Su Xi ran turned pale. She didn't understand how things could have turned out like this. The blue witch in her shop could never have been a fake.

However, the water was taken from the bathroom in her shop, and the man's hands looked clean. It was obvious that the color had faded from the blue witch. At this time, she didn't know what was going on, and she couldn't explain it.

Besides, the crowd was excited at this time, and no one would listen to her explanation.

She looked at Lin Chen in some panic. Would he also think that he was cheating and that he was a woman who did immoral things for money?

"Lin Chen, I didn't cheat. I don't know what this is all about. Believe me." Su Xi ran clutched her soft white hands and said nervously.

Sister Qi had completely changed her face at this time. She looked very sour. She sneered and said: "Su Xiran, save it. Do you think everyone is blind? I didn't expect you could do such a sorry thing. It's shameless!"

She held up her mobile phone and said with a look of hatred: "I have recorded the scene just now. I advise you to close the black shop yourself! Otherwise, I will disclose the video to the newspaper and TV station to let you go on and off the newspaper and TV, and then let everyone know the ugly face of your unscrupulous profiteer! Bah!"

With that, she still spit on the ground!

"That's right! Everyone reported this shop. We must not let such unscrupulous businessmen continue to open this shop! Otherwise, more people will suffer!" The originally aggressive man with flat head was also angry at this time. No one noticed that he was happy at the bottom of his eyes.

Seeing that the two men took the lead, they all seemed to find the backbone, and they all agreed.

"I just took photos, and I will send them to my circle of friends later!"

"Me too. I sent it to my microblog. Hum! Resolutely resist such unscrupulous businessmen!"

"The female boss is really insincere. Even if she doesn't think about a fake flower, she may ruin her marriage, or even her whole life! I support you to report this flower shop!"

"I'm the reporter of Yuehai morning post. Don't worry. I'll publish this story in the newspaper! This flower shop can't be opened anymore!"


When suxiran heard these words, she felt helpless and anxious, and her face was pale.

"Lin Chen, believe me. I really didn't cheat. I always cherish the flower shop you gave me. I don't open a flower shop for money."

Su Xi ran saw that Lin Chen didn't answer him just now, but was looking at the man with a flat head. He thought he also doubted himself.

"Fool, of course I believe you." Lin Chen smiled at Su Xi ran, "even if the whole world doubts you, I won't doubt you."

Su Xi ran was so sweet in his heart that his eyes were less flustered. He said, "Lin Chen, it's very kind of you. As long as you believe me, I'm not afraid of anything."

Sister Qi sneered: "I said you adulterers and whores, don't perform here. I don't think you two are good things!"

Everyone glared at Lin Chen and Su Xiran.

Lin Chen glanced at her coldly, then suddenly walked into the bathroom, put forward a bucket of water, and walked towards the man with flat head.

"What do you want to do?" the flat headed man shouted flustered as his pupils narrowed

"What are you doing? Of course, let's see who is the black heart!" Lin Chen's tone was cold.

Put the water down, he pointed to the flat headed man and said in a cold voice, "come here, put your hand down and wash it. Otherwise, I will do it myself!"

When sister Qi heard what he said, her face changed greatly, and then her voice shrieked: "let's make a quick comment. This cheap woman's man is going to beat people and play rogue. She thinks rich people can bully people!"

When they heard the speech, they also thought Lin Chen was trying to do something. All of a sudden, Lin Chen slapped sister Qi in the face!


Sister Qi's face instantly became red and swollen. She sat on the ground and looked at Lin Chen in horror.

Everyone was so scared that their necks shrunk. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen started without saying anything. He was so cruel that he dared not speak at this time.

"I usually don't beat women, but you shouldn't be so mean, let alone scold my women! We will know who is a cheap woman right away!"

Lin Chen grabbed the man's hand and pushed it down the bucket.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" said the man

"Shut up!" Lin Chen stared at him sharply.

The flat headed man felt like he was being stared at by some fierce beast. His legs were soft and he dared not speak.

With the flat headed man's hands shaking in the bucket of water, the originally clear bucket of water soon turned dark blue!

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, while the man with a flat head and sister Qi all turned very ugly.

"Let's have a look. The flowers in our shop can't be fake, and the blue witch can't fade. Then it will fade. Naturally, it's this guy's hand!"

Lin Chen turned the flat headed man's hand over and saw some transparent crystals hidden under his fingernails. He sneered: "it's true. What's hidden under your fingernails should be 'Blue Crystal'? The 'Blue Crystal' will slowly melt in water. After dissolving in water, a chemical reaction will take place and turn into dark blue!"

When they heard this, they immediately reacted. After a long time, it turned out that this man with a flat head was playing tricks!

People like myself have been shot!

Now think about it. Their slandering words against the landlady just now really made them blush and ashamed.

"Come on, did you plan this thing with sister Qi?" Lin Chen points to elder sister Qi and looks at the man with a flat head coldly.

Su Xi was very happy when she saw that Lin Chen had cracked the truth. When she heard what he said, she frowned and looked at sister Qi. Now think about it carefully. Sister Qi's performance just now seems abnormal.

At the beginning, he was indignant and stood up for himself. Later, he led people to attack himself and the Chenxi flower shop. His words were also very ugly.

Other people also thought of this and looked angrily at sister Qi.

Sister Qi stared at Lin Chen viciously and said, "I warn you not to slander me. I admit that I was a little too excited just now, but the reason why I was excited was that I hated people selling fake flowers!"


Lin Chen's mouth curved darkly. He grabbed the man's hand and twisted it fiercely.



The man with a flat head gave a miserable howl and said: "brother, it's awkward. It's broken. I feel my hand is broken! I said, I'll say anything!"

"Sister Qi asked me to do all this. She gave me the transparent crystal hidden under her fingernail. She also taught me how to fix it under her fingernail! Since the dawn flower shop appeared, the business of her Huiya flower shop suddenly became worse, so she asked me to perform such a play. When it was done, she said she would give me 2000 yuan!"

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