Dongqing city was originally just an ordinary city in Central China. After the first war between Lin Chen, jingyifeng and wolf king, it became famous with the word "dragon tooth".

Originally, the branch of the hell hall here was burned to ashes by Lin Chen. However, it has been rebuilt in just over ten days. It seems that it is basically no different from the original.

These three days.

Dongqing city welcomed many people from all over the central region.

Gathered in the dongqingcheng branch of Yanluo hall, some were on the side of the restaurant, some were suspended in the air, some were leaning on the tree, and some were sitting on the ground. It seemed that they were waiting for something.

Someone looked up and looked in front of the gate of dongqingcheng branch.

There is a metal pillar that is hundreds of meters long. At the top is a falling chain. On the chain is a dying old man who is bleeding all over.

"The Qin family leader is really unlucky enough to have a relationship with the Dragon tooth. I don't know whether the Dragon tooth dares to come here?"

A young man leaning on a tree smiled faintly. "I guess it's a little hanging. After all, if it were me, I would never come. That dragon Fang is not stupid. He must know that the dragon's gate array has been set up here waiting for him. The reason why we all came here is to try our luck. Actually

In fact, most people should know in their hearts that there is little chance that dragon teeth will come. "

A fat man sitting on the ground beside him, watching the ants fight, answered without raising his head. "Yes. Even if the Dragon fang had a good relationship with the Qin family leader, he would have died to save him. It's the third day. I haven't seen the Dragon Fang. If he came back, he would have come." The young man was somewhat disappointed

The Tao of.

Both of them are also figures on the mid region Tianjiao list. Although they don't rank very high, they are not ordinary. They want to come and see the second place in the mid region Tianjiao list. It's a pity that they mostly go there for nothing.

Besides them, other people came here to see if Longya would really come.

Muhongtai not only intended to kill Lin Chen, but also to bring back the face of the hell hall. Naturally, he was happy to have someone come here to watch the war.


Just then, the fat man beside him suddenly stood up.

"From what -"

The young man was stunned at first. Then he leaned against his body on the tree and stood upright, looking at the end of the street.

Not only them, but also hundreds of people here are all looking at the end of the street. There are a man and a woman coming here. Although the man is not particularly handsome, his beautiful facial features, angular face, a pair of evil eyes with some vicissitudes, and his tall and straight posture make him have a different charm

The woman next to him is no less tall than him. She has red hair and blue eyes. She has a kind of exotic style. Her figure is amazing. A man with poor concentration can see more than a few times and his blood will stretch.

"It's the Dragon tooth and the Dragon Girl. They really came!"

The Yin family leader looked at the two people. They looked surprised and admired them. Unexpectedly, they actually risked their lives to save the Qin family leader.

Some people admire it, while others disdain to sneer.

"Love and righteousness, but it's a pity that he doesn't have a brain! Does this dragon Fang really think he can save Qin Yangtian? In my opinion, he can't just save people, but even himself can't leave the moment he steps into the city gate!"

"Before he killed the elder of the hell hall, he burned down the branch of the hell hall. The hell hall must use his blood to wash away the shame!"


Lin Chen and Irina, who walked slowly, ignored the eyes and words of the crowd.

Lin Chen's eyes fell on Qin Yangtian, who was suspended in the air. At the moment, he was bleeding all over and looked at him with weak eyes.

"You are not their opponent, run away..." Qin Yangtian looked at Lin Chen and began to speak with difficulty. His voice was too small to be heard.

Lin Chen heard what the other party said, but he didn't plan to run. His forehead was green and his eyes almost burst out with anger.

"Unexpectedly, you really dare to come!"

A cold laugh rang out.

A dozen people suddenly appeared on the roofs on both sides of the street.

Mu Hongtai and jingyifeng are among them. They look at Lin Chen with a sneer, just like fierce beasts seeing prey forced to a corner by themselves.

"He is muhongtai." Irina looked at muhongtai and said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded. His eyes swept over Mu Hongtai and a dozen other people in the hell hall, and finally fell on jingyifeng.

There was some speculation in his mind.

"Is this your idea?" Lin Chen stared at jingyifeng and said coldly.

Jingyifeng sneered: "it's really me! I told Mr. Mu about your relationship with Qin Yangtian, but the key is, what can you do to me?"

"You don't know how to live or die. You dare to take my pill and make me lose face! Today, I ask you to pay for your life!"

The smile on jingyifeng's face is very proud, with a trace of resentment, just like a victor's posture.

"One day, you will regret it." Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha! Idiot! I can't regret it! Besides, you can't live today. Even if I regret it, you will never see it!" Jingyifeng disdains Tao.


Being ignored by Lin Chen, muhongtai's face was a little gloomy. He snorted coldly, like a thunderbolt on the ground, which startled everyone. Some weaker people turned pale at the sound, and looked at muhongtai in horror.

A cold hum is so terrible. How powerful should his strength be?

"I ask you! You killed Tianjiao Jiang Yu of the hell hall first, then killed luokang, the elder of the hell hall, and many others, and burned the branch of the hell hall. Do you know your sin?"

Muhongtai looked at Lin Chen, his eyes full of cold.

"Idiot! You've killed everyone, and you still know the crime of farting! You can fight if you want. Don't talk so much nonsense!" Lin Chen didn't buy it at all.


Everyone saw that he was so "arrogant" in front of muhongtai. They were all in an uproar.

"Is this guy afraid that he will die soon enough?" Someone looked at Lin Chen and whispered in a speechless voice.

Muhongtai smiled coldly: "arrogant and ignorant thing! Do you think you are worthy of fighting with me? Elder Guo! Elder Peng! You two go up and kill him!"


An old man and a middle-aged man beside him answered at the same time, turned into two shadows and rushed to Lin Chen.

Muhongtai stared at Lin Chen and said faintly, "I know you are very good at running for your life. However, if you dare to run away without fighting, I will kill Qin Yang immediately!"

Jingyifeng has a bloodthirsty smile on his face. Elder Guo and elder Peng, no matter which one is inferior to him, both of them attack at the same time. Dragon Ya is not allowed to use his holy Tao body method and martial arts to escape. Then, he will definitely die.

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