
Lightning fell from the sky. In the blink of an eye, Feng Yu was in front of him. He was about to be destroyed!

"Hahaha! Come on! I've been waiting too long for this moment!"

Feng Yu was not afraid of the thunder. Instead, he was crazy and laughed wantonly.

He has practiced his secret arts for more than 500 years. He endured 260 years of loneliness in the ancient coffin just for this moment.

After the thunderstorm, he will step into a new world.

In this world, no one will be his enemy!

Feng Yu did not retreat but moved forward and flew towards the divine thunder. At the same time, he waved to the void and shouted, "help me overcome the robbery!"

Within a few hundred miles around, the aura surged wildly, converging towards Feng Yu, forming a storm.

At the same time, Feng Yu hit a fist, and a violent invisible shadow of the fist exploded on the sky thunder.

That day, the thunder exploded and crashed like glass. It turned into a little light and fell on Feng Yu.

At the same time, Feng Yu's face was a little younger, and many of his white hair fell off and grew black hair.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Feng Yu could clearly feel that his strength was becoming stronger and his vitality was becoming stronger. He laughed and was extremely happy.




In an instant, three more thunders fell one after another!

There is a light between heaven and earth!

The sound is deafening!

Feng Yu's face was dignified. Again, with the help of the surrounding aura, he blew out several fists in succession and hit the three divine thunders.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three explosions, one after another!

This time, the three divine thunders were not broken up directly, but became nihilistic and blasted on Feng Yu!

Feng Yu was a little embarrassed when he was split. His skin and flesh were cracked and some were burnt black. In the blink of an eye, three divine thunders turned into light spots and integrated into his body.

His injury recovered quickly, his face became younger, there were no white hairs on his head, his body discharged a little impurities, and his skin gradually became crystal clear, with a layer of light golden light!

The momentum of his body makes people feel more and more terrible, just like the nine heaven dragon.

This seems to be an evolutionary process. He is becoming younger and stronger!

In the distance, the people of Tianmo cult who watched this scene were all kneeling on the ground. Looking at Feng Yu was like looking at a god!

"My grandfather, he's going through a robbery!" Meng Lao was ecstatic.





This time, the thunderstorm was like rain, and more than a dozen thunders were vented. Feng Yu was embarrassed to deal with it, but his body was cut to pieces and blood flew wild.

But after he was killed, he recovered automatically after the baptism of God's thunder and light points, and his momentum was even more terrifying!

Soon, dozens of thunders came. After several cycles, Feng Yu became more and more relaxed. His strength soared wildly in this short time!

Finally, there was no divine thunder in the sky, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the bright moon and stars appeared in the sky again.

Feng Yu looked very happy.

Although he was not as casual as Leng Dongliu, he smashed all the thunder in the sky with one punch, but he finally passed the thunder disaster!

Feeling the terrible energy in his body, Feng Yu was confident that if he met Ji Yuan again, he could take his life in a second!

"Lao Zu!"

"Lao Zu!"


Before and after Yu Feng fell to his face, Meng Lao and others knelt down one after another and were extremely respectful.

"Congratulations on my success. No one in this world is my opponent!" Meng Lao shouted.

"Congratulations on my success. No one in this world is my opponent!"

The rest of the people agreed, excited to the extreme.

Feng Yu nodded and glanced at the crowd, but frowned and said, "where's Xiao'er? Why isn't he there?"

Hearing the speech, all the people present were sad. Old Meng said, "my father, the leader... He was killed!"


Feng Yu frowned, and all the people in the audience felt a sense of fear. Although Feng Yu didn't do it, everyone felt that Feng Yu could beat all of them into meat and mud with a slap.

When Gu Xiao accepted the Korean star Huawei as a disciple, Feng Yu was already lying in the bronze coffin.

Therefore, he doesn't know hanxinghua at all.

Menglao first introduced Han Xinghua, and then started with the conflict between Han Xinghua and Lin Chen in Guangyang City, until Gu Xiao went to the holy land of Kunlun and was accidentally killed by Lin Chen.

With that, old Meng cried out, "please take revenge for the leader and the young leader, old master!"

"I beg you to avenge the leader and the young leader!" The rest of the people followed.

Feng Yu nodded and said in a cold voice:

"Tomorrow, we will go to the holy land of Kunlun to make Kunlun cult disappear from the world! Then, I will kill Lin Chen, the extraordinary eightfold heaven, just mole ants!"

His tone was so casual that it seemed that he was really just going to run over an ant.

Old man Meng looked happy and thought of something again. He hurriedly said, "my father, Lin Chen is not worried about it. But as far as I know, lichengfeng, the leader of Kunlun cult, has broken through the extraordinary nine heavens!"

"Oh? That boy is only in his early twohundred years old now. He has broken through the extraordinary nine heavens. His talent is very good! It's a pity that he won't survive tomorrow."

Feng Yu said faintly, "the extraordinary nine heaven and the extraordinary eight heaven are no different to me than mole ants."

"Tomorrow, there will be no Kunlun in the world, only heavenly demons. If other sects in the Kunlun holy land know the truth and are willing to take refuge in our heavenly demon cult, they will be saved! If they don't know the truth, I will be destroyed!"

Old Meng and others were overjoyed at the news. They had been hiding here for more than 200 years and were finally going to fly. No one in China could stop them!

Feng Yu turned his head and looked to the West. He felt that something was calling for his past and telling himself that there was a new world there.

What he looked at was the direction of the Himalayas, where the meteorite fell!

"When I destroy the Kunlun cult and kill Lin Chen, then I will go and have a look."

Feng Yu murmured in his heart. He felt that he was full of pride. The world was vast, but it was not enough for him!


early morning.

People from all major sects of the whole Kunlun Holy Land rushed to Kunlun religion one after another.

Today, lichengfeng, the leader of the Kunlun sect, will marry the Kunlun Saint Wen Renyue as a Taoist couple and invite people from the whole Kunlun holy land to attend this feast.

Although some people privately criticized them as teachers and disciples, on the face of it, no one dares to say half a word of nonsense.

The leaders of all major sects are congratulating, and even those of the disciples' generation are offering gifts to try to establish a relationship with the Kunlun cult.

Now, lichengfeng has broken through to the extraordinary jiuchongtian, which is considered to be the first sect in the world. It is of great benefit to have a relationship with Kunlun religion!

At the same time, a helicopter has entered the range of Kunlun mountain.

In the helicopter, besides the pilot, it was Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyes were cold and silent. He looked very calm, but gave people a feeling that at this time, don't provoke him at last.

Jingling bell

When the mobile phone rings, Lin Chen looks at the mobile phone screen. It's Liu Li!

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