"Elder sister Xixi and elder sister Yiren, my Shifu respects him to leave the pass. I'm going back to Kunlun. I'll visit you next time!"

In Yunwu villa, Wen Renyue, Su Xiran, ye Yiren and other women bid farewell to each other.

At this time, it has been eight months since Lin Chen killed Xiao, the patron of the Tianmo cult, in the holy land of Kunlun.

Previously, Lin Chen stayed in Yunwu Mountain Villa, relying on ice fire elixir, pregnancy elixir and the unknown pill for more than two months, Wen Renyue came to Yunwu Mountain Villa.

Although she was a saint, she was moved. The master didn't leave the pass for a long time. Out of missing Lin Chen and Lin Chen's coaxing, Lin Chen finally brought her back to the cloud mountain villa to meet the women.

After these months of getting along, Wen Renyue and the girls have already been very familiar.

When talking, Wen Renyue looked at Su Xiran's bulging belly. As a virgin, she was always curious about pregnant women.

At this time, Su Xi ran was nearly nine months pregnant and had a big stomach, but other parts of his body were not bloated.

Of course, there is one exception, that is, the proud place on the chest is more magnificent.

Although she was pregnant and wore simple and loose maternity clothes, Su Xi ran was still so beautiful, adding a sacred motherhood, making her more attractive, and making other women envy her.

"Yue'er, are you going to tell your master about you and Lin Chen?" Yeyi asked.

They all know that Wen Renyue, as a saint of Kunlun, is not allowed to marry outsiders according to the rules, so it is estimated that there will be some trouble with Lin Chen.

Hearing Renyue nodding, she felt that she would encounter some trouble, but she believed that the master would help himself.

After hearing this, all the women wished for each other.

At noon that day, Wen Renyue returned to the Kunlun sect and met lichengfeng and a group of elders in the hall.


When Wen Renyue came forward, she bowed to lichengfeng in the first seat. Although the master treated her very well, as a saint of Kunlun, she must pay attention to etiquette.

"The moon is back."

When lichengfeng saw Wen Renyue, his face lit up and he waved to her. When she was near, he smiled and said:

"Master, I heard that you had an adventure in the Himalayas. Now you are an extraordinary six fold heaven. That's good! Yueer is the most talented of all the saints of our Kunlun sect. Even as a leader, you are not as talented as you!"

"Master yue'er praises you so much. You are now the most powerful person in the extraordinary nine heavens. How can yue'er compare with you? Moreover, the reason why yue'er can be today is because of master's teaching. If there is no master, there will be no me today." Wen Renyue smiled.

The rest of the Kunlun sect present were all beaming.

The Kunlun sect has broken through to the extraordinary nine heavens, while the Kunlun sect saints are young and already exist in the extraordinary six heavens. Today's Kunlun sect is a bit stronger than hundreds of years ago.

They were absolutely delighted.

Hearing that the moon's eyes turned, he suddenly said, "master, the moon's ability to break through the extraordinary six fold heaven is actually due to the help of one person!"

"I know, the Chinese dragon tooth and Lin Chen, right? Your aunt Wu and they have already told me." Lichengfeng nodded and said with a smile, "if he can kill Gu Xiao, then his strength is also top in the extraordinary eightfold heaven. This man is definitely not simple, and he can't be only in his twenties, but everyone has his own secrets, and we don't need to explore them. He is kind to you, so I

We'll just find a chance to return this favor. "

According to the information collected by the Kunlun cult, Lin Chen is only in his early twenties.

Lichengfeng is a very confident and even conceited person.

It took him more than 100 years to break through the extraordinary octet, so he naturally did not believe that anyone could break through the extraordinary octet in more than 20 years.

In his opinion, Lin Chen's information is naturally false.

In fact, it's not just him. In the eyes of many people, there is absolutely something wrong with Lin Chen's data. They refuse to believe that there is such a demon in this world!

Wen Renyue and lichengfeng mention Lin Chen, not to make lichengfeng thank Lin Chen, but to make lichengfeng have a good impression on Lin Chen, so that she can put forward her own affairs with Lin Chen.

So she said that Lin Chen was beautified by his various performances in the Himalayas.

It has to be said that beauty is in the eyes of lovers, and Lin Chen has become an indomitable hero in her mouth. Even killing Li Tiangang, ouyangxiao, yalman and others has become an act of eliminating harm for the people.

Li Chengfeng nodded as he listened, with a smile on his face.

He didn't think much. He just thought that the meaning of Wen Renyue was to let himself find a chance to repay the kindness. In his opinion, it was just a small matter.

However, aunt Wu noticed something was wrong and frowned slowly.

"According to what you say, this man is really a good person to make friends with."

After hearing this, lichengfeng nodded and gave Lin Chen a judgment with an elder tone.

Hearing the news of Renyue, she felt that the time was almost over. All the elders were here, so she wanted to tell lichengfeng about her relationship with Lin Chen.

"Master, I -"

As soon as she said this, lichengfeng smiled and waved his hand, "well, yue'er, let's not talk about this man. Master, I have something to tell you this time when I leave the pass."

"Don't know what the master wants to say to me?" The moon is a wonderful story.

All the elders of the Kunlun sect were curious, but aunt Wu's face changed slightly.

"Yue'er, as a teacher, would you like to be my wife?"

On lichengfeng's handsome face, a trace of doting appeared, and he reached out to hold the small hand of Wen Renyue.

For a moment, all the elders of Kunlun sect looked strange, but aunt Wu sighed and said nothing more.

As guodeyuan and Liu Li said before, in the ancient martial world, there are not so many rules in the secular world. It is not surprising that martial nephew and martial uncle are combined.

Although it is rare for a master and an apprentice to become partners, it is not without them.

At ordinary times, the elders of the Kunlun sect might even ask to stop him. However, at this time, lichengfeng broke through the extraordinary jiuchongtian. In addition, he was domineering and powerful. Several elders thought about it and kept silent.

After all, this is not an unacceptable thing.

However, this is hard to accept for Wen Renyue!

Not because of her apprenticeship, but because, from the very beginning, she regarded lichengfeng as her own elder, equivalent to her own father.

Don't even think about men and women!

Besides, she already has a lover!

At this time, when she heard what lichengfeng said, she was stunned. When she saw lichengfeng's hand grasping at her own, she quickly stepped back like a frightened rabbit.

"Master! Are you... Are you kidding? We... How can we?"

At this time, Wen Renyue still had some doubts about whether he had a problem with his ears. How could the master have that idea about himself?

He wants to be his wife!

However, lichengfeng was extremely overbearing. His eyes shot a fierce look, like an emperor who could not be disobedient, saying:

"Why not? Yue'er, don't worry. No one dares to make a fuss when we combine. If anyone dares to talk nonsense, I will let him disappear in the world! At the end of the day, no one can stop what I, lichengfeng, want to do!"

He thought that the reason why Wen Renyue resisted so much was that he was afraid that others would gossip and it would be difficult to change his identity for a while. He smiled gently at her and said, "yue'er, master knows that you may be scared at a time. Master gives you a little time to adapt, and then we will form a Taoist couple. Master will take care of you all his life!"

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