Old man Leng joined the battlefield. At that moment, there was almost no gap in the space where Lin Chen was. All of them were surrounded by the attack of the other three people, and the Taoist palm wind roared.



With two muffled sounds, the two old slaves in the later days of the day after tomorrow were kicked out by Lin Chen one by one, while Lin Chen was playfully avoiding the attack of old man Leng, and seemed to be feeling something.

Old man Leng was not flustered when he saw this. His eyes were even sharper. His momentum became more powerful and his attack became more fierce.

The presence or absence of the two old slaves had no effect on him. Lin Chen defeated Leng Zhenkun in one move. He didn't think they could defeat Lin Chen, but he didn't expect them to lose so quickly.

But then, his face slowly changed. No matter how cunning and swift his attack was, Lin Chen simply avoided it.

Gradually, the people off the court were confused. What was the situation? Why did the old owners come on? But this scene seems to be the same as the scene where Lin Chen played Leng Zhenkun just now?

What the hell is this?

My master is the peak the day after tomorrow!

Many people rubbed their eyes and doubted that they were dreaming.

"Do you also want to point out the problems in my moves? You have the ability to fight me!" Old man Leng's face was ugly and he shouted angrily.

In his opinion, although his health is not as good as before, no matter what, he is the peak of the day after tomorrow. At least he can break the net with Lin Chen!

Lin Chen ignored his angry shouts, but suddenly said with a smile, "I know. Have you been possessed by evil before?"

According to the truth, even if he is old, he should not be weak and become old man Leng. Lin Chen just observed carefully and found something.

When old man Leng heard the speech, he gave a sudden body thump and said, "how do you know?"

More than ten years ago, he was possessed by a devil. His meridians were damaged and his body left hidden dangers. However, at that time, his blood was strong and there was no big problem. Now he is old and his blood is weak. The hidden dangers also broke out, resulting in blocked meridians and a complete failure of his body!

Lin Chen didn't answer him, but suddenly took out a silver needle and plunged it into old man Leng's heart!


Old man Leng was so scared that he wanted to split his heart. He thought Lin Chen was going to kill him. He immediately wanted to pull out the silver needle.

But he hasn't pulled out the silver needle yet. Lin Chen is a silver needle again, and it goes into the back of his head! Another death!

"Ah ah!!"

At the moment, even the old man Leng, who has always been calm about everything, was almost scared out of his wits!

Next, Lin Chen seemed to become a lightning bolt, and constantly stabbed the silver needle into old man Leng's body. Old man Leng finally pulled out one, and he had already stabbed threeorfour!

After a while, old man Leng seemed to become a hedgehog, a silver needle!

Finally, old man Leng seemed to accept his fate and let Lin Chen inject needles on him. At the same time, he was shocked to death in his eyes!

This man is the peak of the day after tomorrow, not the late day after tomorrow!

Lin Chen's speed and reaction can't be what he might have in the later days of the day after tomorrow!

Zhouyi comes from the Zhou family, which is stronger than the Leng family. He is much older than Lin Chen. He is only in the later stage of the day after tomorrow, but he is already a genius of the Zhou family. He is basically the next owner of the Zhou family!

Lin Chen, who looks much younger than Zhou Yi, is the peak the day after tomorrow!

At this time, old man Leng decided that Lin Chen definitely came from some super ancient martial arts force, and only those places could have such a genius as Lin Chen!

No, it's not a genius. It's a monster!

He is scared and scared now. If the super ancient martial forces want to destroy Leng Jia, it is no different from stepping on an ant.

What angered him most was that Lin Chen could defeat him, but he took out a pile of silver needles and stabbed him into a hedgehog. This was really hitting his old face!

Finally, Lin Chen stopped, and old man Leng was covered with hundreds of silver needles.

"All right." Lin Chen smiled lightly.

"All right?"

Old man Leng gnashed his teeth and looked like he wanted to eat Lin Chen's flesh and blood: "it's fun, isn't it? Young man, I underestimated you. All of us underestimated you! If you want to kill, why do you bully people like this!"

"Bullying people?"

Lin Chen was stunned. "Where did I bully? You guys beat me and said I was bullying. Isn't that funny?"

Old man Leng said angrily, "you can defeat me, but you don't do it. Instead, you use a silver needle to tie me like this. It's not bullying. What is it?"

When he said this, his old face was hot. There was no way. He was in his seventies and eighties. Now he wants to say to a hairy boy: you are bullying me, you are bullying people

He can't do without blushing.

"Of course I'm not bullying you. I'm healing you. Your energy channels have some problems because of your previous obsession, but the problem is not big. Now they're better." Lin Chen shrugged.


Old man Leng was stunned. Then he closed his eyes and felt his body. His anger turned into ecstasy: "my body is really well? It seems to have completely recovered! This... Did you really cure me?"

"Nonsense. Is your health good?" Lin Chen doesn't have a good airway.

All the people in the hall were in a state of dementia. Hearing Lin Chen's dialogue with old man Leng, they immediately remembered that Leng Hanyan had said that she had brought the young man to cure old man Leng.

But everyone didn't believe her. Leng Zhenkun and his son said that she wanted to kill old man Leng. Now it seems that this boy is really a miracle doctor!

Everyone looked at Leng Zhenkun and his son, who looked miserable, and their faces had already become very ugly.

"What's going on?" Old man Leng asked in a deep voice when he saw that everyone was looking strange.

Then someone told him what had happened just now. Old man Leng couldn't help staring at Leng Zhenkun angrily: "is it true? Han Yan brought someone to treat me. Instead, you framed him up to hurt me. That's why today's thing happened?"

"I......" Leng Zhenkun was tongue tied and bitter in his heart. He didn't know that this boy really knew medical skills and was also a miracle doctor.

Leng Tianlin hurriedly said, "Grandpa, don't be cheated. The cause of the matter is that Leng Hanyan is already a young woman, but she still runs to date this wild man. We will do it for the sake of the cold family's face!"

"Ha ha, Leng Jia's face? Do you have a face?"

Lin Chen brushed his lips and said in disdain: "you have a fart face by selling women to other families. I'm afraid I'll dirty my hands if I hit your face."

Leng Tianlin wants to refute, but Lin Chen stares at him and immediately shrinks his neck. Lin Chen is a devil in his eyes. Even his grandfather is not the opponent of this guy.

If he had known this, he would never have provoked this evil star!

The other cold family members were all flushed by Lin Chen at this time, and could not refute.

If Lin Chen was just an ordinary person and dared to say such words, he would be abolished immediately. But now, Lin Chen is already a super expert in their eyes. He can't even beat old man Leng. His words are naturally different.

Old man Leng looked at these silent clansmen and sighed.

He didn't know that it was humiliating to order Leng Hanyan to marry Zhou Yi, but for the sake of his family, he still chose to acquiesce.

After pondering for a while, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "you cured my body, but you also ruined Zhen Kun and Tianlin. How about this?"

He guessed that there should be a super ancient martial force behind Lin Chen that could make the cold family disappear, so he was really unwilling to provoke him again.

Saying these words is equivalent to that the whole cold family is bowing to Lin Chen!


Lin Chen shook her head, then said lightly, "you must promise me two requests. First, from today on, you will never interfere in Han Yan's affairs. Second, let Han Yan's father be the owner of the cold family."

Lin Chen said this, and everyone turned pale again!

Leng Hanyan looked at Lin Chen's beautiful eyes and was moved. She clutched her pink fist excitedly. This man really created a miracle again tonight. Moreover, this miracle was created for her!

Until now, he was still thinking about himself.

Whether it is to ask Leng Zhenyu not to interfere in her own affairs or to ask Leng Zhenyu to be the owner of Leng family, it is all for her Leng Hanyan!

Old man Leng's eyebrows twisted into pimples, and his face changed for a while. It seemed that he was really considering Lin Chen's conditions.

At this time, Zhouyi can't help it. If he doesn't speak, lenghanyan really doesn't belong to him.

"Old man Leng, the leader of the Leng family has promised to marry Leng Hanyan to me. How can I take back what he said? Please think twice! If you go back on your words, you will be beating our Zhou family in the face!" Zhouyi murmured.

Old man Leng twitched at the corners of his eyes, looked at Zhou Yi and said, "are you threatening me?"

Previously, Zhou Yi said that Leng Hanyan would be his female slave and have to inspect the goods. He was very angry. Now he even threatened him. Damn it!

Now his body has been cured by Lin Chen and his strength has recovered. By then, he can participate in the Nanhua martial arts conference by himself. He no longer needs the support of the Zhou family. The Zhou family is not so important to the cold family.


Zhouyi shook his head, but his sinister face was still proud and said, "how dare I threaten you. But I have already told my grandfather about this. If the woman doesn't take it back, it's estimated that he will come to the door to beg for his granddaughter-in-law!"

Old man Leng's body froze and he thought of Zhou Yi's grandfather. He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Zhou Yi's grandfather is a congenital expert. He is a martial arts master who can walk on water, climb over walls and kill people with flowers. His cold family can't afford to provoke him.

The Zhou family was not much better than the Leng family. It is precisely because Zhou Yi's grandfather broke through his inborn nature that the Zhou family began to rise. Now it is much better than the Leng family!

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