Jiangmengshu was surprised when he saw the middle-aged man. He was about to speak, but the middle-aged man seemed very excited. He rushed in to grab her hand.

Subconsciously, her body flashed and she hid behind Lin Chen.

Lin Chen grasped the middle-aged man's hand directly and said in a cold voice, "who are you and what do you want to do?"

The middle-aged man was stunned when he saw jiangmengshu running behind Lin Chen. Then his face became a little ugly. He looked at Lin Chen and said impatiently, "I'm jiangmengshu's boss. Who are you?"


Lin Chen looked at jiangmengshu suspiciously.

Jiangmengshu also reacted at this time, and said to the middle-aged man with some embarrassment: "brother Liang, I'm really sorry. I was a little scared just now, and I had a big reaction."

She explained to Lin Chen: "I am now chenweirong's life assistant, and brother Liang is chenweirong's agent. My work is arranged by him. He is really my boss."

At this time, Lin Chen remembered that jiangmengshu's job was the life assistant of stars, dealing with stars and agents. However, although Liang's agent was not as sissy as Luo's agent last time, it also gave him a very annoying feeling.

Jiangmengshu said to Liang, "brother Liang, I'm having dinner with my friends. What's the matter?"

Liang's agent smiled and said, "Meng Shu, at noon today, Sun Shao invited me, Wei Rong and you to have dinner together, but I couldn't find you just after work, and I couldn't get through to you."

Jiangmengshu frowned slightly when she heard the word "Sun Shao". This Sun Shao was the son of a shareholder of Huading group. She had gone to Huading group to shoot an advertisement for "huaxiangrong". However, after the advertisement was shot, she was entangled by this person and could not be driven away.

Unexpectedly, now the other party has come together with Chen Weirong and Liang's agent.

She shook her head and said, "brother Liang, I don't know that sunshaogen. He invited you to dinner. Just accompany him. I won't go there."

Agent Liang's face was flat and said, "Meng Shu, how can you talk like that? You are Wei Rong's life assistant and a backstage worker. Now that you have met here, you naturally want to see Sun Shao. He wants to invest in Wei Rong's film. Later, he knows you are here, but he deliberately doesn't go to see him. Isn't that to vent his anger on Wei Rong?"

Speaking of this, he said slowly and gently: "you should at least go to the Sun Shao for a drink, even if you use tea instead of wine. Meng Shu, this is human and worldly wisdom. You can't even understand the basic human and worldly wisdom!"


When jiangmengshu heard this, she also wavered. She didn't want to let chenweirong lose the chance to make a film, but she really felt that Sun Shao was not kind.

At this time, Lin Chen said with a light smile: "Mengshu, in that case, why don't I go there with you, say hello to each other, and then we will come back. Our dishes should be ready by then."

Jiangmengshu was still hesitant. When he saw that Lin Chen wanted to go with her, he smiled happily and said, "OK, let's go over and say hello, and then come back."

When agent Liang heard Lin Chen's words, he couldn't help but scold him. When he heard jiangmengshu's words, his face became very ugly. Finally, a joking arc appeared at the corners of his mouth, and he snorted coldly:

"Since you want to go there too, let's go there together. However, you should remember to keep your mouth shut and don't talk indiscriminately. Sun Shao is a big man. You are not qualified to speak in front of him!"

Natural residence.

Tianzi box 3.

At this time, there was a handsome young man in his early twenties, and a young man in his twenties and sixties, with a big cake face and a pair of small green bean eyes.

At this time, the handsome young man was pouring wine for the young man with small eyes. He said humbly, "Sun Shao, thank you for your support. Without your investment, I still don't know when I can be a leading actor in a movie. Hehe, come on, I'll give you a toast. I'll do it. You're welcome."

The handsome young man poured the wine for the other party, picked up his full glass of beer and drank it.

The young man with small eyes picked up his beer glass, took a sip, and then said with a smile, "Wei Rong, I invest in your movies. On the one hand, it's my brother who thinks highly of you. On the other hand, ha ha, you know."

Chenweirong hurriedly patted his chest and said with a smile, "Sun Shao, don't worry. Your conditions are so good. It's not easy to catch up with jiangmengshu, a little assistant. I will give you all kinds of opportunities. If you can't, ha ha, take special measures!"

Chenweirong is a young star who has just made his debut this year. He looks very good, but he has never had a chance to make a difference. However, Sun Shao, the son of a shareholder of Huading group, contacted him suddenly two days ago and said that he was willing to invest in a film and let him become a leading actor, which made him very happy.

What chenweirong wants to do is to help him get jiangmengshu, create various opportunities for him, and even help him give the other party some medicine if he can't!

Hearing chenweirong's answer, Sun Shao seemed very happy and said with a laugh:

"Yes, you can teach me how to be a child. I'll make you a great success in the entertainment industry. I tell you, I'm bound to win this woman jiangmengshu. Since I saw her metamorphosis, I swear that this woman will be my bed pet all my life. Ha ha ha!"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Liang's agent came in with jiangmengshu and Lin Chen.

When Sun Shao saw jiangmengshu, an obscene smile appeared on his face. He was pleasantly surprised and said, "Mengshu, why are you here? Come on, come and sit over here. I miss you so much these days!"

When jiangmengshu heard what he said, his face showed some disgust. He said coldly, "Sun Shao, I won't sit down. I have to leave later. I just came to say hello."

Sun Shao's face immediately darkened and stared at Liang Zhiren: "what do you mean, she still has to go?"

Liang's agent trembled with fear and said with a smile: "ha ha, Sun Shao, girls, you should be more patient and coax. Naturally, you won't go after a while."

He pushed jiangmengshu and said, "Mengshu, don't you want to have a toast to Sun Shao? Don't make a toast soon!"

Chenweirong, who was on the other side, was afraid that jiangmengshu would annoy Sun Shao. He immediately said, "yes, Mengshu, you should give Sun Shao a toast soon. Don't make Sun Shao unhappy. Do you know?"

With that, he seemed to think of a good idea, and said with a smile, "well, since we want to toast, we should just have fun. How about a toast?"

Sun Shao was still a little unhappy at first. At this time, hearing chenweirong's words, he immediately showed a happy face, stared at Jiang Mengshu's pretty face and said, "OK! Mengshu, let's have a cup of wine. As long as you have a cup of wine with me, I won't be angry with you."

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