In the room.

"Meng Huang, tell me honestly, who is Lin Chen? He... How could he be so..."

Ye Mu really didn't know how to express her inner shock. At this time, when recalling the scene of the fight between Lin Chen and Meng Lao, she almost doubted that it was a dream.

"Sister! Is my brother-in-law Superman?"

Yechenglin said excitedly.

Although he knew Lin Chen was powerful, the "powerful" Lin Chen showed today had completely exceeded his imagination.

Ye Fu's face was also full of shock. "Meng Huang, what's the matter? Who is Lin Chen?"

When yemenghuang saw that her parents and younger brother were so surprised, she couldn't help feeling a little complacent and said, "I already said that Lin Chen is not an ordinary person!"

"It's not as simple as ordinary people, it's just immortals!"

Ye Mu hurriedly said, "tell me quickly. What is Lin Chen's origin? How can he be so powerful?"

"He is an ancient warrior!" Yemenghuang said.

"Ancient warrior?"

Yechenglin said curiously, "is it the kind who knows Kung Fu on TV? But those people on TV only know lightness skills at most. They can't fly in the sky like my brother-in-law!"

Yemenghuang said, "you can understand that it is a low-end ancient warrior, and a high-end ancient warrior is equivalent to a fairy in the ancient population."

These were all told to yemenghuang by Lin Chen when he introduced her to the ancient warrior. At this time, she just said the original words.

Yemenghuang took the iron thermos cup and said, "in fact, I am also an ancient martial artist!"

With that, her white and slender fingers made a sudden effort to hold the iron thermos cup sunken, leaving a handprint.

With Lin Chen's help, she is now an ancient martial artist in the early days after tomorrow.

Seeing this scene, Yefu, Yemu and yechenglin almost stared out their eyes.

"Sleeping... Sleeping trough!"

Yechenglin took the thermos cup from yemenghuang's hand and shook it with his breast feeding strength. His face turned red, but the thermos cup remained unchanged.

Yemenghuang's handprint is still on it.

Ye's father and mother looked at each other for a long time, and finally smiled bitterly.

At this time, they fully realized how extraordinary Lin Chen was. Even after his daughter followed him, Lin Chen became extraordinary. It was beyond their understanding and simply subverted their cognition.

Finally, ye mother looked at ye menghuang and said, "menghuang, mom understands now. You are right. The rules that work for ordinary people are really not suitable for you and Lin Chen. Mom just asked you, are you sure you want to be with Lin Chen? Even if he has other women?"


Without any hesitation, yemenghuang nodded directly.

Then, she was brought to the military base by the islanders, and Lin Chen broke into the military base alone. Facing a modern army, she was rescued!

Ye Fu, ye Mu and others were stunned. If they hadn't experienced today's events, they would definitely doubt whether their daughter had been affected by some kind of magic and was talking crazy.

At this time, they also understand why ye menghuang is unwilling to leave Lin Chen.

Which girl doesn't love a hero who is willing to face an army for her and even saves her?


Lin Chen returns to the room, just as ye menghuang comes out of the room.

When he saw ye menghuang's happy face, he was puzzled. Ye menghuang took him aside and said that his parents agreed with them.

Lin Chen was also happy.

With his skill, even if ye's parents disagree, they can't stop ye menghuang from being with him, but that's not what he wants.

Now, Ye's parents nodded and looked at the smile on ye menghuang's face. This was the result he wanted.

After a while, Lin Chen received a call from Jiang Lao. After he put down the phone, his face was very cold.

"Qi Chenghan, it's you! Good! You deserve to die. This time, no one can protect you!"


In the Qijia compound.

Under the willow tree and by the lake, Qi Chenghan and old man Qi are playing go around the stone table.

Master Qi, holding the white boy in his hand, landed on the chessboard, looked at Qi Chenghan and said with a smile, "did you encounter any good things today?"

Since ye Yiren was taken away from the wedding by Lin Chen, Qi Chenghan became a little sinister and silent, which made old man Qi very disappointed in him.

A man who wants to do great things should not be so reluctant to let go of men's and women's affairs. What's more, ye Yiren has no affection for Qi Chenghan from beginning to end.

Today, Qi Chenghan, with a faint smile on his lips, feels very relieved that he has let go of his obsession.

Qi Chenghan said with a smile, "it's a happy thing for Chenghan to be able to play chess with his grandfather."

"You son."

Master Qi laughed and liked his grandson's flattery. Then he said slowly:

"If you can let go of your obsession, Grandpa will be relieved. Remember what I told you before, and don't think about going to trouble Lin Chen. That boy, we can't compare now."

Speaking later, old Qi's voice was filled with emotion.

In fact, he didn't know much about Lin Chen's deeds, but as a retired military bigwig, he was also able to get some information.

Lin Chen has already known that he has become a Chinese dragon tooth.

The Chinese dragon tooth is not only one of the masters of the dragon group, but also the most powerful person in the dragon group. Master Qi knows this.

So, although he didn't know how strong Lin Chen was, he also knew that Lin Chen was not easy to mess with.

It can even be said that the whole family has been unable to provoke others.

However, when old Qi finished, he saw Qi Chenghan's face stiff.

Old Qi suddenly disappeared with a smile and said in a deep voice, "what's the matter? Did you go to provoke him?"

Qi Chenghan felt a little nervous, but when he thought of Meng Lao's horrible means, the tension disappeared.

Previously, in the box, he heard that old Meng wanted ye menghuang to kill Lin Chen. He was puzzled and asked what he meant.

Meng Lao did not speak.

When Qi Chenghan thought that the other party was too lazy to answer him, he suddenly found that old Meng's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

Then, the whole world was in darkness, and his soul seemed to be locked into the body, and an external mind controlled his body.

At that moment, he was almost scared out of his wits!

However, Meng Lao soon went to see what Meng Lao meant except for the effect of the soul taking technique. Qi Chenghan also understood what Meng Lao said.

There was no doubt about what Meng had said before.

Later, looking at Meng Lao and hanxinghua flying away, he once again firmly believed that Lin Chen was definitely dead!

Facing his grandfather's angry and disappointed eyes, Qi Chenghan smiled. He thought he had made the most correct choice, so he was not flustered. Qi Chenghan was calm and said with a smile, "Grandpa, do you still remember that Xiang Changtian was killed two days ago? At that time, you asked me to find out who killed Xiang Changtian and see if I could make friends with him."

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