"Coco, what are you talking about?"

The female teacher first responded, yelled, and then said, "I haven't told you yet! You are the most troublemaker in the gang!"

With that, she looked at Zhang Yuerong and said coldly, "Ms. Zhang, please take good care of your children. If she is so ill bred again, she simply won't come to school here!"

"Well, what's the matter with this child? He doesn't even have basic manners and likes to impress others. It's too bad. How can he grow up?" The wife of a bald middle-aged man is also disgusted.

"An ill bred thing."

The bald middle-aged man whispered, but it was enough for everyone in the classroom to hear.

When other parents heard what he said, many of them echoed him.

"Well, it's really uneducated not to learn well at a young age."

"I like to confuse black and white at such a young age. How can I do it when I grow up?"

"Ha ha. Looking at their young father, they may be a farmer who hasn't read any books. They probably don't know how to teach children."


"Who do you say is ill bred? Who is wrong? Dare to scold cocoa again. Believe it or not, I have pulled out your teeth?"

When Lin Chen saw that cocoa was misted by these people, he held her in his arms and looked at the bald middle-aged man in a cold voice.

He knows coco very well. Although she is sometimes naughty, she is kind and sensible. She can't lie.

"You... How dare you talk to me like that!" The bald middle-aged man was stunned and then became angry.

Lin Chen's face was cold and he was about to speak, but Zhang Yuerong pulled him and shook his head at Lin Chen, with a look of supplication on his face.

Keke and Mengmeng will go to primary school next semester. Neither of them has a registered permanent residence in Yuehai city. If they are expelled from the kindergarten, it will become troublesome to go to primary school in Yuehai city in the future. Therefore, although Zhang Yuerong is very angry at this time, she can only bear it.

Lin Chen was puzzled when she saw Zhang Yuerong's expression, but she didn't speak again after all. She just looked cold.

Zhangyuerong said apologetically to the crowd: "I'm really sorry, everyone. I will teach cocoa a a lesson when I go back. Please don't mind."

"Hum! Now that you know you're wrong, forget it. I have to say, madam, the man you're looking for is really naive. I feel like a little gangster. He really doesn't deserve you!" The bald middle-aged man looked at Zhang Yuerong's face hotly, and then said with disdain.

"Since Mr. Zhu doesn't care about it, let's forget about it. If this happens again, I'll tell the principal that coco and Mengmeng may not be suitable for studying here." The female teacher said coldly.

After such a interruption, the bald middle-aged man was not interested in continuing to talk about his parenting experience. The female teacher let the children go out to play, and then continued to talk about how to establish a correct outlook on life for the children, praising the little fat man of the bald middle-aged family, while coco and Mengmeng became the focus of criticism.

Suddenly, there was a crisp noise outside, and everyone in the classroom was stunned.

Lin Chen was also in a daze. Then Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the bald middle-aged man who was not in his seat. He remembered that he had just said he would go out to smoke. The female teacher dared not fart, and respectfully sent him out.

Lin Chen suddenly stood up with a bang in his heart. Everyone felt that a shadow flashed, and then Lin Chen disappeared into his seat.

All the people ran out with him.

Outside the classroom, in the sand pit for children, cocoa covered her face with tears in her eyes, but still clenched her teeth and stubbornly stared at the bald middle-aged man and the arrogant smiling little fat man in front of her.

Mengmeng was so scared that she began to cry. Holding cocoa's hand, she asked, "sister, did the villain hurt you? It's all Mengmeng's fault. It would be better if Mengmeng didn't play with the sand. Sobbing..."

"Cute, cute, good, sister doesn't hurt." Coco smiled at Mengmeng, but her eyes were full of grievances. After that, she glared at the bald middle-aged man and scolded: "bad guy! I won't be afraid of you!"

The bald middle-aged man's eyes flashed fiercely. At this time, he saw a large group of people running out, snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Lin Chen took the lead in walking to cocoa. Her face was livid, and she opened her hand. Then she saw that cocoa's small face, which was a little baby fat, was already swollen, and a palm print was shocking.

"Who did it?"

Lin Chen's eyes were full of murders and his tone was icy.

He had already regarded these two little girls as his family. When he saw cocoa being beaten, his lungs would explode!

"Sobbing... Dad!"

Cocoa was still holding back her tears. When she saw Lin Chen, her tears flowed down like a flood that had burst the dike. Her poor little appearance made Lin Chen even more distressed.

At this time, Mengmeng summoned up her courage, hid behind Lin Chen, held his leg, and then pointed to the little fat man and said, "Dad, people are building houses with sand. After taking over zhutianhua, she directly ran over and kicked people out of their houses, kicked them all in the sand, and then laughed at them. My sister was so angry that she pushed him, pushed him to the ground, and then the bad guy hit my sister!"

At last, Mengmeng glared at the bald middle-aged man, then wiped tears, hugged cocoa and said, "sister, don't cry. Mengmeng will blow it for you, and your face won't hurt."

Lin Chen looked at Mengmeng and saw that her body, including her hair, was indeed carrying some sand. Her eyes were even colder.

"What's going on? What's going on!"

The crowd had already rushed over. The female teacher looked at the bald middle-aged man and coco. A flash of schadenfreude flashed in her eyes, and then she shouted.

"What's the matter? This man beat cocoa. Can't you tell?" Lin Chen shouted loudly.

"What kind of tone do you have? Can you speak? Pay attention to your quality!"

The female teacher responded coldly, then looked at the bald middle-aged man and said with some flattery: "Mr. Zhu, what's the matter?"

The bald middle-aged man looked calm and said with a cold smile, "what's the matter? The little girl hit my son, and I couldn't help slapping her!"

Before the female teacher spoke, the bald middle-aged man's wife screamed: "what? This little bastard beat Xiaohua? Damn it! Why don't you just kill her! Even my son dares to beat her!"

Her vicious words made everyone look stiff. Then the parents looked indifferent, as if they hadn't heard anything. Many of them were male parents, who looked at Lin Chen with a touch of ridicule.

They are all jealous that Lin Chen has married such a beautiful wife as Zhang Yuerong. Seeing that cocoa has been beaten, they feel a little happy and happy to see Lin Chen make a fool of himself.

The female teacher smiled, and then looked at the bald middle-aged man: "Mr. Zhu, why don't you apologize, and then the matter is over."

Hearing this, the wife of the bald middle-aged man turned cold and shouted, "you dream! This little bitch beat my son, and we still want to apologize to her? That's beautiful! Now you ask her to apologize to my husband, otherwise, you won't be a teacher, and your whole kindergarten will suffer!"

The bald middle-aged man did not speak, but looked at the female teacher coldly. Obviously, his meaning was the same as that of his wife.

The female teacher suddenly felt that the "Chenguang kindergarten" was invested and established by the large group where the bald middle-aged man belonged. He did not dare to offend each other.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhang Yuerong with a cold face and said, "Ms. Zhang, why don't you apologize to the Zhu family?"

When others saw this scene, they all looked at the bald middle-aged man with some fear. Unexpectedly, the man was so energetic. The female teacher was obviously afraid of him and was favoring him.

These people looked at Zhang Yuerong with sympathy, sarcasm and indifference. Zhang Yuerong was already trembling with anger!

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