Hearing Ren Yue's face, she felt that Ke asked Chen's attitude towards Lin Chen was too high, but she didn't say anything. In the final analysis, she didn't want Lin Chen to provoke jiangningtai and others who came.

After all, none of the figures on the list of mid region Tianjiao is easy to provoke. Moreover, all talented people are always arrogant. If Lin Chen has any conflict with these people, it will be a bit of trouble.

Today, although she has a high status in the wind and thunder hall, her current strength is very general, and she can't protect Lin Chen at all.

"I don't need your introduction. I know them."

Lin Chen shook his head and said. Ke asked Chen in a daze, and then sneered: "jiangningtai and others are so famous in the central region that many people know them. What's the use of knowing them? The key is that people know you! A frog in a well, don't be too self righteous, the most important thing is

It will harm others and yourself. "

As he spoke, he took a tone of lesson. After that, seeing jiangningtai and others, he had come close, so he stopped talking. He smiled politely on his face and greeted them.

"Brother Ning Tai, brother Xuankong, I didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that -"

Ke asked Chen and was immediately interrupted by Xia Xichan's surprised voice.

"Lin Chen!" Xia Xichan ran to Lin Chen with a happy face. She didn't expect to see Lin Chen again within a few days. Although she said that Jiangning Tai and Xuankong were really strong, and there would be no danger with them, she always felt that following Lin Chen

Beside you, you feel more secure.

"Brother Lin Chen, we meet again!"

"Ha ha! It seems that our fate with brother Lin Chen is not shallow."


Jiangning Taihe and Xuankong passed by Ke Wenchen directly and walked to Lin Chen. Except Xing Jingheng, all the others were smiling.

After getting along these days, jiangningtai and others learned from Xia Xichan's inadvertent slip of tongue that the title of "dragon tooth" was not Lin Chen's real name.

"Yes, I didn't expect to see you again so soon. It's really predestined." Lin Chen smiled.

"Lin Chen, aren't you going to find the lady who was the leader of the kingdom that day and her disciple? Have you found them?" Xia Xichan inquired curiously.

"Yes, they are OK. They have left the forest of dreams." Lin Chen nodded and passed vaguely.

"Ning... Brother Ning Tai, do you know him?"

Ke Wenchen's face became very stiff. Just now, he was ignored by jiangningtai and others. Turning around, he saw that jiangningtai and others surrounded Lin Chen like a crowd of stars and the moon. His face was even more ugly, and he asked in some doubt.

He really didn't understand that Lin Chen was just a five-level "waste" in the free world. How could he really know Jiangning Tai and Xuankong and others? Moreover, when the other party and others faced him, they were so polite, which was a gesture of equal communication.

Although Jiangning Tai, Xuankong and others are modest and polite at the moment, Ke Wenchen knows that these people are actually arrogant.

Therefore, he wondered why they looked up to Lin Chen so much?

Thinking of what happened just now, I told Lin Chen that jiangningtai and others were something he could only look up to and couldn't afford to climb up. Looking at the situation in front of him, Ke asked Chen that his face was hot. It was like being slapped severely.

"Ke asked Chen, you are here too."

Jiangningtai turns around and is shocked when he sees Ke Wenchen.

Ke asked Chen to twitch in the corner of his eyes. He dared to meet him just now. The other party didn't even notice.

Just now, he said that Lin Chen is a frog in a well. He thinks he is right. Now he can't wait for a crack on the ground. Go in and hide!

What a shame!

"Ha... Ha, yes." Ke asked Chen Shan and smiled awkwardly.

Not only was he shocked, but even when he heard about Renyue and weiyuanxu, he couldn't react. The whole person was stunned.

"We do know brother Lin Chen. He helped us a lot before."

Jiangningtai nodded. He and Ke Wenchen were not very familiar with each other. Their answers were perfunctory.

Ke Wenchen just said that he was familiar with them, but he was just putting gold on his face.

Previously, Lin Chen helped break the natural array of Jianyuan tree, so jiangningtai and other talents were able to get a Jianyuan fruit, which really helped them a lot.

"I see!"

Ke asked Chen, but he was suddenly enlightened. No wonder Lin Chen was only level five in the free range, but he was able to get familiar with jiangningtai and others. It turned out that he was lucky enough to help jiangningtai and others by accident!

Weiyuanxu also showed an expression of understanding. Looking at Lin Chen, he was still a little contemptuous. What if he got to know a few strong people? His own strength was too weak to be of great use after all!

However, she was glad to hear about the moon. In her opinion, Lin Chen was able to know jiangningtai, the arrogant man in the middle region, and let the other party owe him a favor. This is absolutely good for Lin Chen.

She is happy for Lin Chen.

After answering Ke's question, jiangningtai looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile:

"Brother Lin Chen, we just learned the news about 'the true marrow of the heavenly demons'. If you want to go over there and find out, do you want to go with us?"

Devil's marrow!

Lin Chen's eyes lit up immediately.

If there are many legendary treasures in the dream forest, what he wants most is the "true marrow of demons", "divine Phoenix fruit" and "all souls flower".

It is said that "the true marrow of the heavenly demon" is a kind of black strange substance like liquid and nephrite. It has the function of making people's flesh degenerate again, so as to crush the strong at the same level with the strength of the flesh.

What's more, it is said that the "true marrow of the heavenly demons" can also make the spiritual power in the cultivator undergo a qualitative change, become more solid and stable, and lay the most solid foundation for the future impact on the holy land.

From ancient times to the present, there have been several lucky people who once obtained the "true marrow of demons" in the forest of dreams, and almost all of them have finally broken through the Holy Land!

Among them, the role played by the "devil's true marrow" naturally has nothing to do with it!

Lin Chen used a lot of external forces to cultivate his Taoism. His cultivation speed was as fast as heaven.

Although he had the spirit power of swallowing the sky and dragon burning constantly in his body, he was still worried that too fast cultivation speed would lead to unstable foundation. In that case, the road of later cultivation would become difficult!

If he could get the true marrow of the demon, he would be free from this worry!

Ke asked Chen and Wei Yuanxu. Naturally, they have also heard of the "magic marrow". At this moment, jiangningtai said that he had the "magic marrow". His face was ecstatic.

"Go! Of course! Brother Ning Tai, why do you ask him? Anyway, if he goes, if he meets the enemy, he will not only be unable to help, but also drag his feet! If I go with you, I will certainly be able to help you if I meet the enemy with my strength!"

Before Lin Chen could answer, Ke asked Chen, who had already answered with a smile. Jiangningtai frowned, turned to Ke and asked Chen!

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