Lishijie's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen was not the loser he thought he liked daydreaming, but his boss!

No matter how powerful he is, he is a migrant worker. However, he has 10% of the shares in his hands. He is the second largest shareholder of Huading group except Su family!

However, he was not too alarmed. He believed that Su man would keep himself. First, he had a great role in Huading group, and second, he felt that Su man had a good impression on him.

"What are you going to do?"

Su man glances at the pale leader Zhao, and then asks Lin Chen.

Su man didn't ask what was going on. Instead, he asked him how he planned to deal with it. A warm current rose in Lin Chen's heart. He pointed to Li Shijie, group leader Zhao, and several security guards with the same look of panic on the ground. He laughed and said, "I just said that they should be dismissed."

"Li Shijie, it's useful to the group. Are you sure you want to dismiss him?" Su man inquired.

When lishijie heard this, he thought that Su man wanted to protect himself. He couldn't help feeling a little proud. When he took Su man, the Su family's shares would be his own. Lin Chen's 10% shares were far from comparable to his own!

At that time, I will be the real owner of Huading group!

Lin Chen knew that Su man was just asking himself from the company's point of view when he said this. He said lightly, "it's best to dismiss him. If it's really difficult, it's OK."

"Giggle. Let's do it. Anyway, you make less money, not me. My monthly salary is the same." Su man's dimple is like a flower path.

"What! President Su, are you really going to fire me? How could this be possible?" Lishijie said dumbfounded.

Su man looked at him, but his face was cold. "Why can't it be? Do you think the group can't live without you? I just asked Lin Chen if he wanted to dismiss you. I just thought you could bring some benefits to the group. But even without you, Su man can still make Huading develop at a high speed!"

Lishijie turned pale and shouted: "no, Mr. Su, you can't fire me. I have made such a great contribution to Huading group, and don't you know what I think of you? Don't you like me too?"

Su man was stunned and wondered, "I can see what you think, but what does it have to do with me? As for me, I like you? Who told you?"

"I......" lishijie was speechless. Su man always had a good attitude towards him. In addition, he felt good about himself. He thought Su man also liked him. How can he tell us any evidence.

Seeing his expression, Su man said with cold eyes: "I will be kind to every employee who works hard for Huading. I think you have misunderstood something! Also, do you think you have made a great contribution to Huading? In terms of your contribution to Huading, you are far less than one ten thousandth of Lin Chen!"

Lishijie was completely hit. The so-called Su man liked him, but it was only his own wishful thinking. Now Su man even said that his contribution was less than one ten thousandth of this guy. This is impossible!

He roared: "why does this guy compare with me? Does he know how to operate the brand and how to promote the market? Does he create more profits for Huading than I do? I don't believe it!"

He has seen that Su man seems to have a good feeling for Lin Chen, and he is even more jealous of Lin Chen.

Many of the people present were nodding their heads at his words. This young man is estimated to be a low-key super rich second generation. How can he compare with Li Shijie in terms of contribution.

"Don't believe it?"

Su man smiled and said faintly, "he gave me the recipe of 'huaxiangrong'. What can you compare it with him?"

Suddenly, everyone was shocked and completely confused by the news.

"Huaxiangrong" beauty cream has been called by many media as a miracle in the skin care industry!

Thanks to this product, the stock of Huading group has soared several times, from the former building to the present one!

The recipe of "huaxiangrong" was given to Su man by the young man. For Huading group and the Su family, he is no different from the lifesaver. Li Shijie wants to compare his contributions with others and compete with others for women. It's just a dream!

Lishijie, who was shocked by an electric shock and then turned grey, knew that he had lost completely.

Some of those who had mocked Lin Chen in the field had already regretted it. They just hoped that Lin Chen would not quarrel with them and not take revenge too much.

However, several female employees who were standing next to Lin Chen and crowded with him wanted to cry without tears. Such a super rich and handsome man was in front of him, and he didn't seize the opportunity!

Lin Chen doesn't pay attention to these people. They don't deserve his attention at all.

Su man called the manager of the personnel department. Then Li Shijie, group leader Zhao and the security guards received a call to dismiss him.

Before, when she dug up lishijie, she actually made a special trip, but now she was dismissed because of Lin Chen's words, because lishijie was not as important as the man in front of her.

Su man's office.

Lin Chen is sitting on the sofa, and Su man is sitting next to Lin Chen. A pair of peach blossom eyes are full of deep resentment, just like a girl who has been abandoned by her husband.

"Little brother, you are so cruel. You haven't come to see me for so many days. Thanks to my hard work for you, don't you miss me at all?" Su man seems to be wronged. His eyes are tender and pitiable.

However, Lin Chen knows that this woman is just a fox spirit. Although she is not an actor, she actually has the strength of a movie queen.

He coughed twice and said honestly, "well, I think so."

Su man smiled like a flower, obviously satisfied with Lin Chen's honesty: "little brother, I asked you to come here just to tell you that the market reaction after the launch of 'huaxiangrong' beauty cream is very good. After a while, your stock may rise dozens of times. By then, you will be a billionaire."


Lin Chen looked at Su man with some surprise. Although the effect of "huaxiangrong" beauty cream is good, it can increase the value of her shares nearly ten times so quickly. It has to be said that Su man is really a business genius.

Su man was smiling and staring at Lin Chen's face, waiting for him to show his ecstatic expression. As a result, Lin Chen had no other expression except a little surprised, which frustrated her for a while

"It seems that you don't need the money I earned through hard work. I'm so excited to tell you!"

"I don't care. I can only say that I'm not so sensitive to money."

Lin Chen saw that Su man's face was full of fatigue, and his white to stunning skin seemed to have lost a luster. Knowing that this woman was busy working hard for a while, he could not help feeling a little embarrassed because he had left Huading group behind.

He asked tentatively, "do you want me to massage you to relieve your fatigue?"


Su man was so shy that he lost his face. He smiled and said, "is it a whole body massage?"

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