The fire red dress was like a flame, and it was like scarlet blood. The dark black phoenix was like a noble spirit, lifelike, as if it was going to fly out of the dress. The red and black colors had a strong color contrast. It looked from a distance that Su man was like a bloody Phoenix.

In addition, Su man's gorgeous face and concave convex sexy figure make her look as a whole integrated with the bloody Phoenix. She seems to have become a work of art, perfect without any defects.

A figure quickly came to this side.

Chenyuting pulled liutianlei and walked with a sneer on her face. They were in front of Su man, and they couldn't see the phoenix pattern behind her. Chen Yuting saw that everyone was looking at Su man with a surprised face. She was puzzled and jealous. This woman is always so eye-catching.

"Mr. Su, you really have a thick skin. Or should I say you have a strong heart? Don't you think it's disrespectful to others to come here wearing dirty clothes? Who would like to do business with you for your behavior? Or do you think your Huading group is in the ascendant now, so you don't pay attention to others?"

Chenyuting sarcastically said that his words were even more malicious, provoking the relationship between Su man and everyone present.

Before the auction, the people here knew each other and had a chat. To put it simply, this is also a place to talk about business. Naturally, chenyuting didn't want Su man to gain anything.

Her words were very loud. There were still some people who were talking and didn't notice Su man. At this time, they all looked over.

"President Chen, don't you know who has the thick skin?"

Su man replied coldly, but she was also a little surprised. She didn't know what was behind her.

At this time, an old man came over here with a frown. His temples were slightly white, and his eyes were full of energy. He looked very energetic and had a refined temperament.

When people saw this man, they greeted him one after another, looking very respectful.

Seeing the old man, chenyuting was even more proud and said with a laugh: "old Xu is here. He has a good face. If he knows you are wearing dirty clothes and running in, even if you are the general manager of Huading group, you won't give you a good face. Maybe you will be kicked out! Ask for more luck!"

Su man also frowned slightly when he saw the old man.

His name is xubotao. He is the president of the antique Association of South China province, a master of Chinese traditional painting, and an honorary professor of the Department of Archaeology of Yuehai University. It can be said that as long as it is about Chinese classical culture, there is almost nothing the old man does not understand.

The old man has a very high position in the antique and cultural circles in China. At the same time, he is also an invisible super rich. As far as Su man knows, he should have assets of tens of billions.

This asset is different from that of Huading group.

Although Huading group is worth tens of billions now, most of them are fixed assets, and their su family has only taken a part of the shares, while Mr. Xu's ten billion can be taken out at any time!

The old man has great skills and temper, but his network of contacts is all over the country. Even Secretary Tang has great respect for the old man.

He is also a famous philanthropist. He organized this charity auction tonight.

If you find yourself coming in with dirty clothes, it's really possible to throw yourself out according to the old man's temper.

At the thought of this, Su man was also a little nervous. After all, he was expelled, but the face of the entire Huading group was lost.

"Mr. Chen, what happened? Please don't shout. Pay attention to the image in this place." Old man Xu looked at chenyuting, and his face was obviously a little unhappy.

"Ha ha. Mr. Xu, it's like this. Mr. Su came in wearing dirty clothes. I don't know what she was going to do, so her voice was louder. After all, everyone was clean and tidy. She was such a strange woman. I'm afraid she came here to make trouble." Chenyuting said with a laugh, gloating in her eyes.

Sure enough, just as she expected, when Xu heard her words, his eyebrows turned into a knot and looked at Su man: "Mr. Su, can you turn around and let me have a look?"

The older you get, the more you care about your face. That's the case with Mr. Xu. If Su man comes to the party organized by him in dirty clothes, he is looking down on him. He needs to let the other party leave.

Su man looks at Lin Chen with some nervousness in his eyes.

Lin Chen smiled at her. "It's OK. Just turn around and let them have a look. Trust me."

"OK." Su man nodded and turned away.

When the magnificent, lifelike Phoenix appeared in front of Xu Lao's eyes, his body trembled violently.

First his face was dull, then unbelievable, and finally his eyes glowed with heat.

Chenyuting was stunned when she saw the Phoenix behind Su man, Then he sneered: "unexpectedly, in a short time, you didn't know where to find a street painter and painted a grass chicken on it. However, it looks really nondescript. Don't you think it's really ugly? It's really nice to wear this thing! Although it looks very beautiful, what's the difference between it and those printed with a few dollars on the Internet?"

Liutianlei also sneered: "that's right. It's a pity that you're still interested in wearing this thing. If you really don't have money, we'd better spend some money with you and buy a new dress. Your long skirt is completely useless now. Take it off and throw it in the garbage can!"

Just as they were triumphantly mocking Su man, Xu Lao suddenly shouted at them all his life: "you two idiots, shut up!"


Both chenyuting and liutianlei were stunned. They didn't know why Xu was so excited.

Then he realized that Xu Lao probably regarded the clothes as a local stall and thought Su man was insulting him by wearing them to the party, so now it broke out completely.

Thinking so, they looked at Su man's eyes with naked irony.

Old Xu trembled with excitement and said: "Mr. Su, I don't know who painted the Phoenix on your clothes. I should know all the Chinese masters of traditional Chinese painting. Why don't I know, who still has such a painter who doesn't lose to the ancients? An ink Phoenix is full of spirit and spirit, and has the momentum of looking down at the world. It's rare. It's really rare! Mr. Su, please introduce this master of traditional Chinese painting to me anyway!"


All the people present were a little silly. Although they thought the Phoenix behind Su man was very charming, they didn't expect that the evaluation given by Xu Lao was so high!

Chenyuting and liutianlei are even more ignorant. Are they masters of traditional Chinese painting? Where does Su man find a master of traditional Chinese painting? What and what!

Su man was also shocked when he listened to Xu Lao's words. Lin Chen had just painted the Phoenix. She guessed that Lin Chen should be able to surprise her, but as a result, it was not a surprise at all, but a shock!

Old Xu even said that today's Chinese painting masters can't compare with this painter!

"Lin Chen, take a picture for me." Su man blushes slightly and hands Lin Chen his mobile phone.

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