When the hyena elder brother said the last sentence, Lin Chen only felt a bang in his head, as if something had exploded, and his body trembled.

That night, I came out of the police station. Because of yeyi people, I went to the "night Dynasty bar" to get drunk. I got drunk and had a relationship with a woman.

That was her first woman, and she seemed to be her first man.

Now, brother hyena told himself that the woman was yeyi!

Yeirian is her first woman, and she is also her first man?

Lin Chen couldn't believe it, but brother hyena didn't have to cheat himself. If he hadn't just seen it, how would he know that he was drunk and helped into the room that night.

However, why did ye Yi do that? Why did she always pay for herself and give her body to herself? Is it because of guilt, or does she like herself?

Did she join the Qi family out of her will, her ambition, or did she have any difficulties?

Lin Chen really didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart at this time. He just felt that he was stupid and couldn't say a word.

Hyena brother took a deep look at Lin Chen, then turned and left. He had finished what he wanted to say.

Lin Chen didn't seem to see him leave. He was still silent. The whole person seemed to become a sculpture. After a while, a man came in.

Lin Chen looked at it and said with a strong smile, "sister Xi Xi."

Su Xi ran saw that his expression was ugly, and a worried look appeared on his face. He said nervously, "Lin Chen, what's the matter with you?"

"It's all right. Let's go to dinner." Lin Chen smiled, but his smile was forced.

Su Xi ran came over, hugged Lin Chen, leaned his head against his chest, and said in a faint tone: "I just asked some customers who knew the middle-aged man. They said he was the hyena brother of the 'night Dynasty', and the eldest brother of the 'night Dynasty' was yeyiren."

Lin Chen's body froze, and Su Xi ran held him tighter, as if afraid that he might run away: "Lin Chen, I'm your woman now. I hope I can know what happened. Will you tell me? I'm afraid you don't want me anymore."

When Lin Chen returned to his hometown with Lin Chen, Lin Chen's mother told her about ye Yi. She knew about the past of Lin Chen and ye Yi. Seeing Lin Chen's haunted appearance, she was very upset.

"Fool, as I said, I will guard you all my life."

Lin Chen stroked Su Xi's bright and clean face, thought for a while, and finally said everything about him and ye Yiren.

Including the fact that yeyi was his first woman, he did not hide it.

After hearing this, Su Xi ran, to Lin Chen's surprise, didn't bother, and didn't ask any more questions. After pondering for a long time, she said:

"Lin Chen, she must love you very much. Only when a woman loves a man to the extreme can she give herself to the other person without the knowledge of the man. This shows that she never wants you to give her anything. She just wants to give you all her best."

"Lin Chen, go and find her. It's like you ran to my hometown and brought me back. Go and get her back." Su Xi ran said softly.

Lin Chen felt a pang of guilt in her heart. Unexpectedly, Su Xi ran indulged her like this: "sister Xi Xi, I -"

Su Xi ran covered his mouth and said angrily, "I'm your woman. I don't need you to apologize to me. Yeyi knew you before me, so I'm willing to let you chase her back. But that doesn't mean I condone your playfulness outside. If you dare to look for women, I'll strangle you, a little coyote."

With that, she made a fierce appearance and pinched Lin Chen's hand, but it was almost like tickling.

Lin Chen hugged Su Xi Ran's waist and said sincerely, "thank you, sister Xi Xi."

He felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He hadn't told suxiran about his relationship with Zhang Yuerong, but it happened again.

But there are some things that he really can't let go. There are some things that he must figure out.

Su Xi ran smiled brightly: "I don't need you to say thank you. Who let me show you this Coyote?"

She leaned against Lin Chen's chest and said, "you should remember that you said you would keep me for a lifetime. Even if there are better women around you, you should also remember your oath. Do you know?"

Lin Chen's eyes were full of heartache. He suddenly picked Su Xi ran up, closed the door in her exclamation, and said with a smile:

"I will guard you all my life. Even if you want to run, you can't run. I haven't seen any beauty with bigger breasts than sister Xi Xi. For this point, no one can match you."

Su Xi ran was ashamed and said, "don't tell me, little Coyote!"

"Well, I won't say anything. I'll do my job."

After Lin Chen said that, he put Su Xi ran on the bed. The spring in the house was boundless. Soon, there was a beautiful picture of naked beauties fighting against dragons, and there was a moan that made people's blood spurt.


Lin Chen returns to Tianqiong entertainment. He plans to tell anxieyao that she is going to Guangyang, the provincial capital.

No matter what ye Yiren thinks, he still has to ask her a question, just to leave no regrets.

More than two years ago, I asked her that question. She said she was not qualified. Two years later, I will ask this question again.

As long as she chooses to go with herself, he will not be afraid of the Qi family and the Ye family no matter how powerful and profound they are.

Now he has some capital to say this.

When he left the Chenxi flower shop before, he found that he had unknowingly broken through the inborn, and his heart suddenly became clear, which actually brought his martial arts one step closer, and finally stepped into the inborn.

Stepping into the inborn world is not just about cultivating the body, but more about cultivating the mind. In fact, this breakthrough is not accidental.

An inborn expert, who walks on the water, climbs the eaves and walls, kills people by picking flowers, is also known as the martial arts master. Slaughtering the day after tomorrow is the same as killing a chicken!

Even in the face of the four families in South China province, he is qualified to speak!

Before going to an Xueyao's office, Lin Chen went to the bodyguard training room first. He still had something to tell Irina and Li Kaishan.

Walking into the training room, I saw that Irina and Chen Li, who was one meter nine calf tall, were practicing in the challenge arena. Other people, including Li Kaishan, were watching with glee.

Chen Li was totally like a human flesh bag. She had no power to fight back in front of Irina and was beaten by her. However, Irina also knew how to be measured. Chen Li was beaten and screamed, but he was not hurt.

When Irina first came here, these bodyguards were like wolves who smelled a fishy smell. Chen Li, in particular, immediately said that he wanted to pick up Irina and ran to ask her for her phone number. In the end, Irina beat them up.

After seeing Irina's skills, they dare not provoke this woman any more. She is a tigress. She is so cruel.

Irina is also a bodyguard here, and she is also a militant. She usually practices with each other, and occasionally participates in it. This is the scene on the stage at this time.

When Irina saw Lin Chen coming in, her face brightened. She immediately jumped down from the stage, directly hugged Lin Chen, and said excitedly, "little man, do you know that I broke through in the morning to the middle of the day after tomorrow! I broke through so quickly. It's all because of you. You're so awesome!"

The woman was so excited that she kissed Lin Chen hard on her face, which made the bodyguards' eyes red with envy.

Lin Chen didn't expect that Irina had made a breakthrough so soon. Although he made Yi Gu Dan with the help of his guidance, it can be seen that Irina's talent is really good.

Although it's nice to be kissed by a beautiful foreign girl, it's always strange in front of so many people. This woman can't express her happiness so freely.

However, in the next moment, Irina kissed him so excitedly that she kissed him on the lip!

Her lips met, and Irina was startled. She found that she was too excited. Her face was red and she was about to separate from Lin Chen. However, an Xueyao's angry voice came from the door: "what are you doing! Lin Chen, you big bastard!"

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