"What are you talking about?!"

Hearing Qi Chenghan's words, the Korean star Huateng stood up with a voice. His face was not so shocked as not believing at all.

Shi Tao is a super strong man in the triple heaven. Walking in the city, he is like a Titan walking in the Lilliputian country. How can he be killed!

"I secretly sent someone to watch Xiang Changtian's memorial service. That was the person I sent just now. Call me."

Qi Chenghan road.

His face was also surprised. You know, Shi Tao was a super strong man who could kick Xiang Changtian to death with one kick. It was unimaginable that he should have been killed.

"Who killed it?"

Han Xinghua has a gnashing of teeth expression.

He doubted that it was the hands of the people in the holy land of Kunlun.

Now in Huaxia, in his opinion, the only people who have the strength to kill Shi Tao are those from the holy land of Kunlun.

"My men will send photos right away!" Qi Chenghan road.


At this time, the voice of the mobile phone receiving the message rings.


Qi Chenghan hurriedly looked at the mobile screen.

The next moment, when he saw the person in the photo, he was stunned.

"Lin Chen?"

In the middle of the picture, Lin Chen is standing out, and Shitao's body is at his feet.

Although Qi Chenghan is a son of a powerful family, he is not from the ancient martial arts world after all. He doesn't know what happened in the ancient martial arts world before Lin Chen.

In his impression, Lin Chen is not much more powerful than Xiang Changtian.

After all, before the wedding, Lin Chen almost died in the hands of Xiang Changtian and zhaozhongwei, the Dharma protector of the Jiulong sect!

But Shi Tao is able to kick to death the existence of Xiang Changtian.

Normally speaking, Lin Chen should not be able to beat Shitao.

Qi Chenghan's face became ugly.

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, Lin Chen has become stronger!

"Who is this boy? Do you know him?"

Hanxinghua has also seen the photo. At this time, he stares at Lin Chen in the photo. His eyes are full of anger. Seeing Qi Chenghan's face is wrong, he asks.

Qi Chenghan nodded. "I do know him. He is my enemy!"

With that, he talked about his relationship with Lin Chen and ye Yi. His words were full of resentment.

Although his grandfather had told him not to seek revenge from Lin Chen, every time he thought of Lin Chen and ye Yi, the flame of revenge burned in his heart.

Qi Chenghan is also a person. He doesn't seem to feel ashamed. He tells all the information he knows about Lin Chen, including the fact that Lin Chen stole Ye Yiren at his wedding.

"Unexpectedly, this guy still has the hatred of robbing his wife with you."

Hanxinghua was slightly surprised, and then said, "you said so much, but you didn't say what his background was!"

Qi Chenghan said: "according to the information we found, his parents are just small farmers, and he is now a member of the dragon group and the chairman of the saint devil group. In addition, he has no more powerful identity!" "His identity can't be so simple! If I guessed right, he should be from the holy land of Kunlun. Otherwise, he can't have the strength to kill Shi Tao. Besides, you said that he was not much better than Xiang Changtian before. It's ridiculous. How can a person become so strong in a short time

More! He's just hiding his strength! "

Qichenghan did not refute Han Xing's Chinese words, because he was also confused about where Lin Chen's skills came from.

"Hum! But I don't care who he is. Even if he came from Kunlun sect and dares to kill people of our Tianmo sect, I must kill him!"

Hanxinghua's tone was cold.

According to Lin Chen's face, he felt that Lin Chen's strength should not be much stronger. He was confident that with his extraordinary strength, it was more than enough to kill each other.

"Young master, this Lin Chen is not easy to mess with."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Qi Chenghan.


An old and cold voice suddenly sounded behind him. Qi Chenghan jumped up in fear. As soon as he turned around, he saw an old man in black behind him, looking at hanxinghua.

Qi Chenghan felt his scalp numb.

The door was closed, but the old man suddenly appeared. It's amazing!

Is it difficult? In fact, he stayed in the room all the time, but neither he nor anyone else found out?

Thinking of this, Qi Chenghan felt a chill rush from his feet to his forehead.

This is terrible!

"Monsieur, what do you say?"

Hanxinghua was not surprised to see the old man, but had some doubts.

Looking at the picture on Qi Chenghan's mobile phone screen, Meng Lao said:

"This man is the Chinese dragon Fang who killed Li Tiangang. He is the strong one of the extraordinary seven heavens!"

"Are you sure?" Hanxinghua's eyelids jumped.

"OK!" Meng Lao nodded.

Hanxinghua's eyebrows turned into pimples and said with a sneer: "unexpectedly, he encountered a hard stubble! But anyway, he killed the people of our Tianmo cult. This revenge must be avenged!"

"You really must report!" Meng Lao nodded.

Han Xinghua said, "what do you think of me asking my master to do?"

Meng Lao has a very high seniority in the Tianmo cult and has the extraordinary strength of seven heavens. His master asked him to protect him in secret.

Although hanxinghua is the young leader of the Tianmo cult, he dare not be presumptuous in front of Meng Lao.

Whenever you encounter something important, you should ask him for his opinions.

Old Meng smiled lightly and said: "although this man is very strong, he doesn't need the leader to do it himself! I can deal with him!"

Hanxinghua hurriedly said, "old Meng, your strength is naturally much stronger than that of Li Tiangang, and should also be much stronger than that of Lin Chen. However, I think you should not take risks. You are not afraid of 10000, just in case."

"Ha ha!"

Meng Lao stretched out his hand like a dry branch and patted hanxinghua on the shoulder. His face was relieved and he said with a smile:

"When you grow up, you know you are worried about me. But don't worry. To kill someone doesn't mean you have to fight hard. You just need to find his weakness."

He looked at Qi Chenghan and said, "do you know if there is anyone who is very important to this Chinese dragon tooth here in Guangyang city?"

Qi Chenghan realized at this time that the old man was not simple and hurriedly said:

"He has two women here in Guangyang, one is zhangyuerong, general manager of Guangyang branch of Saint devil group, and the other is ye menghuang, known as the classical goddess."

With that, he introduced the situation of the next two women.

It can also be seen that Qi Chenghan never intended to give up revenge. He was just good at forbearing and waiting for an opportunity!

Now, the opportunity has finally come!

"Let's go find this yemenghuang."

Menglao soon made up his mind. Compared with Zhang Yuerong, who was in a high position, ye menghuang was better at it.

Qi Chenghan said curiously, "old man, do you want to blackmail Lin Chen with ye menghuang?"

Old Meng shook his head and said, "you are wrong. I want this ye menghuang to kill Lin Chen. He was killed by his own woman. It is estimated that he never thought he would end up like this." When hanxinghua heard what Meng Lao said, he seemed to think of something, and immediately showed a joking smile on his face.

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