"What a special thing. After a long time, it turned out to be a bully."

The red haired man reacted and spat directly. His face was full of disdain.

He and his younger brothers sat down directly next to Irina and said with a smile, "beauty, this boy is a coward. Just ignore him. Let's have a drink."

"That is, if you are so cowardly, how can you protect yourself?"

"Beauty, whoever you mess with here in the future, just tell us the names of our brothers. Absolutely no one dares to mess with you."

"Yes, we still have some prestige in this area. We are definitely thousands of times better than that boy."

Irina listened to these people buzzing like flies, and was so angry that she gnashed her teeth at Lin Chen. This man really deserves a beating.

I left a woman like myself here.

Lin Chen, on the other side, had already ordered another cup of "instant of death" and drank it himself.

If Irina was an ordinary woman, he would not leave her alone to face a few hooligans. However, this woman is a Sanda coach. How could he take advantage of her with the help of these unscrupulous thugs.

He was also happy to be quiet. He was here to drink tonight.

At this time, the red haired man shouted at Lin Chen: "boy, give me some money to buy some bottles of red wine for me and this beautiful woman!"

This group of people seemed to regard themselves as a wronged leader. Lin Chen frowned and said faintly, "if you want to drink, go and buy it yourself."

The young men did not expect that this guy dared to answer back. They immediately felt that they had been shamed. Especially in front of a beautiful woman, they all stood up with a loud noise.

Several people hurried to Lin Chen. The red haired man pointed to Lin Chen and scolded: "boy, don't be so shameless. I'll give you face if I drink your wine. If you don't buy it, I'll let your head open. Do you believe it?"

Lin Chen's eyes were cold, and she was about to attack. Suddenly, she saw Irina smiling happily, shrugged her shoulders, and said to the waiter, "give them some bottles of red wine, and I'll pay for it."

"Ha ha. You're so smart."

The red haired man glared at Lin Chen, then walked back to Irina with his younger brothers, sat down and said proudly:

"Beauty, I told you this guy is a coward, right? If you want a man, you should find a real man like us. Now you finally believe it?"

Irina glared at Lin Chen, then said impatiently to the red haired man, "do you want to fuck me?"

The red haired men were all in a daze, and said awkwardly, "ha ha, you misunderstood, beauty. You just want to make friends with you."

Irina snorted coldly, "come on, don't think I don't know your dirty thoughts."

She pointed to Lin Chen and licked her lips. "But I don't like you. I like him!"

The red haired men were immediately furious. The boy was so counselled that the woman still liked him. It's unreasonable!

"Why do you like him? He's a waste!" The red haired man said angrily.

Irina scoffed: "he is 10000 times stronger than you, and 10000 times more handsome than you. Of course I like him."

"What? Ten thousand times stronger than us? Ten thousand times handsome?" The red haired man felt greatly insulted.

It's a fact that the other side is more handsome than himself. He can't refute it. What can he do if his parents have frustrated him so much? But it's a big joke to say that this bully is 10000 times stronger than himself!

"Hum! Handsome people can't be used as food. People like me are reliable. Wait, I'll beat him into an ugly B and see who is ten thousand times better than who!" The red haired man angrily said.

Irina smiled and said, "if you are really so powerful, I will admit that I was wrong. I will accompany you tonight. If you lose to him, I will sleep with him tonight."

The red haired man and his younger brothers have bright eyes. Ocean girls of this level usually have no chance to contact them. Now they have the chance to sleep. Their blood is boiling with excitement.

"Wait, we'll give this boy a hard lesson right away!"

The red haired man couldn't wait to take his younger brothers to Lin Chen. He slapped his palm on the table and angrily said, "boy, go out with us!"

Although he looks arrogant, he is just a little gangster. He will never dare to make trouble in the "night Dynasty".

It seemed that he was afraid that Lin Chen would not go out with them. The red haired man added viciously: "if you don't go out with me, I will go to your house and kill all the women in your house!"

Lin Chen had not planned to pay attention to the other party. Hearing this, he immediately stood up and said with cold eyes: "do you really want to ask me out?"

The red haired man felt that Lin Chen's eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, which made him tremble. Then he was angry that he was scared by such a bully. He said angrily, "of course I want you to go out. Today I want you to know what a real man is!"

"A real man?" The corner of Lin Chen's mouth started a cold arc. Since the other party just said that sentence, it was doomed that he would never be a man again!


In a dark alley, the old street lamps not far away emit dim yellow lights. In the quiet night, it is rare to hear a few chirps of insects.

Lin Chen is surrounded by red haired man and his younger brothers.

Irina was standing behind the red haired men with a smile on her face. She looked excited and happy.

Lin Chen glared at her angrily: "you are really boring!"

Irina laughed and said, "people give you a chance to save the beauty. You beat them. I'll sleep with you tonight."

The red haired man was annoyed by their flirting and scolding, and stared at Lin Chen and said, "boy, this beautiful woman said that she would go to bed with anyone who wins tonight. Do you understand that I want to go to her? Do you want to kneel down and let us clean up now, or do we just do it and beat you on the ground?"

The rest of the younger brothers also agreed:

"Boy, be honest. Just kneel down and kowtow to us. Let this beautiful woman know who the real man is!"

"That's right. Only people like us can tame this kind of ocean horse. How dare you rob women with your brothers!"

"Special, brother, let's get rid of this guy quickly. I can't help it. As soon as I see this foreign girl, I want to press her on the ground. It's too special!"

The red haired man couldn't help laughing: "ha ha! I can't help it either. First say yes. I'll go first, and then it's your turn!"

With that, he shouted to Lin Chen, "it seems that this boy is a little ignorant. The elder brothers abandoned him and his second son by the way. He is handsome and useless!"

Several younger brothers have been waiting for him to say this. At this time, they are all approaching Lin Chen with a grim smile!

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