This is an endless forest.

Towering trees hundreds of feet high can be seen everywhere. The large green forest is like an ocean, which is connected into a piece, emitting a comfortable cool, and the branches and leaves sway in the wind.

The sun, like wisps of golden sand, passed through layers of branches and leaves and fell on the grass. The grassland is full of various beautiful flowers that cannot be named, giving off tempting fragrance.

The scenery here is really fascinating.

The origin of its name is that the weak will fall into a dreamland when they step into it. On the other hand, it is because the beautiful scenery of the forest is dreamlike.


Thousands of meters away from the edge of the forest, the space was suddenly torn apart, and then five human shadows appeared.

Three of them are Lin Chen, xiaxichan and Yan Tingbo. In addition to the two of them, there are a man and a woman. The man is tall and handsome, and the woman is beautiful and tall with a cool temperament.

Their breath is as high and unfathomable as mountains. Yan listens to Bo and asks Lin Chen if he is interested in taking a trip to the dream forest. Lin Chen is naturally interested. He wants to see the demon tree. He even has a little expectation in his heart. He doesn't know whether it is possible for the demon tree and the ancient divine tree of the earth,

There is a slight connection.

Moreover, according to Yan Tingbo, this time there will be many powerful people under the holy land coming to the forest of dreams, including the heavenly princess, the Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Lin Chen is looking forward to it. She doesn't know if the heavenly concubine has brought Xiaowu.

What's more, he owes Tianfei a favor and wants to pay it back.

To say the least, this place where danger and opportunity coexist, with his character, will never be missed. However, among the people who came to the dream forest this time, there were many ninth level monks in the free world. Yan Tingbo thought that Lin Chen and Xia Xichan were not enough to protect themselves here, so he asked them, that is, the other man and woman, to give them


Both of them are members of Yunhai peak.

The man's name is xingjingheng. He is at the Ninth level of the untroubled realm, and his soul level is already at the peak of the holy realm.

The woman's name is Fu Yiyao, and she is also the Ninth level of Xiaoyao territory. However, her soul level is a little worse than that of Xing Jingheng. She and Lin Chen are generally the second highest level of the holy land.

The two of them want to go to the forest of dreams and look for an opportunity to break through the holy land. Yan Tingbo asks them to go with Lin Chen, which can be regarded as an escort for them.

Lin Chen wanted to refuse. After all, he had a small black tower. In addition to some level-9 practitioners in the Xiaoyao territory who had special means, he could finish the level-9 in the ordinary Xiaoyao territory by shouting "close". He really didn't need the protection of these two people.

However, seeing Yan Tingbo's insistence, he could only accept it. After all, he could not tell the story about the black tower.

"Lin Chen and Xi Chan, the forest of dreams, have been surging up and down, attracting the existence of the middle region and even the other regions under the saint's realm. Remember, be careful when you walk inside!" "You should listen to xingjingheng's arrangement. After all, among the four of you, he is the strongest, the oldest and has the most experience against the enemy. This trip, it is one thing to look for treasures and hone yourself, but the most important thing is to keep your life!

"Do you understand?"

Yan listens to Bo carefully telling Lin Chen and Xia Xichan that he can no longer move forward. If he steps into the forest of dreams, he will disturb the sleeping demon tree. When the demon tree wakes up, it will bring a disaster.

"OK, master!"


Xia Xichan and Lin Chen nodded.

When Lin Chen saw Yan listening to Bo's concern, he regarded himself as a younger generation. There was also a trace of warmth in his heart. Of course, if he promised, he would give it back. Whether he would listen to Xing Jingheng's words at that time depends on the specific situation.

Yan listened to Bo and nodded. She looked at xingjingheng and fuyiyao and said, "they are both young and haven't really grown up. This time, you should take care of them."

"Yes, master!"

Xingjingheng and fuyiyao naturally nodded their heads and dared not have any pride in front of Yan Tingbo. Although they were strong, Yan Tingbo's slap was enough to kill a group of them.

A moment later, Lin Chen, xiaxichan, xingjingheng and fuyiyao flew towards the forest of dreams.

The four of them fell to the ground and looked at the towering ancient trees and exotic flowers and plants around them. They only felt that there was an ancient atmosphere here, and it was eerily quiet, compared with ordinary forests.

"It's so quiet here!" Xia Xichan could not help saying.

Xingjingheng smiled on his handsome face and said, "when the demon tree was not asleep, not only people and monsters, but even ordinary birds, could not enter the forest of dreams. Now the demon tree is not sleeping long, and it is naturally very quiet."

"Elder martial brother, what shall we do next?" Xia Xichan nodded and asked.

Xingjingheng still had a faint smile on his face. It seemed that everything was under his control.

He said: "there are many treasures in the dream forest. It has a great relationship with luck to find them. However, generally speaking, the deeper we go, the greater the probability of encountering treasures. Therefore, we move towards the interior of the dream forest."

"What's more, while searching for treasure, we should be careful of other people's attacks. The world of monks is full of struggle. In the eyes of many people, it is easier to seize treasure than to search for it by ourselves!"

"Younger martial sister, follow me well. As long as I'm here, you don't have to worry about your own safety."

Xingjingheng said with a smile that he is handsome, with a trace of hegemony and self-confidence in his words. For women, he has an irresistible charm. He glanced at Lin Chen again and said faintly, "Lin Chen, remember, you should follow my orders and do nothing on your own. Although you won the first place in the 'five peaks' competition, with your current strength, you can't be in the forest of dreams

Not enough! "

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows. What is the situation? It seems that Xing Jingheng is somewhat hostile to him?

He guessed right. Xing Jingheng was indeed hostile to him.

On the one hand, Lin Chen won the first place in the "five peaks ratio", which made xingjingheng, who had always been proud, somewhat hostile, or a little jealous. Even he didn't have the opportunity to watch the "Xingluo Liuguang step" and "Xingluo array classic".

In those years, he also participated in the "five peaks competition", but the best result was to win the third place.

What's more, he has a lot of ideas about Xia Xichan. These days, Xia Xichan and Lin Chen are getting too close, which makes xingjingheng feel a little crisis. He plans to suppress Lin Chen in front of Xia Xichan.

Fu Yiyao, with a cold and gorgeous face, didn't speak from beginning to end and didn't go to see Lin Chen more. It seemed that she didn't care about anything.

"Elder martial brother, don't worry. Lin Chen and I will listen to your arrangement!"

Xia Xichan also felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. She turned her eyes and said with a smile.

"So best." Xingjingheng looks away from Lin Chen's face and looks at Xia Xichan. He looks like a changed face with a bright smile.

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