"I like -"

Zhen Mei is a little flustered by Lin Chen's question. She bites her teeth and is trying to answer it. However, in her mind, Lin Chen thinks that long Xuelan is hopeless.

She was like a bucket of cold water, and an exciting spirit woke up.

She didn't know that Lin Chen had other women. She thought that Lin Chen loved long Xuelan deeply, and she would only love long Xuelan. If she said it, wouldn't she have to be a friend?

"I won't tell you! What does it have to do with you? Why should I tell you?"

Zhen Mei's eyes were bleak. On the surface, she gave Lin Chen a white look with her hands akimbo, then turned around and twisted her hips and waist, and left quickly.


Lin Chen watched Zhen Mei leave in dismay.

It seems that I am being amorous. What people like is not me at all.

When he realized that he felt a little lost in his heart, Lin Chen smiled bitterly. Could it be that he was also thinking about Zhen Mei?

That night, Ji Tian left Yongye city.

Before he left, he found Lin Chen and said that one day, he would become stronger than Lin Chen while refining pills.

"Zhen Mei has said that even if you become stronger than me, she won't like you because of it. Why don't you cling to your delusion." Lin Chen said.

Ji Tian shook his head and said, "this has nothing to do with Zhen Mei! I take you as my goal and must defeat you! Only by defeating you can I really stabilize my Taoist heart and make me go further in alchemy."

Hearing what Ji Tian said, Lin Chen said nothing more, but he didn't think that Ji Tian could surpass himself in his life.

With that, Ji Tian left.

The next day, a message came from Tiandan palace, shaking the whole southern region!

Tiandan palace was incorporated into Longmen. From now on, there will be no Tiandan palace in the southern region, only Longmen Tiandan hall!

Shortly afterwards, Tiandan Palace also moved its headquarters to the eternal night city!

The whole southern region was in an uproar. At this moment, Longmen is a real exclusive family in the southern region. No one dared to question its hegemony.

To Lin Chen's surprise, the ancestor of Tiandan palace was very good at being a man. He even made two Erwen best holy pills for him. Lin Chen accepted the two Erwen best holy pills without hesitation. After learning that Zhang chenkong had spent a lot of effort to collect three materials to refine the two Erwen best holy pills, Lin Chen was very distressed

That is to say, one of the alchemy materials was lost in vain because Zhang chenkong failed to make alchemy!

If you refine it by yourself, it would be three Erwen best holy pills!

Of course, he was just muttering in his heart. He didn't want to say it. Instead, he praised Zhang chenkong. When he discussed things about alchemy with Zhang chenkong, he gave him a lot of advice, which was a reward for Zhang chenkong.

When zhangchenkong heard Lin Chen's advice, many details were immediately enlightened. He was surprised and admired Lin Chen more. In the end, he kept chasing Lin Chen for advice, which made Lin Chen cry and laugh.

Lin Chen also asked Zhen Mei, Qingtian and others to use all their energy to find the materials to decorate the three-star best holy array "Tianshuang cold moon array".

After successfully arranging the array, he taught bingyue how to control the array.

When they realized that the large array rearranged by Lin Chen was actually a three-star holy array, Zhang chenkong and Si Yangshuo were so surprised that their chin almost fell to the ground.

They didn't expect that Lin Chen was powerful and had great attainments in alchemy. He was also so powerful in array!

Compared with Lin Chen, Zhang chenkong only felt that his life was really a little wasted

Why is the gap between people so large?

Bingyue, Zhen Mei, Qingtian, blood demon and others were also shocked, but maybe they were used to Lin Chen creating miracles. Their performance was much better than that of Zhang chenkong and Si Yangshuo.

During this period, Lin Chen also entered the second floor of the black tower, trying to break the night curtain leading to the third floor, but still failed.

Although he failed, Lin Chen could feel that it was not far from breaking the night curtain.

Not surprisingly, if he wants to break the curtain of night and go to the third floor, he needs to break through to the holy land. This makes Lin Chen disappointed and more hopeful. The more difficult it is to break the curtain of night, the more difficult it is to break the third floor!

That day, in the room of long Xuelan. Lin Chen tells long Xuelan that he has arranged everything here. Now he wants to go back to the central region again. He also tells long Xuelan that the Dragon girls of the dragon group may be among Su man, Leng Hanyan and Irina who disappeared from the earth

One, which makes long Xuelan very happy.

"I will go to the central region with you!" Said long Xuelan.

"No, you can't. next, you have to shut up for a period of time to absorb the energy of shenhuang fruit. You'd better stay here. The middle region is too dangerous." Lin Chen shook his head.

He had thought before that he would not take long Xuelan with him, and then let long Xuelan stay in the inner space of the black tower like a saint demon puppet.

After thinking about it, I gave up the idea.

In the middle region, he has offended many people and forces, including Zou Wei, the leader of Xuyang peak of Xingluo sect, Wu haoqian of Lingxiao hall, and even killed Jiang Yu of Yanluo hall. Yanluo hall will not let him go.

There are many dangers when he goes to the central region. Long Xuelan is not safe to follow him.

"Then you must be careful."

Long Xuelan saw that Lin Chen looked serious. She nodded and asked.

She secretly warned herself that she must become stronger. Only when she becomes stronger can she help Lin Chen. Otherwise, following him will only become a drag.

She is looking forward to the level to which shenhuangguo can break through her strength.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Chen returned to the central region again with the Holy Ghost puppet.

He still let the saint devil puppet go with the black tower, while he stayed in the second floor of the black tower. On his way back to the Middle Kingdom, he will digest and absorb the two two two stripe best holy pills Zhang chenkong gave him. Although these two two stripe best holy pills are far from enough to make him break through the holy land, they can also make him take a step forward in his realm and improve his strength

Take it to the next level.

"First go directly to kunhuang city in the central region. I hope the dragon lady is waiting for me there, and I hope she is the one I am looking for!"

Lin Chen took one of the two patterns' best holy pills, and the movement skill began to absorb and transform the magnificent energy from the pill. At the same time, he was looking forward to it.

At the same time.

Outside kunhuang city in the southern region, inside a remote cave.

Although it is inside the cave, it is not simple at all. It has been carefully transformed into several elegant rooms. In one of the rooms, besides Xueer and Wang Peng, there was a woman with red hair and blue eyes who was tall and hot enough to make men crazy.

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