With xingjingheng's words, everyone also noticed Lin Chen. When they saw Lin Chen with a sneering smile on his face, they were all shocked. What was the situation?

Is it difficult? Does the boy know what the problem is?

It's impossible. Even Xing Jingheng doesn't know. How can this person know? All the people present have seen many scenes. Most of them have seen the top Tianjiao in the central region. Among them, there is no face of Lin Chen. Therefore, in their opinion, Lin chenqiang is nowhere to go. Naturally, he is not with Xing Jingheng in the array

Comparable qualifications.

When they realized that Lin Chen's breath was just the fourth level of the Xiaoyao mirror, they all disagreed. Anyone who was present picked one at random, and the realm was above the fourth level of the Xiaoyao realm.

Jiangningtai, youmuxue and Xuankong were also stunned. They thought that Lin Chen was just a descendant of xingjingheng. Now it seems that he is not?

"Of course I know why." Lin Chen said.

The crowd was stunned. Their faces were obviously unbelieving. Xing Jingheng sneered: "nonsense! I don't know. Can you tell me about it?"

"It's just that the sword yuan tree has a trace of intelligence and wisdom, so even if you don't inspire the sword array, when it detects a threat, it will take the initiative to use the sword array to erase the threat!" Lin Chen said slowly.

Xingjingheng's face changed. He was still confused. When Lin Chen said this, he suddenly realized: "I see!"

However, as soon as his words were spoken, he regretted it. Wouldn't he slap himself in the face to prove that the other party was right?

Sure enough, when they heard his words, they all looked at Lin Chen with some shock. Unexpectedly, Xing Jingheng didn't understand anything, but Lin Chen did.

"Don't know the name of this brother?"

Jiangningtai asks Lin Chen about it. Until then, he asks Lin Chen about his name. Only then can he really see Lin Chen in his eyes and feel that the other party is valuable for him to remember his name.

"Dragon tooth!" Lin Chen said casually.

Xia Xichan and Fu Yiyao wondered why Lin Chen didn't say his real name, but they didn't care. As for xingjingheng, he didn't bother to pay attention to it. When he saw jiangningtai asking Lin Chen for his name, his face became even worse.

He hissed coldly: "the blind cat ran into a dead mouse and saw why I had failed just now. It's not a skill. If you have the ability, do you break the sword array?"

On the one hand, he wanted to embarrass Lin Chen. On the other hand, he couldn't figure out how to break the array.

Jianyuanshu has a shred of wisdom, which immediately makes the difficulty coefficient of breaking the array rise. Xingjingheng is at a loss, so he wants to throw this hot potato to Lin Chen to make him lose face.

He had thought that Lin Chen would refuse if he knew something about himself.

Lin Chen just said lightly, "I'll break the array, so I'll break the array. What's the difficulty?"

"You really think highly of yourself, so try it!" Xing Jingheng was stunned and then sneered.

Seeing this scene, the people present were all in a daze. It seems that there seems to be some contradiction between the Dragon Fang and xingjingheng?

However, to tell the truth, although Lin Chen told the reason why xingjingheng failed to break the array just now, people are more willing to believe that Xing Jingheng can break the array. After all, people have never heard of or seen the name of dragon Fang and his face, so they think Lin Chen is no more powerful. What's more, Lin Chen's level 4 realm of Xiaoyao realm is better than that of Xing Jingheng's level 9 realm

It's really not enough. It's very different.

"Well... Why don't you study the sword array more, brother Jingheng, to find a way to solve it?"

Jiangningtai said to xingjingheng that although he thought Lin Chen was worth making friends with, he didn't think Lin Chen could be better than Xing Jingheng with the array.

"No! He is the No. 1 in the 'five peaks Competition' of our Xingluo Zong. He is very powerful. Since he is so confident, let him try. I want to see how he can break the formation!" Xing Jingheng waved his hand and looked at Lin Chen with a sneer.

The first place in the "five peak big ratio"?

The people also knew about the "five peaks big ratio" of Xingluo Zong. They were shocked to hear that Lin Chen was the first in the "five peaks big ratio" of this session. However, since Lin Chen took part in the "five peaks competition", it means that he is less than a thousand years old. If he can get the first place, he has more potential than xingjingheng. However, in terms of his current skills, they still think that Xing Jingheng must be better than Lin

Chen is much stronger.

It can be seen from the realm of strength!

"In that case, brother Longya, would you like to try it first? If you can't, let brother Jingheng study it again."

Jiangningtai had no choice but to speak to Lin Chen.

You muxue and Xuan Kong both frowned. Now they are searching for treasure in the forest of dreams. Time is precious. They don't think Lin Chen can break the array. They really don't want Lin Chen to waste time. But Xing Jingheng has made up his mind, and they can't help it‘ It seems that the contradiction between Longya and xingjingheng is not small? The potential to win the first place in the "five peaks ratio" is indeed endless. However, xingjingheng is his predecessor. He is too young and energetic to know how hard it is to break when he conflicts with xingjingheng

Truth! "

You mu Xue's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Chen's young face, and she shook her head in her heart.

"Lin Chen, come on!"

Xia Xichan is encouraging Lin Chen. She sees that Xing Jingheng wants to throw the hot potato to Lin Chen. She is even more unhappy with Xing Jingheng and wonders if Lin Chen can break the battle?

She thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of a clue.

"Don't let him study it. Even if he has studied it for a hundred years, it's useless."

Lin Chen's tone was gentle, but his words were very overbearing, which surprised everyone. Xingjingheng was so angry that his forehead was blue and his veins jumped violently. "Today, I'll teach you how to use the array. Sometimes, we need not only array knowledge and experience, but also a flexible mind. Our goal is to take off the sword Yuanguo. In that case, let the sword Yuanguo fly by itself

That's it! "

Lin Chen glanced at Xing Jingheng and said something amazing again.

Let Jian Yuanguo fly by himself?

The crowd almost fainted. What a joke! Don't mention that the sword won't move. Even if it does, it's impossible for them to fly over to serve other people's dishes!

Hearing Lin Chen's words, people felt that he was even more unreliable than xingjingheng, who had just failed to break the array!

Jiangning Tai, you muxue and others are not very good-looking. They think Lin Chen is too pompous.

"Inexplicable!" Xingjingheng scoffed. Lin Chen didn't speak any more, but a magnificent thought came out of his mind and rushed to the area in front of him!

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