at the door and was enraged.

"It's me!"

Three blonde men came in from the door. The first one, who was almost two meters tall, looked rough and had bulging muscles. It was very frightening, just like a standing wild bear.


When Adolf saw the leading man, a fluster flashed across his eyes, but the next moment his face showed anger and asked:

"What do you mean, Avis? Why do you do this to the people in wolf castle? Wolf Castle regards the 'roversky family' as friends. You are so arrogant!"

The leading man is Avis, the patriarch of the "roversky family". There are seven levels of God!

Because he has a beast like skill and a terrible secret method, his strength is much stronger than that of the ordinary God level seven.

In his hands, there is also a life of a god level seven level strong man!

Adolf already knew about Leo's death at Lin Chen's hands.

In the final analysis, Audrey, Nick and Jon couldn't get rid of their relationship. After all, they were there but didn't help Leo.

If Avis knew the truth, he would not let Wolfsburg go.

Fortunately, Leo ran to the Himalayas to find Audrey instead of going there together.

In Adolf's opinion, even if Avis found his son dead, he just insisted that Audrey and others had not seen Leo in the Himalayas.

So, at this time, he forced down his panic and questioned Avis in turn.

"Shut up!"

Avis was too lazy to answer Adolf's words. He gave him a cold reprimand. Then he looked at Audrey and said in a deep voice, "where's my son?"

Adolf's heart thumped. Avis' performance was probably what he had discovered.

Audrey shook her head and said, "I... I don't know where Leo is. I haven't seen him lately!"

"Hum! Haven't you seen him? He likes you. You went to the Himalayas, and he followed you! You told me you haven't seen him?"

When Avis said this, her voice became louder and louder. Audrey just felt that her brain was buzzing and the surrounding windows were shattered!

Audrey turned pale. "I... I really haven't seen him!"

"Haven't you seen him?" yawis said coldly. "But why did I get the news? A few days ago, someone saw you heading for the top of the Himalayas with him?"

Audrey's face was startled.

At the foot of the Himalayas, they did meet others.

'damn it! It's over! " Adolf's forehead has been covered with sweat. Knowing this, he can't be kind.

Avis was silent for a moment, stared at Audrey and said, "Leo! Is he dead, my son?"

Although he was unwilling to accept the fact, Leo could not be contacted. Audrey pretended not to meet Leo. Avis was almost sure that his son was dead!

This guess made him want to kill all the people in wolf castle!

Bury your son!


Audrey hesitated and hesitated. She knew that not only would she die in the hands of Avis, but also Wolfsburg would be dragged down.

Avis' eyes were cold, and he suddenly stepped on the head of a fallen wolf Castle member in front of him!


The man's head was directly trampled and exploded. He didn't even have time to scream. The ground was red and white. His body twitched a few times, and then he didn't move!


"Uncle char!"

Adolf and Audrey both exclaimed.

At this time, many people from wolf castle had already arrived. Seeing this scene at the door, they were so angry that they were ready to split.

"Asshole! You killed char!"

"Avenge Charles!"

Several people roared directly, and instantly became wolves. They were about to pounce on Avis.

"Don't be impulsive!" Adolf's face suddenly changed and he roared. However, the angry people did not stop.

"Kill!" Avis just played down the tunnel.

The next moment, the two men beside him disappeared in the same place.

Click! Click! Click

With the sound of a broken neck, the werewolves who jumped at Avis fell to the ground and became corpses!

The two men brought by Avis stood at the door, sneering at the rest of the wolf castle.

Adolf looked at the bodies on the ground, his eyes turned red, his cheeks puffed up, and his teeth almost broke. The next moment he took a deep breath, looked at the angry people in the wolf Castle outside the door, and roared:

"Stand outside! If anyone is making rash moves, then get out of the wolf castle!"

His heart is dripping blood!

But he knew that at this time, he could not be impulsive, otherwise, the wolf Castle might disappear.

"Give you another chance, say! Is Leo dead?"

Avis paid no attention to the others. He looked at Audrey like a God and his tone was indifferent.

Audrey looked at the corpse on the ground and bit her lips to bleed. Her eyes were full of tears. She stared at Avis with resentment, but she didn't open her mouth.

The next moment, Avis went to nick on the ground and raised his foot to his head.

"No!" Audrey shuddered and hurriedly said, "I said! Yes! Leo is dead! Don't do it to others. Let them go. If you want to kill me, kill me!"

"Fark! Damn bitch! Who gave you the courage to really kill my precious son!"

Avis was so angry that he suddenly appeared in front of Audrey and slapped her in the face.

PA! Audrey was directly pulled away, knocked over several chairs, and fell on the ground. Her face was covered with blood!

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