Hearing hanxinghua's words, Meng Lao did not open his mouth, because he felt that at this time, he could only use threat.

As long as the other party is not crazy, he will never dare to touch his hair again when he hears what Han Xinghua has said!

You know, Kunlun holy land is definitely one of the best super forces in the world.

The strongest Holy Land in Kunlun is lilingfeng, the leader of Kunlun sect. He is an extraordinary eight fold heaven!

The strength of the extraordinary eightfold heaven is hundreds of times stronger than that of the extraordinary seventfold heaven. One move can kill the strong man of the extraordinary seventfold heaven.

There is absolutely no strong man in the world who dares to provoke the existence of an extraordinary eightfold heaven, unless he is in a hurry to die!

Meanwhile, ye menghuang, Xiang huofei and others did not understand how terrible the extraordinary eightfold sky was, but when they saw Han Xinghua's fearless appearance, they could also guess that Lin Chen could not deal with the extraordinary eightfold sky.

Their faces were tense and angry. Hanxinghua was too arrogant.

"You are crazy! Just because Xiang Changtian scolded you, you asked his men to kill him. Now you are attacking my woman and threatening me in turn! Are you sure that you have an extraordinary master, I dare not do anything to you?"

Lin Chen squints slightly and stares at hanxinghua with a cold tone. "Young man, don't be impulsive! I advise you to think twice before you do anything! Don't think that if you kill Li Tiangang, no one will be able to cure you! If you really dare to mess with our young master, I can kill you without our leader coming here! What a pity

As for the rest of the people in this room, they will all die! "

Old Meng frowned and then said.

There was a sense of dominance in his tone, as if the scene was still under his control.

Hanxinghua is aware of the ferocity in Lin Chen's eyes at the moment, and he doesn't dare to answer back. However, he still has a confident expression, which obviously decides Lin Chen.

Lin Chen sighed.

"What do you mean?"

When Han Xinghua saw the other party sigh, he suddenly felt a little uneasy. He felt his hand pinching his throat. His strength increased a minute, and he quickly questioned.

"I didn't intend to let you go. As a result, you threatened me again and again. You were in a hurry to die! Being arrogant to the extent of your arrogance is brain damage!"

Lin Chen looked at old Meng with a sneer. "Do you think I would think that if I let him go, this would be equivalent to never happened? Even if I let him go, would his master not come to trouble me?"

Meng Lao's face changed. "I can promise you, absolutely not!"

"Old man, you really fooled me like a three-year-old?"

Lin Chen laughed and looked at hanxinghua. "Remember, don't be so arrogant in your next life. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will still not live long if you kick the iron plate!"

Hanxinghua felt the murderous spirit on Lin Chen, and was so shocked that he almost peed in his pants. Just about to open his mouth, Lin Chen's palm suddenly forced.


Hanxinghua's neck bone and throat were instantly crushed by Lin Chen. His eyes vomited out, his mouth opened, and his voice got stuck in his throat.

In an instant, Lin Chen killed him!

His face was full of amazement. It seemed that he was unwilling to believe that such a thing would happen. The other party had the courage to kill him!

Meng Lao was frozen. At this moment, he even forgot to breathe. He looked at Han Xinghua being killed by Lin Chen. It seemed that he was stupid.


Hanxinghua's body was thrown to the ground by Lin Chen.

Yefu, Yemu and yechenglin were also confused by this scene.

They don't know how powerful the extraordinary eightfold sky is, but Lin Chen kills people without blinking an eye, which is too hard for ordinary people like them to accept!

At this moment, they understood again how extraordinary Lin Chen was. An ordinary person could never kill so calmly and casually!


After ye Mu reacts, she looks at hanxinghua's body and turns pale. She can't help screaming.

Old Meng suddenly regained his consciousness, and his old face became ferocious and terrifying. He roared:

"Boy, how dare you kill our young master! Die!"

The words fell, and he disappeared from the spot like a blink, and a remnant rushed towards Lin Chen.

Seeing this scene, Yefu, Yemu and yechenglin were thrilled again. What they saw and heard today really broke their understanding!

Meng Lao's performance in front of him was more incredible than those special effects on TV, making their eyes wide open!

Lin Chen's figure flashed and jumped out of the nearby window.

If he fought in the house, he was afraid to overturn ye menghuang's house. In the blink of an eye, he had reached a vacant lot outside the window.

"Boy! Don't run! You can't run away!"

Meng Lao roared loudly, shaking the heads of Ye Fu and ye Mu and others. At the same time, all the windows were broken. He jumped out of the window like a ghost.

Seeing the broken window glass, Ye's parents took another breath, and Xiang huofei, ye menghuang and others all ran to the window and looked out.

In the open space outside the window, Lin Chen and Meng Lao have already exchanged hands.

"Sister! Can my brother-in-law win? The old man feels terrible!"

Yechenglin looks at yemenghuang and asks.

"I... I don't know!"

Yemenghuang looked worried. Although she knew Lin Chen was powerful, the old man was obviously not weak. Besides, it seemed that she had decided to eat Lin Chen!

Xiang Huowu felt happy and worried at this time.

Happily, Lin Chen killed hanxinghua and helped her avenge her father's murder.

Of course, I'm afraid Lin Chen can't beat old Meng.

Although old Meng used some tricks against Lin Chen, in his opinion, even if he didn't use them, he was much better than Lin Chen!

After all, he was only one step away from the extraordinary eightfold heaven.

Although his age is approaching the end of his life, it is estimated that he has no hope to break through the extraordinary eightfold heaven in his life. However, his strength is not comparable to that of the ordinary seven fold heaven!

"Boy, you kill the young leader of the Tianmo cult. I will take you back to the Tianmo cult and let the leader down! And I will make all your relatives and friends worse off than death!"

Meng Lao roared and stepped out. The earth shook. In a moment, he rushed to Lin Chen and clapped it out. A huge shadow of his hand hit Lin Chen!


Lin Chen just smiled coldly and clapped it with one palm. A huge palm shadow also appeared.

The two palms collided with each other. With a bang, Lin Chen's palms disappeared first. Meng Lao's palms became transparent, but he continued to fight towards Lin Chen.

"Hum! I said you couldn't beat me!" Meng Lao smiled grimly, and the man turned into a phantom again and rushed towards Lin Chen!

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