When Lin Chen saw that grandpa was so surprised, he was a little proud: "of course, I can see it. I can make your body recover right away. I can get out of bed right away and take care of it according to my prescription. Grandpa, it's not a problem for you to live a long life."

With that, he took out the silver needle.

Grandpa Lin Chen was even more surprised. At most, he just told Lin Chen some superficial knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. How could Lin Chen be able to do acupuncture?

Acupuncture and moxibustion are great knowledge. He can't even do it himself!

However, he didn't say much. He just looked at Lin Chen in surprise and let Lin Chen give him acupuncture.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen took down the silver needle and said with a smile, "Grandpa, do you feel much better?"

"Well, much better." Grandpa Lin Chen stretched his muscles and bones, smiled, and walked out of bed.

He took a deep look at Lin Chen, and finally said, "little monkey, grandpa doesn't know how you got this skill, and he doesn't want to ask, but you should remember that we can never do anything that hurts people."

"Grandpa, don't worry. Don't you know what kind of person I am?" Lin Chen nodded.

He has always admired grandpa's medical ethics.

The old man's medical skills are not high, but he has a benevolent heart and is a real doctor.

"That's good." Grandpa Lin Chen nodded with a smile and didn't say any more.

Next, the two of them said something about their family. Although they were not very important, they were happy because they were in a good mood.

Grandpa Lin Chen was very kind and asked Su Xi ran some unimportant questions, which soon eased her tension.

"By the way, when are you two going to get a grandson out to me? Since the little monkey can cure me, I should live to see my grandson in the future." Grandpa Lin Chen asked with a smile.

Su Xi ran blushed and said, "Grandpa, you will live a long life."

Lin Chen smiled shamelessly and said, "Grandpa, don't worry. I will try my best to get you a grandson to come out and guarantee to complete the task!"

Su Xi ran flushed, but did not refute. She was too shy.

When they were about to leave, Grandpa Lin Chen opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but finally he closed his mouth again.

Lin Chen looked at his grandfather strangely and said to Su Xi ran, "sister Xi Xi, go out first. I'll come out later."

Su Xi ran didn't ask much, nodded and looked at Grandpa Lin Chen: "Grandpa, I'll go out first and see you next time."

"Good." Grandpa Lin Chen smiled and nodded.

He was extremely satisfied with this lovely and beautiful granddaughter-in-law.

After Su Xi ran walked out, Lin Chen looked at his grandfather suspiciously. "Grandpa, what do you want to say?"

Grandpa Lin Chen was silent, as if he was thinking about whether to say it or not. Finally, he said: "little monkey, you now have such a good daughter-in-law. You should put down your love for Iraqis, and you can't bear it anymore."

Lin Chen's face changed: "Grandpa, why should I talk about her? I've already forgotten her!"

Yi said Ye Yi. Ye Yi was very clever in front of Grandpa Lin Chen. The old man almost always regarded her as his granddaughter-in-law.

"Alas, I know you still hate her heartless. But the child should have some trouble. Otherwise, with her gentle character, she wouldn't say such heartless words." Grandpa Lin Chen sighed.

Lin Chen's smile was a little bitter, and she mocked with silk.

Gentle character?

Today's yeyi people are the "black widows" of the "night Dynasty". They have thousands of brothers under their hands. I don't know how much blood they have on their hands. Is she still gentle for such a woman?

Maybe she used to be gentle, but now she has become cold!

Grandpa Lin Chen suddenly said, "you know, just the day before she left, I saw her crying in the peach blossom forest in the back mountain. She squatted on the ground and was almost out of breath. She should have felt bad when she said that to you."

"She is crying in the peach blossom forest?"

Lin Chen was stunned.

The peach blossom forest is the place where he confessed to yeyi people, and it is also a favorite place of yeyi people.

Lin Chen was silent for a long time.

Maybe she did feel bad at that time, but in any case, she made her decision to leave Longshi village and go to her prosperity and become the underground queen of the prosperous city.

Perhaps, the past, really let it pass.


Lin Chen's home, his room.

Lin Chen is lying on the bed with Su Xi in her arms.

The bed is very simple. There are two long wooden benches with a large wooden board covered with straw mats and mats.

There is no air conditioning, the temperature is a little muggy, and mosquitoes are buzzing.

Lin Chen put down the mosquito net, kissed Su Xiran, and said with a smile, "sister Xixi, you may not be used to this kind of environment. Just endure it for two days. Tomorrow, we will go to our relatives' side and go back to Yuehai the day after tomorrow."

Su Xi ran shrunk in Lin Chen's arms, pinched his chest, and said shyly, "who says I'm not used to it? As long as I'm with you, I like everything. Don't be in such a hurry to go back to Yuehai. It's good to stay for two more days. It's hard for you to come back."

Lin Chen also wants to stay for two more days, but on the other side of Yuehai City, an Xueyao is banned from her home by an Zhongzhou because she is not there.

Anda stars are angry, but an Zhongzhou is afraid that the "phantom" killer will appear. How can Lin Chen go back to let her go out.

So an Xueyao can only call Lin Chen all day to urge him to go back. Lin Chen and the other party say there is something urgent, but an Xueyao still calls several times a day.

"She is really my good wife. She will think of her husband." Lin Chen laughed.

Su Xi gave Lin Chen a white look, then said in a faint voice, "Lin Chen, no matter what, don't leave me. Do you know?"

Lin Chen was stunned, and then he understood.

An Xueyao has been calling her for the past twoorthree days. Su Xiran may have misunderstood something, but she didn't say anything.

Instead of getting angry, she worried about leaving her.

This woman is really distressing.

"No, sister Xixi, I said I would guard you all my life!"

Lin Chen hugged Su Xi ran tightly, and then laughed: "Hey, it's so early now. Let's have some entertainment."

Su Xi ran blushed with shame. Of course, she knew what Lin Chen's so-called entertainment activities were. She didn't refuse, but said angrily: "big sex wolf!"


On the third day, they left for Yuehai.

Lin Chen had planned to take Su Xiran directly to the flower shop, but Su Xiran meant to go back to the model company first and take over the flower shop after finishing a few things.

Before, she was so sad that she ran back to her hometown. She hadn't resigned with the company. This time, she planned to go back to the company and quit her job.

Lin Chen naturally has no opinion about this.

Regarding the termination of the contract with the model company, he directly called tanhengxing. The other party still owed him a favor. It just happened that this matter could be handled by him.

When I returned to my residence, it was noon. At this time, if there was no accident, there should be no one at home.

Zhangyuerong has to go to work. Bai Lan and her two little girls have to go to school.

Lin Chen came back from driving for more than ten hours. He was more or less tired. He opened the door and planned to go back to his room to sleep. But as soon as he opened the door, he was covered.

He stared at the woman in front of him.

What a tall and sexy foreign woman, the key is that this foreign woman is only wearing a sexy lace underwear.

A woman has red hair and blue eyes. She is very fit and hot. She is about the same height as Lin Chen. She should have a meter or eight. She has a foreign face, a very upturned nose, three-dimensional facial features, a pair of clear blue eyes that are particularly attractive, and her lips are ruddy and full. On the whole, in addition to being beautiful, she also has a sense of toughness.

When the man saw it, he immediately felt a desire to conquer the Himalayas. But at the same time, he also felt inferior. After all, this woman is taller than many Chinese men.

The woman just came out of the bathroom and was still wiping her long red hair with a towel. Suddenly she saw Lin Chen standing at the door and was stunned.

The two of them stared at each other, for a moment angry and quirky.

Even though Lin Chen was no longer a virgin, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he saw this woman, especially the red haired woman who could be compared with Su Xi ran.

Then, the red haired and blue eyed woman's first reaction was not to block her body, nor to scream, but her eyes became sharp, and a few steps forward, her long, strong legs kicked Lin Chen hard in the abdomen.

The attack was fierce. Obviously, he was not an ordinary woman. If an ordinary man was kicked, he would have to lie on the ground and never get up again.

"Shit, this woman doesn't just look a little tough. She turned out to be a tigress, a big foreign Tigress!" Lin Chen thought.

"Go to hell, you damned thief!" The woman shouted loudly. It was standard to speak Chinese.

Lin Chen reached forward, understated, and directly grasped the big long leg ankle that was definitely more than 110cm. He said with some discomfort:

"Who do you think is the thief? You are the thief! This is where I live. Why are you here? You are a legendary exposure maniac dressed like this and walking around the house?"

"What, how dare you call me an exhibitionist? You -"

The woman was furious, but half of her words seemed to realize something. She frowned and said, "are you Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen was stunned: "why, do you know me?"

The woman snorted coldly, "of course I know you. I'm a new tenant. Sister Rong told me about you. Originally, sister Rong told me that you are honest and easy to get along with. You don't have to worry about your mess. Unexpectedly, after a long time, you turned out to be a lecher. Men are really every good thing."

There are still vacant rooms in the house. It's not surprising that there is a new tenant, Lin Chen, but the woman's words make him unhappy.

"Who do you think is a pervert? I also say you are a pervert! Knowing that you are not the only one living in this room, you walk out directly in your underwear. What are you, not a pervert?" Lin Chen sneered.

"You --!"

The woman was a little hesitant and said, "you are the only man here, and you haven't been here these days. How do I know you will suddenly come back? Hum, you take advantage of me and don't admit it! Don't let go of my feet!"

"Do you think I'm raring for your fat legs?" Lin Chen disdained to smile and let go of the woman's feet. He really didn't like the haughty look of the woman.

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