One day later, Lin Chen and others had returned to the cloud mountain villa. At this time, Meng Lao of the Tianmo cult was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

According to the plan, Gu Xiao should have returned last night. However, until this time, he still disappeared. "Nothing will happen! Absolutely nothing will happen! With the strength of the leader, unless lichengfeng has just broken through the extraordinary jiuchongtian, he will never leave the leader! How difficult it is to break through the jiuchongtian. Lichengfeng can't break through successfully, let alone when the leader passed, he just

A breakthrough! "

Meng Lao comforted himself.

In his opinion, if Gu Xiao has an accident, the only possibility is that lichengfeng has broken through!

"Elder Meng! Leader, he... He..."

A tall middle-aged man ran in from the door with a flustered face. His face turned white, his face was frightened, and he was so excited that he could not speak completely.

"Be clear! What's wrong with the leader?" Meng Lao's face changed.

"According to the news from Xiao Jingzhong, the leader... He was killed!"

The middle-aged man's voice was trembling and his face was decadent. He didn't want to believe this fact at all.

Xiaojingzhong was a chess piece of the Tianmo cult. Hundreds of years ago, when the grand array of the Kunlun holy land was opened, it was also because of this person that he learned that Lin Chen hid in the moon invitation building of the Kunlun holy land so soon last time.

"You, what did you say?"

Meng Lao's eyes were round and his body trembled. His voice was raised and said, "how could it be! How could it be! Lichengfeng! Damn lichengfeng, he has broken through the extraordinary nine heavens?"

"Elder Meng, the leader was not killed by lichengfeng! He was killed by Lin Chen!" Middle aged humanity.

Old Meng was stunned again, and his face was full of disbelief. "No way! I had a fight with Lin Chen not long ago. Although he is better than me, he is much worse than the leader! He can't kill the leader!"

The middle-aged man was not surprised to see that Meng was so excited. In fact, when he first heard the news, he was unwilling to believe it. He could only repeat what Xiao Jingzhong said to himself.

"Temporary breakthrough? Breakthrough in battle?"

Old Meng was stunned and his face was deathly gray. Hearing that Gu Xiao had finally broken his heart and died, his eyes lit up a frenzied flame of revenge, and he was extremely sad.

Next moment!

His body turned into an illusion and rushed out of the door. A minute later, he stood among the nine mountains and looked up at the ancient bronze coffin wrapped in chains in the air.

With a burst of noise, old Meng knelt on the ground and cried out in a sad voice: "old grandfather, wake up! The young master and the cult leader have been killed by others. You should take revenge for them! If you don't wake up, my Tianmo cult will die!"

In the eyes of old Meng, except for the people of his own Tianmo cult, the rest are no different from pigs and dogs. No matter what reason, Lin Chen killed Gu Xiao and hanxinghua, then he should be cut to pieces!

However, his voice did not receive any response. Everything was silent. Still, there was only the clanging sound of the chain driven by the mountain wind.

There is also the breath that pervades the valley and comes from the bronze ancient coffin. It is so terrible!


Kunlun religion.

"Yue'er, you seem to care about Lin Chen very much? For him, you can even give up your life?"

Aunt Wu took Wen Renyue's hand, sat in a small pavilion and asked meaningfully.

Hearing that Ren Yue was suddenly in her heart, she said with a natural expression on her face: "aunt Wu, Lin Chen saved my life, and he has been kind to me. Is there anything wrong with him?"

"Is it really just a show of gratitude?" Aunt Wu said suspiciously.

Wen Renyue nodded. Although aunt Wu loved her, she knew that due to the rules of the Kunlun sect, if aunt Wu learned about her and Lin Chen, she would certainly tell several other elders of the Kunlun sect about it.

And those elders, all old-fashioned, would never agree with her and Lin Chen.

She wants to be with Lin Chen. The only breakthrough is her master.

As long as her master agrees with her and Lin Chen, the elders and disciples of Kunlun sect can only accept this fact even if they are dissatisfied.

Lichengfeng is extremely powerful. He never allows others to refute what he believes.

From childhood to adulthood, the master never disagreed with any request he put forward. Although this time there was some trouble, Wen Renyue believed that the master would fulfill himself!

"That's good. It seems that Aunt Wu is too thoughtful."

Aunt Wu breathed a sigh of relief. She heard that Renyue was the saint of Kunlun religion. She could not find a man outside. That was not in line with the rules.

What's more, she knew that lichengfeng could never marry Wen Renyue to other men.

Men outside the Kunlun sect can't!

Other men in Kunlun cult can't do it either!

"Yue'er, aunt Wu hopes you will be happy, and she will never want to see you fall out with the Kunlun sect or your master."

Aunt Wu gently hugged Wen Renyue and said softly.

Wen Renyue also hugged aunt Wu and said solemnly, "aunt Wu, don't worry. Yue'er has been a Kunlun believer all her life. The master treated me like a mountain. Without him, I would have been eaten by wild animals! How could I fall out with him? It's impossible!"

"My silly moon, aunt Wu only hopes you will be happy in the end." Aunt Wu said.

"I will be happy. Aunt Wu, you are very kind to me."

Hearing the tone of Ren Yue, Lin Chen's face appeared in her mind. Her face became ruddy, but aunt Wu didn't notice.


After returning to Yunwu Mountain, Lin Chen used most of his energy to practice.

Gu Xiao's words before his death made him care.

He didn't know who the man Gu Xiao said would help him take revenge, but Gu Xiao thought that the man could help him take revenge, which meant that the man was probably the existence of the extraordinary jiuchongtian.

Of course, these are just Lin Chen's guesses.

However, it is always right to improve your strength.

Moreover, according to Wu Qianye, when Lin Chen practices, she extracts Lin Chen's soul energy, so the soul energy will recover much faster.

At this time, the cultivation resources Lin Chen has are absolutely enough to make anyone jealous.

The first is 57 ice and fire elixirs. Last time, 26 ice and fire elixirs let him practice the Dragon elephant subduing the devil to the sixth level, and the remaining 57 should be enough for him to practice to the seventh level.

There are also 43 fertility pills. Although it is estimated that they will not play a big role, it is estimated that how they can improve his realm a little bit.

In addition, it was the unknown pill that Qin Changxi gave him when it fell.

That pill directly made Hong Tianxing and Wu Xiao step into the extraordinary world. It was extremely extraordinary!

"By the way, do you know what this pill is?"

Lin Chen takes out the pill and asks Wu Qianye.

This woman came from the small world of Xuanyuan. She knows more than her. She will soon know what pill this is.

Soon, Lin Chen thought of something and took out the Dragon tooth sabre. "And what level of weapon is my dragon tooth Sabre?"

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